Chapter 361 love_live! Nine Muses!!

Leave the room of Chishu Nishiki.

White Night was not in a hurry to go back.

Instead, after seeing that Chiboki has been cared for by Inoue Takina.

Only then did he chuckle and rest assured.

Don’t look at the golden tree thousand bunches of tongue flowers in ordinary days, a very bold look.

But actually.

Chihiro Nishiki was unexpectedly shy.

Otherwise, White Night would definitely stay and take care of this cute little guy today, but it didn’t matter.

In the future, White Night and Chishu will spend more time together.

The biggest feature of being an immortal species is.

There’s no need to rush anything.

After another look at the noisy Chishu Nishiki and Inoka Takina.

White Night had a smile on his face.

Only then did he leave in peace.

He did not use his ability to return directly to his home, but walked slowly on the way back.

He’s in a very good mood………. Otono Wooden Boards School.

This is a school that lacks new students due to neon fertility.

A girls’ high school that is about to be abandoned.

To protect the campus and avoid abandonment.

But there are also some young girls who are working hard for this.

“For… Why are we all at this time, we still have to come out and hand out leaflets, what a shame……”

“Ah, what’s wrong at this time, why can’t you send flyers, I have a premonition, we must have a lot of gains today, maybe there will be a lot of audiences may not be, Xiaohai, you don’t have to be shy ~”

“But aren’t we all going to start the show?” At this time, when I came out to hand out leaflets, there was always a feeling of temporary clinging……… And a whole bunch of spectators or something, obviously it’s Xiao Guo’s illusion of you………”

“Ahhh! Xiao Hai can you not be so negative! Can’t you learn from birds? You see how positive she is. ”

“Huh? Ay?!! This, that, because it’s a small fruit of your request. ”

“Little bird, you are too spoiled for the little fruit……… And to be honest, aren’t you a little too skilled at it? Why are you so good at handing out leaflets? ”

“Ahaha……… No, no, no.”

“Oh yes there is a password! Little bird, you tell the truth!!! ”

The pale golden morning light shines through the clouds on the three frolicking girls of Otonogizaka Gakuen.

The orange-haired girl is full of vitality, the girl with long flax hair is soft and cute, and the girl with dark blue long hair is dignified and beautiful.

The names of the three maidens are Takasaka Hotaru Nogo, Minami Kotori, and Enda Kaimi.

When your own school is facing a crisis of abolition.

They are determined to become school idols and save the school by their own methods.

And today.

It was undoubtedly the first performance of the three of them……… The three girls were playing and joking.

Takasaka Hotaru wondered why Minami Kotori was so adept at handing out leaflets.

The South Bird is naturally reluctant to say.

Entangled with Takasaka Hotaru, she also tearfully asked Yuantian Hai for help from Yuantian Haiwei who was very troubled by this.

With a sigh, he naturally went to help Minami Kotori pull away Takasaka Hotanoko.

In the fight.

The three of them pushed and pushed the exercises.

The South Bird leaned back and accidentally bumped into someone.


In the exclamation, the South Bird felt that he had crashed into a person’s arms.

Hurrying away from the man’s arms, Nan Xiaobird kept bowing, “I’m sorry I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it.” ”

This is a very tutored lady.

Bai Ye looked at Nan Xiaobird’s panicked look, and also smiled lightly and said, “It doesn’t matter.” ”

Hear this gentle sound full of magnetism.

The South Bird then looked up and looked at the comers.

After seeing the person clearly, the face of the southern bird suddenly froze.

It’s not just her.

Takasaka Hotaru and Enda Kaiwei were also a little stunned at this moment.

This man……… How handsome.

“I’m really sorry, sir.”

After the South Bird froze and returned to his senses, he also bowed softly and said again.

White Night looked at this soft and cute girl and smiled lightly.

Then he also looked at Takasaka Hotaru and Miyata Kaimi.

Naturally, he recognized the identities of several young girls at the first sight.

“The amount…… That, sir, we’re having a concert in the afternoon, are you going to come and watch? ”

Takasaka Hotaru returned to God.

He did not forget his own business, handed over the leaflet in his hand, and asked expectantly.


White Night took the leaflet and was dumbfounded when he saw the rough painting on it.

The three girls couldn’t help but blush.

“Are you muses?”

Immediately, Bai Ye also had no scruples and asked knowingly.

“Muse? What is that? Idol name? But we haven’t decided on the name of the idol yet…”

Takasaka Hotaru was stunned when he heard this, and his face showed a look of distress and stupidity.

“The muse’s legendary goddess of literature is a symbol of music and dance.”

White Night looked at Takasaka Hotaru and explained casually.


Takasaka Hotaru heard this, and his eyes lit up and he said directly, “Good! Then our future team name will be called Muse, Muse! Muse! μs! ”

“Huh? Wait, Hotaru no Go, isn’t it nice to use the name of the goddess, and the muse has nine people, and there are only three of us. ”

Yuan Tian Hai did not hear this, and was directly caught off guard and panicked.

“That… Xiao Hai, the muse, was actually only three people at the beginning. ”

The South Bird didn’t know that the person who suddenly appeared would give them a name.

But when he heard Yuantian Haiwei’s words, he still couldn’t help but quietly correct it.

“That’s it! The muse was only three people at the beginning! And even if it’s nine people, what’s wrong? Wouldn’t it be nice if we pull six more people in later. ”

Takasaka Hotaru also protested along with Minami’s words.

She fell in love as soon as she heard the name Muse.

So be sure to use this name, willfulness is willfulness.

Yuan Tian Hai did not hear that and also made a big blush.

Then he looked at Takasaka Hotaru with a black face and said, “Isn’t that what the bird told you, the bird doesn’t say it, I don’t believe you know, what can you be proud of.” ”

“I am not proud, obviously it is Xiao Hai, you don’t understand that you are exposed and you are ashamed and angry.”

Takasaka Hotaru made a grimace and hid behind Minami Kotori.

Nan Xiaobird’s face was full of embarrassed smiles.

White Night looked at the three people who were fighting, and their hearts were also full of smiles.


It’s still interesting.

Encounter the three of them in Takasaka Hotaru.

White Night couldn’t help but think of the versatile true muse of the God Killer World.

It is also not known that the muse of the god-killer world after meeting the nine people of Takasaka Hotaru no Go.

What kind of scene it will be.

When I think about it, the white night is still looking forward to it.

Holding the leaflet, White Night did not bother and was ready to leave.

Takasaka Hotaru also noticed that White Night was leaving, and immediately shouted at him, “That… That one…… That weird gentleman over there, will you come to our concert? ”

“Isn’t it afternoon?” Rest assured, I’ll be here when the time comes. ”

The white night head did not return, and waved his hand in response.

Takasaka Hotaru heard the words and was immediately relieved.

For them.

This is actually a small episode.

But the white night gave them the feeling of strangeness.

Well, it’s strange in every sense.

Takasaka Hotaru thought in his heart…

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