Chapter 376 Taketori Monogatari! Penglai Mountain Glowing Night!!

[Yakumo Purple left after spitting out a few words at you.] 】

[You watched Yakumo Zi leave and smiled and didn’t say anything, maybe you really have the ability to make all the yokai who accept your teachings become big demons, even ordinary yokai, and change the pattern of this world.] 】

[But whether it is Yakumo Purple, Yakumo Blue, or Wind and Fragrance, you are really just pushing the waves to help lubricate, even without you, they can also become big demons]

Isn’t something already being done to change the world landscape? What else do you need to do]

[And this person is undoubtedly the yokai sage Yakumo Purple.] 】

[Yakumo Purple encountered difficulties and obstacles when realizing the establishment plan of Gensokyo, so she will come to you to complain and complain.] 】

[I really hate that you will teach a hundred and eighty demons to come out and kill all those who oppose it.] 】

Of course, Yakumo Purple is just thinking about this. 】

[Such a stupid thing as finding so many opponents for yourself on the other hand, Yakumo Zi will not do it.] 】

【Yakumo Blue is a good example…】

【Hakuri Shrine is located on a mountain.】 】

Although its location is remote, few people in the world know about the existence of such a shrine.] 】

[But some ordinary villagers at the bottom of the mountain are aware of the existence of the Hakuri Shrine]

[From time to time, people will spontaneously come up to the mountain to worship the gods, asking for words such as good weather and rain in the coming year.] 】

[You see the simplicity of the villagers, for the sake of the villagers, for so many years, they have been sheltering the villagers.] 】

[Not too much wish, you will sometimes help the villagers to achieve it.] 】

[This undoubtedly caused an uproar in the village of Yamashita.] 】

[They all firmly believe that the Hakuri Shrine is a shrine with a true deity, and they are more sincere in their worship of you.] 】

[In this era of rampant monsters and wild dances, it is a blessing that a small village like them can get more strange underprotection.] 】

[After so many years of smooth wind and rain, the faces of the people in the village are full of happy smiles.] 】

[Compared with the fear of people outside, full of darkness, this place is like a pure man, like a paradise.] 】

[On this day, someone went to the D Electric Company to ask for a son.] 】

[You never care about the desire to ask for a son.] 】

After all, you don’t want to manipulate life. 】

[However, Yugan often has examples of people who go up the mountain to worship and then go down the mountain to successfully conceive and give birth to an heir.] 】

Even if it has nothing to do with you, but inexplicably, you are also regarded as the god who gave the Son.] 】

[And there is something special about the people who go up the mountain today to ask for children.] 】

Even you have managed to attract attention to it. 】

[It was an old husband and wife, already old, but they wanted a child.] 】

[Logically, this is basically impossible.] 】

[But that old man was an old man named Zanqi Zao Machang who cut bamboo and smoked firewood for a living.] 】

[He also had a pronoun name in later generations, named Taketori On.] 】

[His appearance naturally caught your attention.] 】

[And sure enough, as you might expect, Taketori was on a mountain trip when he met someone banished by the Moon Face Man and ate the Pengcai Immortal Medicine to obtain an immortal body.] 】

[Eternal Princess.] 】

[——Penglai Mountain Brilliant Night. 】

Taketori was naturally ecstatic about the child that God had given him. 】

[And after Penglai Mountain Huiye was taken out of the bamboo heart by Taketori Ong, in just three months, she grew into a beautiful girl with a beautiful face that can be called the world.] 】

[In three months, she grew into a beautiful girl, even if she looked beautiful]

[Usually, it is also necessary to be confronted by humans as a monster.] 】

[However, since Taketori was a child who was acquired after worshipping you, everyone felt that Hui Ye Ji was given by you, so naturally she would not be regarded as a youkai.] 】

[And under your protection, the village has been peaceful for too long, and the villagers do not believe that monsters can appear in the village.] 】

[When you hear this news, you are also dumbfounded.] 】

[I didn’t expect that Penglai Mountain Hui Ye actually took advantage of you by chance.] 】

After learning the news, Yakumo Blue asked if you wanted her to clarify it.] 】

You shake your head and smile to show that there’s no need. 】

[Yakumo Zi was amused when she came back once to learn the news, and she naturally knew the village under the mountain.] 】

[After you learned the origin of Penglai Mountain Huiye, she also went down the mountain to see Penglai Mountain Huiye once.] 】

[After returning, Yakumo Purple looked strange, and commented that Penglai Mountain Hui Ye was indeed beautiful.] 】

[Over time.] 】

[The reputation of Penglai Mountain Huiye is also getting bigger and bigger, and later, it even began to spread to the outside world.] 】

[In the originally isolated village, many people began to come to visit.] 】

[After people saw the beauty of Penglai Mountain Huiye, they were even more shocked that the Penglai Mountain Hui Night was more beautiful than the rumored one.] 】

[As the future Gensokyo is known as the most beautiful Penglai Mountain Huiye in the East, the princess who will always be with Su You, the beauty of Penglai Mountain Huiye is naturally self-evident]

With more and more people coming to the village, Hui Yeji’s reputation naturally grew larger and larger, and even spread throughout the country. 】

[Some people don’t believe it, some people are curious, some people want to see the fangs.] 】

No matter what kind of emotions they came to Hui Ye Ji, they were all impressed by Hui Ye Ji’s beauty. 】

[This can fill the world with an uproar.] 】

[You laughed softly, and after a while, you also decided to go to meet this princess who was far away and had to be with Su for a while.] 】

Although you are the deity of the Bori Shrine, mortals have never seen your real body. 】

[When you went down the mountain this time, you naturally alarmed everyone in the village.] 】

It’s not because your identity was discovered by them, but because of your looks.] 】

After seeing you, everyone can’t help but compare you with Hui Yeji. 】

[If you say.] 】

[Hui Ye Ji was the most beautiful woman they had ever seen.] 】


You are the most handsome man they have ever met. 】

People like you should not appear in their villages. 】

[And there can only be one reason why you appear.] 】

[That is the night of Penglai Mountain.] 】

At this moment, everyone looked at the Sakuma family with tacit understanding. 】

“Hello old man, my name is White Night, and I came to visit the legendary Miss Hui Ye.”

White Night came to Sanuki Zaoru Maro.

Smiling, he arched his hand at the taketori and said.

In this regard, Taketori is naturally very nervous.

Zhi looked nervously at this noble prince with extraordinary dignity in front of him.

“Hello, Lord White Night.”

Taketori had a cautious smile on his face and did not dare to slack off in the slightest.

Although the gold in Taketori was passed through, Taketori is now a famous Monopoly in the neighborhood.

But he knew very well that he just had a little bit of money, and it was nothing at all

Taketori has already received many people, and he can also be considered to have some experience.

Although the white night gave him the most amazing feeling, he was not out of shape.

“It is not a secret, the little female love is actually not happy to see outsiders, and there is nothing to do about it in the next step.”

Taketori said respectfully.

Penglai Mountain Hui night does not like to see outsiders is actually normal.

After all, every day someone runs to see her, who can stand this?

“No problem, Father, let Lord White Night come in.”

And at this very moment.

An ethereal voice sounded, which also interrupted Taketori’s words.

Taketori’s face was full of surprise.

Many onlookers were also stunned.

Because many of them deliberately ran here, in fact, they had not yet been able to see the legendary Hui Ye Ji herself.

Nowadays, Hui Ye Ji is not something that everyone can see.

Everyone was subconsciously annoyed, and when they looked at the white night, they wanted to see where they were really different from him.

The result is just a glance.

They felt a basin of cold water pouring down, and the whole person was cold and rattling.

All right.

It’s really far from the difference.

Bai Ye heard Penglai Shanhuiye’s words and laughed softly.

After arching his hand toward Taketori again.

I also walked in in front of everyone.

While Taketori saw this scene and his heart was full of unrest, his mind couldn’t help but start to become active.

Taketori has always felt that Hui Ye Ji is a goddess, that is, a goddess in heaven

It is naturally impossible to force Hui Yeji to respect her wishes.

But parental.

And who doesn’t want to see their children start a family and their daughters get married? Not to mention that Taketori is already old.

The appearance of the white night, the acceptance of the glowing night.

Undoubtedly gave Taketori a glimpse of hope.

In the eyes of Taketori, the two are simply a pair made in heaven and earth.

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