Chapter 377: The Princess of the First Moon! It’s for you!!

In the midst of an uproar among onlookers.

White Night also smiled and walked into the back room.

After going in.

In the white night, I saw a young girl in Chinese clothes with her back to him, sitting by the window and looking out the window.

In her body, there is a unique temperament and charm.

After hearing the footsteps of the white night.

The girl also turned around, and her beautiful face was also seen by the white night.

The girl has long, straight black hair over her waist.

Although she looked only fifteen or sixteen years old, she had already fallen into the country, and time could not damage her beauty in the slightest.

Princess Forever.

Once the noble and elegant princess of the moon capital.

It is also the most beautiful girl in the future Gensokyo known as the East.

“When a distinguished guest comes to visit, the concubine is really far away.”

When Penglai Mountain Hui Ye saw the white night, there was also a flash of surprise in his eyes.

But then there.

She still performed a salute to the white night, gently opening her lips, and her voice was sweet and ethereal.

Naturally, she realized the extraordinary nature of the white night at the beginning, and it was not an ordinary person, so she would invite the white night to come to her.

Just didn’t think of it.


I was even amazed by a man’s dusty appearance.

In the past, it was she who caused others to be surprised.

Penglai Shan Hui Ye smiled slightly on his face, only feeling a little interesting.

“Penglai Mountain Hui Night, once the Princess of the Moon, is really the first time to meet.”

Bai Ye looked at Penglai Mountain Hui Ye and smiled softly.

See Penglai Mountain at night up close.

Even the white night can’t help but be amazed, it is indeed beautiful.

The exquisite face, coupled with the kind of cold temperament that seems not to eat human fireworks.

People’s fantasies about the classical beauty of the East are vividly displayed.

Penglai Shan Hui Ye heard Bai Ye’s words and said that her origin was also slightly stunned.

But she reacted quickly.

She couldn’t see through the white night, so although the white night could see where she came from, it was not too surprising.

“I didn’t expect that Lord White Night would actually break the identity of the concubine in one word, so I don’t know if Lord White Night can also tell the concubine, who is the adult?”

Penglai Shan Hui asked softly without slowing down or slow.

Then quietly watch the white night.

The girl though on the surface could not see anything.

But secretly there is a very unfair feeling that you know my identity and I don’t know your identity.

“In the understanding of mortals, your birth is related to me, what do you say I am?”

White Night heard the words and asked with a chuckle.

Penglai Shan Hui was stunned again when he heard the words, and then quickly understood.

“It turns out that you are the god of the Bori Shrine.”

Penglai Mountain Hui Ye was a little surprised, and directly revealed the identity of White Night.

White night words have been said to this part, how could she not know.

In this matter, the white night really helped Penglai Mountain Hui Ye a big favor otherwise.

Take the magic of the night of Penglai Mountain.

It would be troublesome to explain to everyone that she was not a youkai but a princess of the moon.

After discovering that he already had the identity of a divine gift, Penglai Mountain Hui Ye also directly pushed the boat along the water.

But except for the deities of the Hakuri Shrine.

Penglai Shan Hui Ye looked at the White Night, and soon realized the other identities of the White Night.

“No, no, the concubine once heard that there is an extremely handsome and powerful god walking in the world.”

“The strength of that god, no matter how strong the ghost and the ghost, is not one.”

“Wouldn’t that god be you, Lord White Night?”

Penglai Shan Hui Ye looked at the white night in surprise and asked again.

The reason is to connect the two.

It was all because of the appearance of the White Night.

The gods of the Hakuri Shrine have basically never been seen by anyone, but they are extremely powerful

But the powerful gods who walk in the human world have undoubtedly been seen by many people.

In addition to the great strength of this deity, it is that handsome appearance, and it is even said that it is simply divine in the world.

Before I saw the white night.

Penglai Shan Hui Ye actually still did not believe in this kind of rumor, and felt that it must be exaggerated by the world.

But after seeing the white night, Penglai Mountain Hui Ye believed.

Except for the White Night, who is right for the rumored deity? Isn’t the appearance of the white night right?

“Well, that’s really me.”

White Night smiled softly and answered again.

Penglai Shan Hui Ye was a little stunned when he got a positive reply.

She remembered that her master, Bayi Yonglin, had once commented on the White Night.

It is very likely that White Night is stronger than her, but I didn’t expect it, but now I was bumped into by her.

It should be known that her master Bayi Yonglin is one of the founders of the Moon Capital and is known as the Sage of the Moon.

What a being who really stands at the pinnacle of this world.

“I really didn’t expect that the once invincible god was now living in the small Bori Shrine, and if this was known, who would believe it?”

Penglai Shan Hui Ye said with emotion.

“Isn’t the once honorable Princess of the Moon now living in this small village?”

White Night heard the words, and also opened his mouth. Penglai Shan Hui heard the words at night and immediately lost his smile.

For a moment, I only felt that the white night was getting a lot closer.

“I don’t know what happened to Lord White Night looking for a concubine?” Is it for the medicine of Penglai? ”

Penglai Shan Hui Ye looked at Bai Ye and asked doubtfully.

The medicine of Penglai is the true immortal medicine that Hui Ye used his ability to work with the Eight Meanings Yonglin to refine.

Immortal immortality.

This is what many beings dream of.

It is also the main reason why Penglai Mountain Hui Night will be exiled to the ground.

Other than that.

Penglai Mountain Hui Ye really can’t think of anything that can suck the same white night.

“Penglai medicine? What do I want that to do. ”

White Night replied in surprise.

Although that thing is good, it has no effect on the white night.

In the eyes of the White Night.

The immortality of the Penglai Medicine is actually not very strong.

At least his own immortality was far superior to that of the Penglai Medicine.

If he wanted to target the immortality of the Penglai Medicine, he really had too many ways.

“Didn’t Lord White Night come for the Penglai Medicine?”

Penglai Mountain Hui Ye was also surprised to hear the words.

“Of course not.”

White Night shook his head and answered.

“Why did the Lord of the White Night come?”

Penglai Shan Hui Ye asked doubtfully.

“Nature is for you.”

White Night laughed softly and said.

“Coming for a concubine?”

Penglai Shanhui was stunned at night.

“Yes, everyone in the world has spread the beauty of Princess Taketori Hui Ye Ji, and I came out of curiosity to see what is so strange?”

White Night Road.

“Lord White Night, don’t tease the concubines.”

Penglai Shan Hui couldn’t hear the cry and laugh at night, naturally he couldn’t believe it.

She was born extremely beautiful.

But it also depends on who the other person is.

In the face of the existence of this level of white night, Penglai Mountain Hui Ye still has self-awareness.

White Night smiled softly and did not explain too much.

Anyway, he had already told the truth.

As for believe it or not, that’s someone else’s business.

Although Penglai Shan Hui Ye did not believe in White Night’s words in her heart, on the surface she was still interested and curious and asked: “If Lord White Night came to see the concubine on purpose, then how does Lord White Night feel when he really sees the concubine?” ”

“Nature is very satisfied.”

Bai Yeyan nodded, “To tell the truth, I have seen another fairy on the moon before, and her beauty was even amazed when I first saw her, and Princess Hui Ye is not much inferior to her.” ”

Well, that’s right.

But only for the current Penglai Mountain Glowing Night.

As for the future……

White Night can only say that he understands everything.

The noble and elegant Princess of the Moon directly became NEET Hime, a dead otaku.

It’s not that she couldn’t do it at that time.

Only at that time, Penglai Mountain Glowing Night was already another style.

And Penglai Mountain Hui Ye heard the words of White Night and blinked curiously.

Think in your heart.

Another fairy on the moon?

Who is it? Was it her two sisters?

Or is it… Was it her mother?

White Night and Penglai Mountain Hui Ye You talk sentence by word, is there still a few soft laughter.

Wait for the white night to get up and leave.

Penglai Mountain Hui Night only found out in a trance.

White Night didn’t seem to be really doing anything, just to see her! This made Penglai Shan Huiye’s face blush slightly, which was simply unbelievable.


Taketori even came to ask how Penglai Mountain Hui Ye felt about the white night.

Which son?

If Penglai Shan Hui Ye likes it, he can go and mention things like kisses. Penglai Shanhui Ye was even more overwhelmed, and his face was full of redness.

Until then painstakingly bothered.

Penglai Shan Hui sent Taketori away at night.

Looking out the window at the Bori Shrine on the mountain in the distance, Penglai Mountain’s eyes were full of curiosity.

What kind of person are you…

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