Chapter Eighty-One: What Can I Do If I Know the Truth?!!

Kitahara walked into the back room.

Hearing an uproar outside, a smile appeared on his face.

He also understands this.

If this world is a special world, with all kinds of magical abilities.

Although people on the outside will be shocked to see this scene, at least it will not be so exaggerated.

Because they can guess as well.

The reason why Kitahara Baiqiu has such treatment must be because of strength

They would only be surprised at how strong Kitahara Hakuaki had reached at a young age, but they would not be surprised by the treatment that Kitahara Hakuaki had.

But the key is the world.

Relatively speaking, it is only an ordinary world.

For an ordinary world.

Such a scene.

It just makes people more shocked and more incredible! I don’t even know why!

They want to break their heads, and they probably can’t understand it!

As a sixteen or seventeen-year-old teenager, why did Kitahara Baiqiu get such treatment!

“I’m sorry, Lord Kitahara, there is some noise outside, do I need to stop them?”

The lord of the Four Palaces asked respectfully with an apologetic look on his face.

“No problem.”

Kitahara shook his head and spoke.

Immediately, I looked at everyone at the scene.

These people who had been prominent in the past were all looking at the Northern Plains Baiqiu with trepidation, anticipation, and respect on their faces at the moment.

That’s strength.

When you have invincible strength.

Well, no matter what the identity, who is in front of you.

He’ll be respectful.

“I know what you want to ask, and the reason why I came here today is to answer you, so you can ask what you ask.”

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled and spoke.

As soon as these words came out, everyone’s hearts tightened and they immediately became serious.

They really have too many questions to answer.

But the strength of this person in front of them made them dare not slacken off, and naturally there was no hurry.

As a result, I did not expect that at this moment, Kitahara Baiqiu took the initiative to propose it.

“Thank you Lord Kitahara, since this is the case, I would like to ask, what happened to the evil ghost before, and what happened to the Lord Hestia outside?”

Hearing Kitahara Baiqiu’s words, some people hurriedly opened their mouths with a sincere attitude, which directly asked the key to the question.

As soon as these words came out, everyone tensed up and looked at Kitahara Baiqiu.

“About this, you should think of it as an invasion of another world.”

Kitahara Baiqiu did not sell Guanzi either, and replied directly.

“Another world invasion?”

The questioner was a little unsure and hesitated.

“Does the other world know? The so-called otherworldly invasion is the kind of other-world creatures that invaded this world, and the demons before them, as well as Hestia, came from other worlds. ”

Kitahara White Autumn explains.

He knew that these people were not incomprehensible, but could not believe it.


Sure enough.

In the northern plains of the white autumn fall, the scene suddenly fell into an uproar.

Everyone’s face was in disbelief!

Another World?!!

Is there really an other world?

And…… The existence of those other worlds is still invading our world.

At the moment, the big guys present.

After hearing Kitahara Baiqiu’s words, none of them could keep calm, and their hearts were full of consternation.

No wonder! This can be explained.

Why before the so-called evil spirits and Hestia all of a sudden appeared! There is not the slightest sign of it!

It can also explain why these supernatural beings suddenly appear in the world!

For it is not their world at all, but the creatures of other worlds! After learning the truth.

None of the people present felt relaxed, but one by one they felt frightened.

Not to mention Hestia.

Let’s just say that the evil spirits in the first place brought them a lot of trouble.

If it weren’t for the fallen, they would probably have to pay a lot of money to destroy the evil spirits.

What is even more terrifying is that if there are evil ghosts lurking up, even infecting normal people……… At the thought of this, everyone took a breath of cool air.

“Kita, Lord Kitahara, do you mean that the changes in our world now are all due to the invasion of another world?”

Someone gulped, obviously frightened, and continued to ask.

“When did I say there was only one other world?”

Kitahara Bai Qiu heard the words and his face was full of surprise.

No, more than one?!!

When everyone heard this, they almost fainted.

In his eyes, he even felt a deep fear.

If it was an evil ghost, they humans might be able to resist it, but if it was Hestia, there was such a thing.

Once there is more, it is completely impossible to imagine what kind of existence the world will become.

“There is more than one other world, the Fallen Ji is from one world, Hestia is from another world, and in the future, there can be many more worlds that will descend into this world.”

Kitahara Baiqiu’s eyes were like a torch and he spoke.


Everyone fell silent at this moment.

“Lord Hestia, is it the legendary god Lord?”

Thinking of Hestia, someone asked again.

“Yes, Hestia is a god.”

Kitahara Hakuaki nodded.


What a god!

The crowd took another breath of cool air.

Although they had speculated from Hestia, when it was determined that Hestia really was, the crowd was equally incredulous.

God, that is the legendary omnipotent being.

“Your Excellency, I don’t know if you can tell us that the gods… How powerful it really is. ”

At this moment, another middle-aged man in a military uniform asked.

Many people were startled by this person’s question and carefully looked at Kitahara Baiqiu.

Kitahara Baiqiu didn’t care either, and replied with a smile.

“Strength…… Probably even your strongest weapon at the moment can’t hurt Hestia in the slightest. ”

“And if Hestia wanted to, he could easily clean up the surface and wipe out human civilization completely.”

“The little thing that looks at your attack today can be said to be the result of her retraction a lot.”

“As for more, I am not very clear, after all, Hestia is a gentle god, and I have never seen her full strength.”

The strongest weapons hurt less than a single cent. Easy to clean up.

Bursting stars………

“It’s really… It’s desperate. ”

The middle-aged man only felt powerless.

Others are also silent, but that… After all, it is God.

It seems that the gods were able to do this to this point, and it seems that it is not surprising.

“This existence…… Much? ”

Someone swallowed his throat and subconsciously continued to ask.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the man and nodded, “That’s a lot.” ”

When the man heard the words, the corners of his mouth twitched.

My heart was full of regret, I didn’t understand why I had to ask such a desperate question, and I got this desperate answer.


Kitahara Hakuaki was indeed not wrong.

The so-called gods are indeed quite numerous.

Not to mention that there are already many god-killers and earthly worlds now, it is inevitable that more worlds with gods will appear in the future.

With one question after another asked.

Kitahara White Autumn ——— answer.

The atmosphere at the scene is also getting heavier and heavier.

They never imagined that the truth of the matter would be like this.

Finally, at the end, someone asked.

“I don’t know what kind of identity Lord Kitahara plays in this?” This question is undoubtedly also extremely important. ”

After all, the information of Kitahara Baiqiu was already clear to those present.

Knowing that he is a man of the real world, and that he is extremely powerful.

“Me? I’m the guy who stops people from other worlds from messing around. ”

Kitahara Hakuaki was simple and straightforward and did not explain much.

After saying that, he did not wait for these people to inquire, and continued: “Well, everything that should be told to you has been told to you, what to do, whether to hide from ordinary people that you are watching and doing it yourself.” ”

“With me here, you can rest assured that there won’t be too many problems in the world.”

“The reason why I tell you is only to make you mentally prepared, after all, if more and more other worlds are invaded in the future.”

“Then, our world will also be completely chaotic.”

“And I can’t kill everyone who comes to our world…”

Kitahara said so.

So he got up and prepared to leave.

Everyone was shocked, and subconsciously wanted to get up and send off guests. As a result, Kitahara Baiqiu just waved his hand and stopped them.

One flash, then disappeared in place.

This made the faces of normal people stiffen even more.

People who have lived in the ordinary world all their lives.

It’s really hard to accept that these supernatural things suddenly appear, let alone appear in front of your own eyes.


Again, this is not a question of whether they accept it or not, but that they have to accept it

Seeing Kitahara Bai Qiu leave, the present slowly sat down again.

Everyone present fell into a long silence at this moment.

They felt powerless because of Kitahara Hakuaki’s words.

It wasn’t until after a long silence that someone finally asked, “What should we do now?” ”

“What else can we do, what can we do?”

The other replied, his voice full of powerlessness.

After all, there are gods from the other world.

What can they mortals do in the face of the gods?

“No, I mean, do we need to tell the public the truth?”

The man who went first paused and explained.

Everyone present was stunned, hesitated, and finally sighed again: “No, no.” ”

“After all, what about knowing the truth?”

Oh, yes……… What about knowing the truth?

At this moment, these big people are thinking in their hearts at the same time…

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