Chapter Eighty-Two The Drunken Blue Ribbon Goddess! Indenture?!!

After leaving the back room.

Kitahara Baiqiu actually didn’t care too much about this matter.

He didn’t think so.

What can these people do when they know the truth.

The invasion of the other world can be hidden from ordinary people, but it is impossible to hide from those inside.

So, Kitahara Hakuaki feels.

Instead of letting these people keep guessing, the follow-up may also accidentally hit him and take some trouble.

It would be better to tell them in advance by yourself.

And the benefits of doing so are.

After they learned the truth, after learning the identity of Kitahara Baiqiu, they would be completely in awe of Kitahara Baiqiu.

In the future, no matter what Kitahara Baiqiu wants to do in the real world, he will no longer have any restraints.

As long as Kitahara White Autumn needs.

These people will even use the greatest strength to support Kitahara Hakuaki.

Of course.

For this, Kitahara Baiqiu is not too concerned about it.

The reason for this.

It is just to completely eliminate some unnecessary hidden dangers.

“Hahaha! You lose! Wait a minute! You are not allowed to move! ”

Hestia’s noisy voice also came into Kitahara’s ears.

Many of the maidens around were gathered around Hestia, looking at Hestia curiously.

They didn’t have any ill will, but they felt very magical about the petite Hestia.

The second dimension is a beautiful place, it is not that there is no darkness, but because compared to the good, there is very little darkness, people yearn for the second dimension.

“I tell you, I’m a god!” God! You all have to call me Lord God!” ”

Kitahara Bai Qiu slowly walked up, and heard Hestia’s voice say proudly.

Fujiwara Chika stood by with a look of distress on her face and an expression of not knowing what to do.

Kitahara walked over to Fujiwara Chika, looked at Hestia and asked, “What’s wrong?” ”

“Ah! You’re out? ”

Fujiwara Chika heard Kitahara Hakuaki’s voice, and when she turned her head to see him, her eyes lit up.

Then, with a distressed expression on her face, she said embarrassedly, “I’m sorry, that… I didn’t seem to look at them, Miss Hestia, who had just drunk a lot of wine. ”

“She looks like she’s a minor, but… But……… She said it didn’t matter if she became an adult! ”

“He also said how to do such things without drinking at the banquet!” I couldn’t stop whining at all. ”

As she spoke, Fujiwara Chika’s face began to be aggrieved, pouring bitter water and complaining to Kitahara Hakuaki constantly.

Kitahara White Autumn is ashamed.

But he didn’t think there was anything wrong with Hestia drinking.

The gods can’t judge by appearance.

“What about Fallen Hime?”

Kitahara Baiqiu didn’t see Fallen Ji and asked again.

“Over there.”

Fujiwara Chihana heard the words and pointed in one direction and said…

Kitahara Bai Qiu saw that a fallen Ji who was lying on the table and could not get up again, completely drunk.

“The two of them are really weird.”

Fujiwara Chika rushed to the side of Fallen Hime, poked Fallen Hime’s face, and said in amazement, “This person, obviously looks beautiful and mature, but she fell directly after being canned by Hestia for two sips of wine.” ”

“And that small, cute looking Hestia kept drinking, and it was unbelievable.”

Kitahara Hakuaki: “…”

Kitahara Bai Qiu was completely powerless to throw up, so he had to say, “It’s really bothering you, Miss Fujiwara.” ”

“Thousand Flowers! Just call me a thousand flowers! ”

Fujiwara Chika waved her hand and said with a big grin.

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled and said, “Since that’s the case, Kitahara Baiqiu, Qianhua you just call me Baiqiu.” ”

“Good Bai Qiujun.”

Fujiwara Chika grinned.

After Kitahara Bai Qiu finished speaking, he also walked in the direction of Hestia.

Anyway, let’s stop the hilarious Hestia first.


After seeing Kitahara Baiqiu, Hestia’s eyes were also a little confused, and she said with a smirk, “White, Baiqiu~You are here.” ”

“Are you drunk?”

Kitahara frowned and stepped forward to help Hestia.

“Not really! I’m not drunk! ”

Hestia retorted loudly!

Then another dizzy look lay on the body of Kitahara Baiqiu, and said with a dissatisfied face: “Bai, Baiqiu, the people here don’t even believe that I am a woman, goddess.” ”

Kitahara Baiqiu was silent and did not speak back.

The best way to deal with a drunkard is to ignore him.

Also, isn’t it normal not to believe that you are a goddess? You have the appearance of a goddess.

“So I decided!”

Hestia struggled and broke away from Kitahara Hakuaki and said loudly, “I have decided to give Hakuaki the blessing of your goddess!” Make them believe that I am a real goddess! Anyway……… Anyway, not the first time! ”

With that, Hestia was in front of everyone and went straight to Kitahara Baiqiu’s face.


Everyone at the scene saw this scene and was immediately in an uproar!

Countless young girls were flushed with red faces, blocking their eyes with their hands, but they also opened a large slit.

It’s just a look that you want to see but don’t dare to see.

Even Fujiwara Chika whispered a cute look at this moment.

For these big ladies, where have you seen such a thing?

That’s bold, isn’t it!

Kitahara Baiqiu felt the soft touch, and his face was also stiff.

But soon, his eyes widened again.

Because he can feel it.

Hestia’s divine powers.

At this moment, it was reaching his body.

Slowly it was absorbed by Kitahara Hakuaki!!!

“I am the strongest and the one who holds all victories!”

Mithras, the god of contracts!

And the covenant power of the god of war, Welleslana! In this moment, an instant explosion.

“Absolutely stay by my side…… Even if the sky is full of galaxies falling, even if the end of the world comes, even if you are enemies of the world, until the end, you and I will eventually be together. ”

This is the spirit of the “youth”. It was meant to protect others.

However, with the blessing of Mithras, the god of contracts.

But there are two abilities, contract and protection.

After the words are finished.

A strong wind also suddenly appeared next to Kitahara Baiqiu and Hestia

Kitahara White Autumn and Hestia slowly lifted off under the strong wind, emitting a mysterious light under the gaze of countless people!

This is a magical scene.

This made everyone present shy, and they all stayed where they were.

Fly, fly?

They remembered Hestia’s words.

Female, goddess?

And while Kitahara Hakuaki and Hestia taste at the same time.

The contract is also finally over.

The light dissipated, and the two slowly fell again.

At this moment, a close connection has developed between them.

This is not a simple connection like the blessing of the goddess.

Rather, fate is woven together, very intimately linked!

Kitahara Baiqiu felt the newborn power in his body, and his heart was full of vibrations.

Hestia’s divine power………

It seemed a bit beyond his expectations, bringing a huge boost to his strength.

Moreover, in that divine power, there seems to be some unknown particularity.

He didn’t have time to dig deeper.

After the end of the contract, Hestia fell directly on Kitahara’s body Bai Qiu.

Kitahara Hakuaki hurriedly hugged the fallen Hestia.

Fixed your eyes and only then did you find out.

At this moment, Hestia was already asleep! There was also a happy and cute smile on his face.

Kitahara Hakuaki: “…”

Kitahara Baiqiu was speechless, really had nothing to say, looking at Hestia, he could only say without anger: “Now that the contract has been completed, there is no regret you will regret in the future, Hestia.” ”

As he spoke, he also gently picked her up and looked around.

Because of the incredible scene of Kitahara’s contract between Hakuaki and Hestia.

At this moment, everyone present was already shaken in place.

Stunned, completely speechless.

Instead, in the back room, voices began to come out at this moment.

As if hearing the movement outside, everyone was rushing out. In this regard, Kitahara Baiqiu just glanced at it and did not pay attention to it.

Mention the equally drunken Fallen.

The three of them simply disappeared into the same place. This scene made everyone numb.

The worldview collapsed completely.

“What happened?”

The people in the back room came out, saw this look of the scene, and also asked anxiously.

But none of the people had returned to God, and nothing had happened.

This makes the adults feel tight, and subconsciously go to their own children to care.

Until a moment later.

The scene finally got better.

Fujiwara Chika was still dumbfounded although her expression was still dull.

But in a confused tone, he asked his father on the side.

“Dad, Bai Qiujun… Who the hell is that? ”


Fujiwara Chika’s father was stunned when he heard this, and then a bitter smile appeared on his face: “I don’t know who he is, but…”

“You just have to understand that if he wants to, then no one in this world can stop him, and the whole world will be his.” 」

Think back to just now.

Kitahara said that there might be many gods invading in the future, but his face still had a look of confidence that he could solve all the gods.

Fujiwara’s father couldn’t stop the shock in his heart.

This is a young man who stands above God.

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