After a few minutes, the thick fog slowly dissipated.

Officer Megure immediately asked his men to look for boats nearby to carry out salvage work in this area.

Although he was not sure, the monster should have left after the thick fog dissipated.

The frogmen in charge of the salvage work were not aware of the supernatural events that had occurred here before, and Officer Megure and others did not tell them.

They were afraid that after they knew about the previous supernatural events, they would not dare to go into the water to salvage.

The police stayed on the shore and watched the salvage work, and they were also worried, fearing that the frogmen in charge of the salvage work would not be able to come up.

Fortunately, not long after, the frogmen found the bodies of the three people one after another a few dozen to a hundred meters downstream.

Two police officers from the First Investigation Division and a short-haired woman

"Officer Megure! You said before that there are some things I don't understand. What exactly is it that can make you ignore someone falling into the water and just stand on the shore and do nothing!!"

"What’s more, among the people who fell into the water were colleagues from the Metropolitan Police Department!"

"Are you worthy of them? Are you worthy of the badge on your shoulder?���! ? Are you worthy of the trust of the people of Tokyo! ?"

Mouri Kogoro asked a series of soul-searching questions to Officer Megure.

He was once a criminal policeman, so he naturally had a sense of justice. If it weren't for special reasons, he would not have resigned from the Metropolitan Police Department.

Mouri Kogoro couldn't understand why his former colleague had become like this?


Inspector Megure felt a little ashamed when questioned by Maori Kogoro. He really felt sorry for those two subordinates.

""Brother Maori, come with me." Inspector Megure pulled Maori Kogoro aside.

He was going to secretly tell his former comrades about what had happened recently.

Although he didn't know the exact reason, one thing was certain: Tokyo was no longer safe.

They could deal with criminals, but they were really powerless when facing ghosts.

The higher-ups were trying to cover up the matter and had no intention of telling the public the truth.

People who didn't know the truth would only be in greater danger when they encountered ghosts. For the sake of his own future, he couldn't disobey orders and disclose the truth.

But for the sake of his former comrades and his conscience deep in his heart, Inspector Megure decided to tell Maori Kogoro the truth, at least to make him more careful in the future.

Of course, it would be even better if Maori Kogoro could tell the truth to the public.

Conan and Xiaolan saw this, and immediately followed quietly out of curiosity.

After the thick fog dissipated, Okino Yoko left immediately. Xiaolan could only come to find Maori Kogoro and Conan. Late at night, she didn't dare to be alone on the street.

Even if there were passers-by on the road, it wouldn't work. She had to have someone she knew to feel safe.

Then she heard from Conan that the police"didn't help the dying."

She was also very curious about the reason that made the police do nothing to help the dying. Therefore, this time, not only did she not stop Conan, but she also quietly followed Conan behind Inspector Megure and others to eavesdrop.

"Officer Megure, what happened?

Seeing Officer Megure's serious expression, Maori Kogoro also realized that the matter might not be simple.

"Brother Maori, the world has changed."Inspector Megure said in a heavy tone.

Maori Kogoro was confused:"???"

I don't understand what Officer Megure means.

"You should have been paying attention to the news these days, right?" Officer Megure asked.

"Of course, following the news is my daily job. I am a detective! Maori Kogoro said immediately

"Then you should know that the Metropolitan Police Department was attacked by a terrorist organization some time ago, right?"

"of course I know"

"In fact, there is no terrorist organization at all. The Metropolitan Police Department was actually haunted that day."Inspector Megure looked grim.

""Ha! ? ?"Mouri Kogoro was stunned, thinking he had heard wrongly.


Is this what Inspector Megure could say!??

Conan, who was eavesdropping from behind, was also stunned.

What the hell is haunted???

Only Xiaolan realized what Inspector Megure was going to say when he mentioned the Metropolitan Police Department incident.

When she heard Inspector Megure say that the Metropolitan Police Department was haunted, she immediately showed an expression of"as expected".

Xiaolan tightly grasped Conan's shoulders. What Sonoko found on the Internet was indeed true!! What

Kamiki-san said was indeed true!

"Brother Maori, I know this kind of thing is shocking and hard to believe without personal experience, but it is true."Inspector Megure continued

"I can't show you the photo, but what is certain is that the monster must be a ghost!"

"Because before that, the monster was a dead body, and it was a body with its head and body separated. And I was the one who handled the murder case myself. Kudo and Xiaolan were also present at the time."

"The murder case at Dorobiga Amusement Park?"Mouri Kogoro asked.

He did follow the news every day.

Inspector Megure nodded:"That's right. After that guy became a ghost, the first thing he did was to kill his ex-girlfriend for revenge."

"When the police officers on duty arrived that night, they fought with the monster. Bullets were completely ineffective against the monster. After more than a dozen police officers were killed, someone used a simple Molotov cocktail made with strong liquor to burn the monster to death."

Mouri Kogoro was completely silent when he heard what Officer Megure said:"……"

There really are ghosts in this world! ? ?

"Not only that, but there were also murders that occurred in major hospitals and medical schools in Tokyo, all of which were haunted."

"Those ghosts are corpses that have been confirmed dead and resurrected. They become extremely powerful and mainly attack the throat and carotid artery of humans. They are not afraid of bullets and can only be killed by fire."

"Some people have proposed that people should be cremated as soon as possible after death to prevent their bodies from turning into ghosts. I just don't know what the higher-ups will decide in the end."

"Brother Maori, when you go out at night, try to carry a Molotov cocktail with you. Keep some at home. Otherwise, if we encounter that kind of ghost, we humans can only wait for death."Inspector Megure said with a serious expression.

"Officer Megure, is the ghost we encountered today also... that kind of ghost?" Maori Kogoro still couldn't accept it.

He has lived for more than thirty years, almost forty years, how come it suddenly started to be haunted??

Officer Megure shook his head:"It is a ghost, but not the kind of ghost we encountered before."

"The ghost I met today was wet all over. After kidnapping someone, he didn't bite their neck. And when he was hit by a bullet, he didn't bleed, but water flowed out!"

"Flowing water! ? ?"

"Yes, this ghost seemed to be made entirely of water. Not only were bullets useless against the monster, it also turned its body into water and"swallowed" the short-haired woman into its body."

"So, brother Maori, it’s not that I don’t want to save people, but I can’t get other people to go into the water to save them."

"This ghost is obviously a water ghost’!"

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