Nichimi TV.

The Shadow Demon has sneaked into the TV station and is looking for the person in charge of the news department.

The station director and shareholders are too high-ranking, and those people are not usually responsible for the specific content of the TV station. The specific content is still the responsibility of the middle-level leaders below.

Fortunately, overtime culture is popular in Japan. Even if the work has been completed, most workers will continue to stay in the company and pretend to work hard.

This is the case with the producer of the news editing department, Ryuji Hosoya.

Although today's work has been completed and the content of tomorrow's morning news has been determined, he can go home after work.

But he still stays in the office.

In other words, most of the staff in the news editing department, even if the work has been completed, still stay in the office and don't go home.

Ryuji Hosoya sat at his workstation, pretending to look at the work report and drinking coffee.

But he didn't notice that his shadow reflected on the newspaper suddenly became darker.

This is the Shadow Demon entering his shadow.

Suddenly, two red eyes appeared in his shadow reflected on the newspaper.

Ryuji Hosoya was startled, and then he found that the environment around him had changed!

He came to the Metropolitan Police Department!

The surroundings also became the scene of the day when"Fei Tou Man" made a scene in the Metropolitan Police Department!

He saw the appearance of"Fei Tou Man" with his own eyes and up close! He also witnessed the strength of"Fei Tou Man".

He witnessed"Fei Tou Man" ignoring the bullets of the police, and even witnessed how"Fei Tou Man" easily killed more than a dozen detectives!

As"Fei Tou Man" was burned to death by the police, the scene changed.

Hosoya Ryuji came to the Tokyo base.

He witnessed the shadows of thousands of prisoners being harvested, and saw with his own eyes how the prisoners whose shadows were taken away were afraid of the sun after dawn. He even witnessed the scene of several prisoners whose shadows were taken away, turning into ashes after being exposed to the morning sun.

Then, the scene changed again.

Hosoya Ryuji appeared in the morgue of a hospital this time.

He saw with his own eyes a dead body crawling out of the morgue, then walking out of the morgue to attack others.

He appeared again beside the corpse pool of the Tokyo University Medical School, and saw with his own eyes a female corpse soaked in a pool of formalin solution, stand up from the corpse pool, come to the edge of the pool, and climb out of the corpse pool. He walked past him and left the teaching building.

He saw with his own eyes that a male student was attracted by a naked female ghost, and then had his throat and carotid artery bitten off by the female ghost, and finally had his blood sucked dry.

Finally, Ryuji Hosoya appeared again beside the water ghost that was born tonight.

He saw with his own eyes that the fat man standing by the bridge was possessed by the first black shadow, and then jumped into the river to commit suicide, and witnessed the whole process of the fat man drowning.

He also saw the fat man who was obviously dead, open his eyes again, and climb out of the river.

He saw the fat man summon thick fog, covering an area with a radius of hundreds of meters.

He saw that after the fat man kidnapped the short-haired girl, he ignored the police's attack and jumped into the river with a short-haired girl and two detectives to commit suicide.’

"Section Chief! ? Section Chief! ? ?"An employee patted Ryuji Hosoya on the shoulder.

Only then did Ryuji Hosoya come out of the illusion:"Huh! ?"

""Section Chief, are you okay? I called you for a long time but you didn't respond, and you are sweating a lot!" The subordinate asked with concern.

Hosoya Ryuji has been sitting still for a long time. If he hadn't opened his eyes, the subordinate would have thought he was asleep.

Hosoya Ryuji subconsciously raised his hand to wipe his forehead, and he was indeed sweating a lot.

"I'm fine……"Ryuji Hosoya shook his head.

He didn't plan to tell what he had just experienced, because it was too weird!

He himself thought that he might have been too tired recently and had hallucinations.

Except for the last incident, the other incidents were hot news in the past few days. The police have already announced the course of the cases, which are completely different from what he just experienced.

Even if the police lied, he didn't think that what he had just experienced was the truth.

It's nothing else, it's just too weird!

He has lived for more than 40 years and has never seen a ghost. How could so many ghosts appear at once?

This is unscientific!

"By the way, what’s the matter?" Ryuji Hosoya regained his composure. His subordinates, who were originally worried about Ryuji Hosoya’s health, quickly said,"Section Chief! We just received news! A rare thick fog suddenly appeared near the Nibashi Bridge in Haido-cho 3-chome!"

"The thick fog appeared very quickly. In just ten seconds, visibility in the thick fog dropped to a distance of two or three meters! A little further away, you can't see anything except the fog!"

"Moreover, the thick fog did not last long, only existing for about ten minutes before it suddenly dissipated. Just like when it appeared, it only took a dozen seconds to dissipate!"

"Section Chief! This phenomenon is very rare. I think it can be reported as the headline of tomorrow morning's news!"

After hearing the report from his subordinate, Ryuji Hosoya suddenly felt goose bumps all over his body.

Haido-cho 3-chome Nibashi!? Thick fog!?

Isn't this exactly the same as what he just experienced!??

What on earth is going on!? Has he gained super powers!? Or has he encountered a ghost!??

Seeing Ryuji Hosoya in a daze again, the subordinate couldn't help but call him:"Section Chief?"

Ryuji Hosoya came back to his senses:"Go and make a plan and give it to me later……"

He felt he needed to slow down.

""Okay, Section Chief."

The subordinate responded and retreated.

Hosoya Ryuji was thinking about what happened to him.

Suddenly, Hosoya Ryuji remembered that before he experienced those strange scenes, he saw a pair of blood-red eyes appear in his shadow!!

The pair of blood-red eyes stared at him, and then he saw those strange scenes!

Hosoya Ryuji subconsciously looked at his shadow reflected on the newspaper in front of him, and the next moment, the shadow opened a pair of red eyes again.

At the same time, it grinned a terrifying smile!

A shadow actually smiled!!

Hosoya Ryuji felt a chill coming over him instantly, and just as he was about to shout, he found that the surrounding environment had changed again.

No, it wasn't the surrounding environment that changed, but the people around him disappeared!

The next moment, a black shadow with a pair of blood-red eyes separated from his own shadow.

The black shadow said:"Hosoya Ryuji, how did you see the scene just now?"

"You... who are you!?" Hosoya Ryuji tried his best to control the fear in his heart.

"You can call me Shadow Demon"

"Mr. Shadow Demon...why did you come to me?……?"Hosoya Ryuji asked in a trembling voice.

What he had just experienced made him realize that supernatural events might really exist in this world!

He had never seen it before, but he just hadn't encountered it.

"The gates of hell are open, and the devil feeds on human fear. I need you to report all the recent supernatural events truthfully to create panic among humans."

"Don't refuse, you have no right to refuse"

"People who are of no use will end up dead!"

"Think about those people whose shadows were taken away. You don’t want to be like them, never seeing the sun again, right?"The Shadow Demon threatened, with only a mouth showing a creepy smile on his dark face.


Hosoya Ryuji swallowed fearfully:"I... I understand……"

After Hosoya Ryuji agreed, the other people in the office reappeared.


Hosoya Ryuji slammed the table and stood up:"Everyone listen! Give me a major revision of tomorrow's morning news!!!"

(PS: Thanks to '逍遥人生' for the tip!)

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