"Xiaolan!? Xiaolan!???"

Sonoko stood beside Xiaolan, calling her name constantly, but she didn't dare to touch her.

It's not that Sonoko didn't touch Xiaolan, but she was stopped by Wang Nue, who told Sonoko that Xiaolan's current state was very likely to have obtained some kind of opportunity.

Regardless of whether this opportunity is good or bad, it is best for outsiders not to disturb her.

If it is a good opportunity, if Sonoko disturbs Xiaolan now, then Xiaolan's opportunity is likely to be destroyed by Sonoko.

And if it is a bad opportunity, even if Sonoko touches Xiaolan now, he can't help her, and may even hurt both of them.

Under Wang Nue's warning, Sonoko naturally didn't dare to touch Xiaolan, and could only anxiously call Xiaolan's name.

As for what happened to Xiaolan?

Naturally, she was hit by Wang Nue's illusion.

The illusion cast by the Sharingan, many in the Naruto world Several people couldn't bear it, let alone the people in Conan's world.

As early as when he just got out of school, he had already cast an illusion on Xiaolan. It was only after returning to his family's shrine and worshiping the thousand-year-old sacred tree in the shrine that the illusion in Xiaolan was officially activated. It was too lonely to live in a shrine alone. He needed someone to accompany him, and this person should naturally be a beautiful woman.

Xiaolan just met the requirements. She was beautiful and caring.

Letting Xiaolan live in the shrine can not only accompany him and take care of his daily life, but also prevent her from being taken advantage of by Conan, the pervert.

So Wang Nue designed a witch identity for Xiaolan.

On the one hand, it is convenient for her to live in the shrine, and on the other hand, it is convenient to give her the power to exorcise demons.

Xiaolan stood in a daze for nearly ten minutes, and was finally awakened by Sonoko.

"Garden……?"Xiaolan looked at Sonoko in front of her in confusion.

Why did Sonoko's expression look a little strange? It seemed like she was about to cry.

""Wow~!!! Xiaolan! You finally woke up!! You scared me to death just now!!" Yuanzi threw herself into Xiaolan’s arms and hugged her tightly.

After shouting for nearly ten minutes, she thought Xiaolan would never wake up again!

"What's wrong with me? ?"Xiao Lan looked puzzled.

"Xiaolan! Don't you remember anything?"Yuanzi quickly raised her hand and touched Xiaolan's forehead, but found no fever.

"We came to the shrine of Kamiki's family to worship the sacred tree. As soon as we finished worshipping, you, Xiaolan, seemed to have lost your soul. No matter how we called you, you didn't respond."

"I've been calling you for almost ten minutes! If you don't wake up, I'm going to call the police!" Yuanzi looked terrified.

""Pray to the sacred tree... That's right!!"

Xiaolan suddenly remembered everything.

After she paid homage to the sacred tree, she suddenly flew up, and the surrounding environment changed, as if she had returned to ancient times.

And there were countless monsters and demons in the ancient times.

She witnessed the life of the witch Kikyo, and there seemed to be a voice in her mind reminding her that she was the reincarnation of the witch named Kikyo!

Moreover! There was a power in her body that she had never felt before.

That was the spiritual power of the witch named Kikyo!

Xiaolan raised her hands and looked at her two palms:"……"

"Xiaolan, what's going on?……!???"

Yuanzi was still wondering what Xiaolan was going to do, but the next moment, she saw a ball of white fluorescence on Xiaolan's hands!!

"Xiaolan!!! You...! You...! You have awakened superpowers! ? ? ?" Sonoko was shocked.

There were all kinds of ghosts before, but she didn't expect that her best friend actually got superpowers!?

Could it be because of worshipping the sacred tree!?

But she also worshipped, why didn't she get superpowers!? ?

"Superpowers...? I don't know if this is considered a superpower.……"Xiaolan herself is also confused

"Garden, sacred tree, when I was worshipping the sacred tree just now, I felt like I was flying and came to the ancient……"Xiaolan told Yuanzi and Wang Nue everything she had just experienced and seen.

"I now feel a new force in my body. Although I have never come into contact with this force before, my feeling tells me that this force is the spiritual power of the witch."

"Oh my god!! Xiaolan, you are the reincarnation of the great shrine maiden! ? ?"Sonoko screamed with excitement.

Although there seems to be no great shrine maiden named Kikyo in history, Sonoko doesn't care so much!

Xiaolan saw the vision and now has extraordinary abilities! Then she is the reincarnation of the great shrine maiden!!

Ghosts suddenly appeared in Tokyo, why can't a great shrine maiden appear!?

Her best friend, Suzuki Sonoko, is the reincarnation of a shrine maiden with powerful spiritual power!!

And now she has awakened the spiritual power of her previous life!!

"Mao Li, didn't you ask me before, who is the savior? Now it seems that the savior is you!"Wang Nue smiled and looked at Xiao Lan:"At least, you will be one of the saviors."

"The savior is me……?"Xiaolan looked at her hands, which were emitting a faint fluorescent light due to the gathering of spiritual power.

"Miko! Xiaolan, you are actually the great miko!!"

"Does this mean that we can go out at night in the future? No need to be afraid of ghosts anymore! ?"

Thinking of this, Sonoko was so excited.

Ever since classmate Kamii told them last time that ghosts would start to appear in this world, and asked them not to go out at night, she has never gone out since the sun went down, and always stayed at home honestly.

She even told her family not to go out at night.

At first, her parents didn't believe it, but after the Metropolitan Police Department incident, her parents believed her.

After all, as one of the top conglomerates in Japan, the Suzuki Group has channels to get the real news of the Metropolitan Police Department incident.

So unless it is necessary, Dad, Mom, Sister, and other people in the family will generally not go out at night unless it is necessary.

Even if they go out, they will Bring more bodyguards.

She even went to famous shrines and temples in the country and asked for amulets at high prices.

She originally wanted her family to go to the shrine of the Shenmu family to buy amulets, but her family said that the Shenmu Shrine was just a small and unknown shrine. Although it saw the abnormality of the world, its magic power was definitely not as high as those of the masters.

In addition, Shenmu had told Sonoko before that his amulet had no effect, so she did not force her family to go to the Shenmu Shrine to ask for amulets.

Now Xiaolan has become the reincarnation of a powerful witch, and she has also awakened the spiritual power of her previous life. What amulets do you need in the future?

Isn't Xiaolan the biggest amulet?

As long as you are with Xiaolan, what ghosts are you afraid of?

"Mao Li, do you want to give it a try? Wang Nue looked at Xiao Lan and asked with a smile.

"Give it a try……?"

"Yes, see if your spiritual power can destroy ghosts. The great witch named Kikyo has been exorcising demons all her life, so she must have a way to destroy them."

"Since you are her reincarnation, you should learn from her and destroy the ghosts."Wang Nue said.

Xiaolan looked worried:"But...what if you fail?……?"

It's fine if you succeed, but if you fail……

"It doesn't matter, we can prepare some Molotov cocktails in advance. And if it doesn't work, I'm here."

"You don't think that I can see the changes in the yin energy in the sky above Tokyo, but I don't have any means to deal with ghosts, right?"Wang Nue smiled and looked at the two people in front of him.

Hearing this, Yuanzi looked at Wang Nue with shining eyes:"Shenmu classmate, you are also the reincarnation of a great priest! ? ?"

Wang Nue rolled his eyes at Yuanzi:"What do you mean by the reincarnation of a priest? I am a priest now, okay."

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