Xiaolan's skills were all copied from Wang Nue to her.

He knew best whether Kikyo's spiritual power and the Devil-Breaking Arrow could destroy the ghosts he created.

Shadow zombies and water ghosts created using corpses will be harmed by the Devil-Breaking Arrow.

The shadow attached to the corpse and the corpse attached by the shadow will be purified by the powerful spiritual power attached to the Devil-Breaking Arrow.

The shadow will disappear, and the corpse will disappear.

However, the single shadow of the shadow demon will not be affected by the Devil-Breaking Arrow.

Because it is just a simple shadow, without yin and demonic energy, just like the Devil-Breaking Arrow cannot destroy the shadow of a human.

After discussion and thinking, Xiaolan finally decided to give it a try at night!!

She also wanted to know whether the spiritual power she awakened could destroy ghosts.

She also wanted to help everyone destroy ghosts and protect everyone's lives!

After deciding, Sonoko and Xiaolan stayed at the shrine and did not go home. They planned to wait until dark and go to major hospitals together to see if they could encounter ghosts.

Originally, Xiaolan wanted Yuanzi to go home first. After all, Yuanzi was just an ordinary person and did not have the ability to eliminate ghosts. Moreover, she herself was not sure whether she could really eliminate ghosts.

But Yuanzi insisted on staying.

According to her, if Xiaolan's spiritual power could eliminate ghosts, then she would definitely be able to protect her.

If Xiaolan's spiritual power could not eliminate ghosts, then as a best friend, she would not let Xiaolan face danger alone!

In addition, Wang Nue promised to protect Yuanzi, so Xiaolan compromised.

While waiting for dark, the three made a few simple Molotov cocktails. Each of them would take two with them.

Wang Nue knew that the Molotov cocktails would definitely not be used, but this was just to reassure Xiaolan and Yuanzi.

In addition to the Molotov cocktails, he also found a bow and a bucket of arrows from the warehouse of the shrine.

Although Shenmu Shrine is a family shrine, it is still a shrine after all, and traditional exorcism props such as bows and arrows are still available.

Although it is mainly used for performances, it is also thirty or forty pounds, so it is no problem to shoot forty or fifty meters.

It can barely be used to cast [Demon-Breaking Arrow] on Xiaolan.

As for Wang Nue himself, he did not use the bow and arrow as a weapon, but took out [Tenshenya] from the system space.

Tenshenya can't kill people or ghosts, but Wang Nue knew it was not his turn to take action.

Xiaolan can deal with the shadow zombies by herself.

Taking out Tenshenya is just to let Xiaolan and Sonoko know that there is such an ancestral sword in their family's shrine.

It will also make it convenient for this sword to show extraordinary abilities in the future. In the evening, it was not completely dark yet.

Sonoko's phone rang. Sonoko took out her phone and saw that it was her sister calling.

"Hello? Sister?"

As soon as the call was connected, Suzuki Ayako's anxious voice came from the receiver.

"Yuanzi! It's almost dark, why haven't you gone home yet?"

"Sister, I have something to do tonight, I will be back later"

"Something? What has to be done at night? What should you do if you encounter a ghost outside? Go home quickly!!"Suzuki Ayako urged hurriedly.

There are security guards at home, and many magic tools blessed by masters have been invited back.

Ghosts will definitely not dare to come to the house! But you can't say for sure outside!

"It's okay, sister! Let me tell you, Xiaolan and I were worshipping the sacred tree in a shrine at a classmate's house, and then Xiaolan awakened her spiritual power from her previous life! She was actually a powerful witch in her previous life.……"

Sonoko held the phone and talked a lot with Suzuki Ayako.

Finally, she convinced Suzuki Ayako and said that she would go to fight demons with Xiaolan first, and then go home.

In fact, it can't be said that she convinced Suzuki Ayako. The main reason is that Sonoko didn't go home, and Suzuki Ayako couldn't do anything about her.

Her parents are out today. Let her go and bring Sonoko back by herself?

It will be dark soon. Don't let Sonoko not come back by then, and she will encounter a ghost first.

On the other side, at the Mouri Detective Agency.

Seeing that Xiaolan has not come back, Mouri Kogoro and Conan are also very worried.

It's just that because of Kudo Shinichi, Xiaolan's mobile phone fell into the sewer, and she hasn't bought a new one since then.

Now even if they are worried about Xiaolan's safety, they can't contact Xiaolan.

Seeing that the sky is getting darker, Mouri Kogoro's face is getting darker

"Little ghost! You stay at home and I will go out to find Xiaolan!"Mouri Kogoro stood up.

Tokyo is not peaceful these days. No matter if those monsters are ghosts or not, they are definitely not safe. They are not afraid of pain, and can't be killed by guns. They are only afraid of fire.

Xiaolan didn't bring a Molotov cocktail when she went out during the day. What if she encounters those monsters at night?

""Uncle! I'll go with you too!" Conan quickly jumped down from the sofa.

It was almost dark, and Xiaolan hadn't come home yet. Conan was worried!

Especially, Xiaolan's phone was lost because of him, so he blamed himself even more.

""What are you doing! Just stay at home and don't make trouble for me!" Maori Kogoro scolded Conan and put two homemade small Molotov cocktails in his pocket. It was not safe outside at night. If he really encountered a"ghost", he could still run away by himself.

If he brought Conan, a little ghost, with him, how could he run? He would be a complete burden!

"Uncle, take this with you!" Conan quickly opened his schoolbag and took out a can the size of a can.

"This is a portable flamethrower made by Dr. Agasa. The flame can be sprayed more than three meters away! If you encounter that kind of monster, uncle, you can use this to deal with those monsters!"

Conan said, and demonstrated to Maori Kogoro how to use the portable flamethrower. You just need to turn on the safety and press the 'trigger', the high-pressure gas inside will spray out, and the ignition device at the nozzle mouth can ignite the gas.

The flame can be sprayed more than three meters away, but the usage time is not very long, and it can only continue to spray flames for one minute.

After all, it is portable and small in size, and it cannot hold too much compressed gas.

But it is definitely enough for emergency use.

Maori Kogoro took the portable flamethrower from Conan:"Stay at home and wait for me to come back!!"

After saying that, Maori Kogoro left quickly.

Conan was standing by the window on the second floor. After seeing Maori Kogoro leave, he also ran out quickly.

Let him wait alone at home?

How is that possible?

Soon, it was completely dark.

Wang Nue, Xiaolan and Sonoko also left the shrine and came to the nearest Beika Central Hospital.

Among the hospitals involved in the previous"haunted" incidents, there was Beika Central Hospital.

That's why they came here to stake out.

They plan to wait until midnight, and if Beika Central Hospital is not haunted today, they will change to another hospital.

Tonight, Xiaolan and Sonoko will not go back unless they kill a ghost.

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