Kishida's body was closely guarded by the police. No one was allowed to approach unless there was a warrant from the head of the Criminal Division.

The head of the Criminal Division, Toshio Odagiri, also personally ordered two forensic doctors to be transferred from UDI to the Metropolitan Police Department to dissect Kishida's body.

There was no other way. The Metropolitan Police Department did not have a professional forensic doctor. Usually, when there were bodies that needed to be dissected, they were sent to the medical department of the university or to UDI.

But this incident was too bizarre and Kishida's body was too important. The police did not dare to send Kishida's body out.

It had to be kept inside the Metropolitan Police Department and kept under strict supervision.

In addition to arranging more than a dozen armed police officers to keep a close watch, masters and priests were invited from some famous temples and shrines in Tokyo to exorcise evil spirits and set up barriers.

They had encountered many unnatural phenomena, but in the end they found that most of them were actually man-made. This was the first time they had encountered such a strange incident as today.

The incident happened inside the Metropolitan Police Department. The witnesses and participants, except for the suspect who was detained in the detention room awaiting prosecution, were all police officers inside the Metropolitan Police Department.

Of course, almost all the dead were police officers from the Metropolitan Police Department.

After a whole night of investigation, the Chief of the Criminal Department, Toshio Odagiri, personally summoned the capable personnel from each section of the Criminal Department to hold a meeting to inquire about the results of the investigation.

Of course, the main investigation work is still in the hands of the First Investigation Section.

After all, the Second Investigation Section is usually responsible for economic crimes, and the Third Investigation Section is usually responsible for catching thieves and pickpockets.

The reason why other sections were involved this time was mainly because the incident was too bizarre, and it would be better to have more people to brainstorm.

"You have all been investigating all night, now tell me your findings." Odagiri Toshiro looked at all his men seriously.

One of them stood up and said,"According to the investigation, the identity of the body with its head and body separated has been confirmed. Kishida Saburo was killed by his ex-girlfriend on a roller coaster at Dorobiga Amusement Park yesterday."

"Because the murderer had been identified and arrested, the body of the deceased was sent directly to the No. 3 morgue. Waiting for the family to collect it"

"But no one knows what happened in the morgue. Kishida Saburo's body... emmm... mutated. He crawled out of the morgue cabinet."

"The first person to discover the incident should be Amano, who was in charge of patrol work last night. When he patrolled the morgue, he found something unusual and was killed by the 'murderer' at the door of the morgue."

After this person finished speaking, another criminal police officer stood up and said,"The wounds on all the victims are the same, the trachea was bitten off, and the carotid artery was also bitten off. According to the confirmation of the forensic department, all the wounds were caused by the same murder weapon, and it is confirmed that the murderer should be the same person."

"According to all witnesses' testimony, the murderer pointed to the deceased Kishida Saburo."

"After the autopsy, it was found that there were a lot of bullets left in Saburo Kishida's body. After comparison, they were all bullets fired from the pistol at the scene."

"No other unusual things have been found in Saburo Kishida's body."

One by one, the detectives told the results of their investigation.

But Odagiri Toshiro's face was very ugly.

What the hell was this investigation about!?

What he wanted to know was, how could a body that had been confirmed dead still move on its own! And killed more than a dozen detectives!!

Why couldn't bullets"kill" that monster!?

In the end, after investigating for a whole night, they only confirmed that the murderer was a corpse! Only confirmed the identity of the corpse!??

"That's all!?" Odagiri Toshiro's eyes swept coldly over everyone.

"……"The detectives at the scene didn't dare to say a word.

Apart from these, they couldn't find anything else. They couldn't let them say that it was a ghost! A demon possessed Kishida's body.

Or maybe Kishida was killed by his ex-girlfriend and was so resentful that he turned into a ghost, so he first sought revenge on his ex-girlfriend, and then killed a dozen detectives.

Even if there were dozens of people who witnessed the incident, as detectives, they couldn't come to such a conclusion at the meeting.

The head of the Criminal Department, Toshio Odagiri, had an ugly look on his face, but his subordinates couldn't find any results in the investigation, so he had no better way.

After all, what happened last night was too weird and too bizarre.

Toshio Odagiri looked at the head of the First Investigation Division.

"Section Chief Matsumoto, we will hold a press conference after daybreak. Do you know what to do?"

"Yes! I understand!" Section Chief Matsumoto nodded immediately.

Last night, a gunfight broke out in the Metropolitan Police Department. This kind of thing cannot be covered up at all. Tomorrow, there will definitely be a lot of reporters asking questions. Since ghosts can't be talked about, naturally they can only make up a lie and put the blame on a terrorist organization. The meeting was disbanded, and Odagiri Toshiro went to see the Director of the Metropolitan Police Department to report the results of the case investigation.

Although the results of the investigation did not satisfy him, the results still had to be reported.

In the morning. The first thing Wang Nue did when he woke up was to open the system to check his emotional points.

Emotional points: [31624]

Over the course of one night, more than 30,000 emotional points have increased!

Wang Nue looked at the prices of blind boxes of various levels and decided to stock up on a wave of emotional points first.

More than 30,000 emotion points can open three blue blind boxes, but the three blind boxes opened yesterday made Wang Nue realize that his luck was not very good. You still can't gamble on a single draw for a miracle, just take the guaranteed minimum.

When the emotion value reaches 100,000, do another wave of ten consecutive draws of blue blind boxes.

After washing up, I cooked myself a bowl of noodles, had breakfast, picked up my schoolbag, left the shrine, and went to school.

Tokyo Ichigo.

Early in the morning, the sky gradually brightened.

Some prisoners in the cells suddenly became abnormal.

They are afraid of sunlight! They covered themselves tightly with quilts and dared not show their heads at all. They didn't even dare to come out of the quilt at breakfast time, let alone go to the cafeteria for meals.

""Asshole! Get up quickly, there is still a lot of work to do today!"

Several prison guards stood in a ward. The five prisoners in this ward did not get up in the morning, and all hid under the quilt to sleep in!

This is unacceptable to the prison guards.

The prisoners must work for a certain period of time every day. If they don't work, where will the money come from to feed them and give them water?

"No! I don't want to go out!"

"It's too bright outside! I don't dare to go out!"

A series of voices came from inside the quilt.

This made the prison guards even angrier.

What kind of lame excuse is this? It's too bright outside?

What's the matter? If you are a vampire, are you afraid of the sun?

If you want to be lazy, you should find a more normal reason! Such an outrageous excuse, isn't this a provocation to the prison guards?

A prison guard directly lifted the quilt of one of them, ready to teach him a lesson with a baton.

As a result, as soon as the quilt was lifted, the person inside turned into ashes in front of them.

Because the sunlight coming in from the window shone on the prisoner.

Seeing this scene, several prison guards were also shocked.

They had never seen such a situation!

The prison guards, who were at a loss, hurriedly reported the situation in the cell.

This is not a problem that these prison guards can solve, let the people above worry about it.

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