After hearing the report, the warden of Tokyo Prison thought that the people below were joking.

But many prison guards said the same thing, which forced the warden of Tokyo Prison to take it seriously, so he sent his men to investigate.

You don't know until you investigate, and you will be shocked.

There are more than 3,000 prisoners in the entire Tokyo Prison, and more than 1,000 of them have the same symptoms. The number of people with abnormalities is as high as one-third of all prisoners!

They either hide in the quilt and don't come out, or use quilts to seal the windows to prevent sunlight from entering the cell.

In short, the common point of these people is that they are afraid of sunlight!

But soon, they discovered a very terrifying thing, that is, these more than 1,000 prisoners who are afraid of sunlight all have no shadows!!

The warden and the prison guards in the prison all realized that the matter was serious.

This is no longer something that Tokyo Prison can handle internally.

The warden immediately reported the matter to the Ministry of Justice.

For such a supernatural event, he, a mere warden of Tokyo Prison, dare not take the blame.��

Soon, all the supernatural events that happened in the Metropolitan Police Department last night and the Tokyo Police Station this morning were presented to the Minister of Justice.

Looking at the events that happened in the Metropolitan Police Department and the Police Station, the Minister of Justice thought that today was April Fools' Day!

The beheaded and dead people resurrected, not only killed their own murderers to avenge themselves, but also killed more than a dozen police officers in the Metropolitan Police Department!

Thousands of criminals have lost their shadows, and now they dare not see the sunlight. Once they touch the sunlight, they will instantly turn into ashes!

Is this a horror story?

However, the Minister of Justice also knows that the people below will definitely not dare to make up such bizarre things to fool him.

So the supernatural events in the Tokyo Police Station were also handed over to the Metropolitan Police Department for investigation.

The two cases happened almost on the same day, and there may be some connection between them.

Mouri Detective Agency


"Garden, I'll be down right away.~!"

Xiaolan leaned out of the window and said hello to Yuanzi downstairs.

Then she picked up her schoolbag and prepared to go out to school:"Dad, I'm going to school! Don't forget to take Conan to complete the enrollment procedures.~!"

"Yes~Yes~" Maori Kogoro replied perfunctorily, but his eyes were always on the TV on the desk.

#According to citizens, a series of gunshots were heard in the Metropolitan Police Department last night! A person with flames on his body jumped out of the second-floor window and escaped.

#What happened at the Metropolitan Police Department last night? Was it a terrorist attack? Or was it revenge by the gang?

#Please continue to follow our news, our reporters will continue to report for you...

In the news, there are photos taken by someone unknown.

A person with flames on his body broke through the second-floor window and jumped down from the Metropolitan Police Department.

The shooting distance is a bit far, and the picture is not very clear.

However, when Maori Kogoro looked at the photos on TV, he always felt that the person in the photo was a little strange.

It seemed that the person in the photo had no head.

【Is it because of the angle? Or is it my own illusion?

What happened in the Metropolitan Police Department last night was reported by the media, but what happened in Tokyo Prison this morning was not reported by any media.

After all, the prison itself is a relatively closed environment, and it is difficult for the outside world to know what happened inside.

In addition, the warden has issued a death order to everyone, so the media will naturally not know about the supernatural events that happened inside the prison.

However, there is no wall that is impenetrable.

In addition to more than 3,000 prisoners, there are also hundreds of prison guards and staff in Tokyo Prison.

There are people who disobey the imperial edict, let alone the warden's order.

After work in the evening, someone revealed the supernatural events that happened in Tokyo Prison to the people around him.

It's just that the outside world is not aware of it for the time being.

Teitan High School, second year B class.

Wang Nue walked into the classroom as usual.

Unlike most people, Wang Nue used to be indifferent by nature and did not have to integrate into the group.

Therefore, his relationship with his classmates was average.

Even though he was handsome, because he was too unsociable, few girls dared to confess to him.

Many people would worry and be afraid of getting too close to him, which would lead to being isolated by other students in the class.

That is, the protagonists such as Kudo Shinichi, Xiaolan, and Sonoko are exceptions.

On Valentine's Day in the first year of high school, Sonoko even gave him chocolates, but at that time he had not yet awakened his memories of his past life, so he did not like girls like Sonoko.

Although he accepted Sonoko's chocolates, he rejected Sonoko's friendship.

For this reason, Sonoko was depressed for a long time.

Fortunately, Sonoko has a good personality. Although she was rejected, she did not regard him as an enemy. Like Xiaolan, she would talk to him from time to time.

Now Kudo Shinichi should have become an elementary school student. I am afraid that only Xiaolan and Sonoko will pay attention to him in the class.

He came to his seat and sat down, propped up his chin, and looked out the window bored.

Last night, he only created Kishida, a zombie. Tonight, there will be more than one zombie.

Thousands of shadows can create thousands of zombies.

Although the zombies created by the shadow of an ordinary human are weak, it doesn't matter. Even if it is just a zombie created by a shadow, it has the attribute of immortality.

After all, the zombie has already died. As long as the shadow is still there, it will not die.

The dead are not afraid of pain or injury. These two points alone can create a lot of panic.

"Hey~~Shenmu, you are daydreaming again~!"Yuanzi sat down in the seat in front of Wang Nue and greeted him with a smile.

Wang Nue and Yuanzi sat in the front and back seats, so they talked more.

At least Yuanzi would greet him every day.

"Good morning, Suzuki-san."Wang Nue turned around and smiled at Yuanzi.

Yuanzi immediately felt flattered!

You know, before awakening the memory of his past life, Wang Nue had always been an ascetic handsome guy, and he rarely smiled.

But today, he actually smiled at her!

This made Yuanzi feel as if her spring had come!

"Shenmu~! I feel like you're a little different today~!"Yuanzi looked at Wang Nue with a sharp gaze.

She felt that Shenmu seemed to be more charming than before!

It must be said that Yuanzi's sense was still quite sharp.

With the addition of Platycodon spiritual power in his body, his temperament naturally became different from before.

Before, he was just a mortal who looked a little more handsome, but now, he has become a"practitioner" who transcends mortals.

"Is that so? It might be your illusion, Suzuki.~"Wang Nue said with a smile.

Yuanzi felt like she was in love, Shenmu smiled at her again!!

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