Metropolitan Police Department.

The Criminal Division held a press conference to explain the series of gunshots heard from the Metropolitan Police Department last night.

The Metropolitan Police Department concealed the supernatural incident of corpses resurrecting and killing people, and attributed the gunfight that took place in the Metropolitan Police Department last night to a mysterious terrorist organization.

As for the identity of the terrorist organization, the police are still investigating and it is not convenient to disclose it for the time being.

The top brass of the Ministry of Justice also greeted the financial backers behind the major media outlets, asking them not to report recklessly.

The Ministry of Justice has spoken in person, so those chaebols still have to give some face, and naturally they have also sent messages to their subordinates, asking them to take it easy when reporting.

Of course, this is also because the media do not have more explosive news. Otherwise, if they really have first-hand clues to supernatural events, it is not certain that all media will listen to the Ministry of Justice. There are so many media in Japan, but there are still a few stubborn ones.



Teitan High School, 2nd year, Class B

"Maori-san, why didn't Kudo-san come today? What happened?" Wang Yu asked knowingly.

"Shinichi said he had a case to deal with, so he asked for leave."Ran was a little helpless and a little worried.

She felt very panicked when she separated from Kudo Shinichi at Dorobiga Amusement Park yesterday. She always felt as if she would never see Shinichi again.

And she didn't get in touch with Kudo Shinichi later. Shinichi was busy with the case, and it was Dr. Agasa who told her about it.

"So that's it……"Wang Nue deliberately showed a thoughtful expression.

Xiaolan looked puzzled:"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Wang Nue shook his head, hesitant to speak.

Seeing this, Xiaolan and Sonoko didn't dare to ask any more questions.

After all, Wang Nue was a cool and abstinent handsome guy before, and he didn't talk much. Even if they asked, they might not get anything out of him.

After school in the afternoon,

Wang Nue called Xiaolan and Sonoko:"Suzuki-san! Mori-san!"

"Hmm! ? Shenmu, what's up?~?"Yuanzi looked at Wang Nue expectantly.

【Are you going on a date with me? Right? Right?~?】

Xiaolan also looked at Wang Nue curiously, wondering what he wanted to do by calling them.

Wang Nue looked at the two and slowly said,"If possible, try to go out less at night in the future."

Xiaolan and Sonoko were both very afraid of ghosts.

Although the zombies under his control would basically not attack the two of them, they would probably be scared to death if they were caught.

From today on, the ghosts in Tokyo are not limited to the Metropolitan Police Department.



Xiaolan and Sonoko were both confused.

Why is it best not to go out at night? The public security in Tokyo is pretty good.

"I found that the negative energy over the city has become more intense than before, and I am worried that something bad will happen."Wang Nue explained

"Something bad?" Yuanzi hadn't reacted yet.

"Shenmu, you are not referring to... those things, right?……?"

Xiaolan swallowed her saliva unnaturally. She understood what Wang Nue meant!

Because she remembered that Shenmu Nue's family ran a shrine!

Wang Nue nodded:"Yes."

"I don't have many friends, I don't want anything to happen to you"

"Wait! Wait!"At this time, Sonoko finally reacted:"Kamiki-san, you mean... ghosts will appear at night! ? ?"

When talking about ghosts, Sonoko shuddered subconsciously.

She, like Xiaolan, was also afraid of ghosts!

"In short, try not to hang around outside at night."

After Wang Yu finished speaking, he picked up his schoolbag and left.

Yuanzi and Xiaolan looked at each other:"Xiaolan, let's go! Let's catch up!!"

According to Yuanzi's understanding, Shenmu is not the kind of person who would play such a scary joke! There must be a reason why he suddenly said such a thing!

She had to ask clearly, otherwise she would feel uneasy.

Don't even think about falling asleep tonight!


Xiaolan nodded, picked up her schoolbags with Yuanzi, and chased after Wang Nue.

As soon as Wang Nue walked out of the teaching building, he heard someone calling him from behind.

"Shenmu classmate~! Wait for us~!"

Wang Nue stopped and turned around, and saw Yuanzi and Xiaolan running towards him.

"What's up?"

""Mr. Shenmu, were you kidding me just now?"

Xiaolan asked awkwardly. She was a little scared.

She was most afraid of ghosts in her life. She would be scared if ordinary people told her ghost stories, not to mention that Mr. Shenmu's family ran a shrine!

He was a clergyman, so she was even more scared when someone said such things to her.

"It's true." Wang Nue said with certainty

"Um, Shenmu classmate, are there really ghosts in the world? Have you seen one?"Yuanzi was also afraid, but she couldn't resist her inner curiosity.

Because she had never seen a ghost! No one around her had seen a ghost either!

She was quite curious, what exactly do ghosts look like?

Wang Nue nodded:"I have seen one."

""Ah?" Xiaolan shuddered uncontrollably.

"Um, Shenmu, what does a ghost look like? Yuanzi looked at Wang Nue with a look of fear and curiosity.

"I haven't seen many ghosts. Some are in human shape, and some are like a cloud of fog."

"But that was in the past. Now the Yin energy has suddenly become thicker, and I'm afraid the number of ghosts will become more than before."

"A weak ghost won't affect people, but if it becomes stronger, it's hard to say."

After hearing Wang Nue's explanation, Xiaolan and Yuanzi looked unnatural.

"Xiaolan, let's go to the shrine of Kamiki's family and worship together!" Sonoko suddenly suggested

"Hmm! Shenmu, is it convenient for you? Xiaolan looked at Wang Nue.

"It's not inconvenient. Since my grandfather passed away, I'm the only one left at the shrine."

"But as a classmate, I'm telling you the truth. Our shrine is like other shrines. It doesn't have any magical powers. At most, it just gives believers psychological comfort."

Both Yuanzi and Xiaolan were embarrassed. They didn't expect Shenmu to say such a thing so bluntly.

They thought that Shenmu could see ghosts, so his shrine must have some special powers.

It's impossible that they have already said it and now they can't say it anymore.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi followed Wang Nue to his Shenmu Shrine.

"To be honest, this is my first time to visit the Kamiki Shrine."Yunoko said with emotion.

As a family shrine, the Kamiki Shrine is not very big, only about one thousand to two thousand square meters.

For a shrine, it is really small.

There is only a two-story building for living in the shrine, and a temple of only about one hundred square meters, and several small warehouses.

Finally, there is a huge old tree on the open space.

There are not many believers in the Kamiki Shrine, but the money from the believers is enough to cover his daily expenses and the maintenance of the shrine.

"I came here twice when I was a kid, and I didn't expect the shrine to be exactly the same as before." Xiaolan recalled.

She and Shinichi came here to play a few times when they were young, but they never came again when they were a little older.

After all, there is really nothing at the Kamiki Shrine except an ancient tree, so it really has no appeal to children.

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