Xiaolan and Yuanzi paid respect to the sacred tree, and Wang Nue invited them to sit at his home. They drank tea and chatted together.

As for the content of the chat, it was mainly about ghosts.

They usually don't have the opportunity to learn about those things.


"It's getting late, Shenmu-san, Sonoko and I should go back." Xiaolan glanced at the time.

She still had to go back to cook for her father and Conan.

"Wait a moment."Wang Nue stood up, walked to the cabinet beside him, opened the drawer, and took out two peace and blessing

""Mr. Maori, Mr. Suzuki, this is the peace blessing I made. I'll give it to you. It doesn't have any special effect, but it can serve as a comfort to some extent."

Wang Nue handed the two peace blessings to Xiaolan and Sonoko.

In addition to the incense money given by believers, the usual income of Shenmu Shrine comes from the sale of some peace amulets, lucky charms, small gifts and the like. The small gifts are purchased directly, but the peace blessings and lucky charms were previously made by Shenmu Nurarihyon who adopted him and taught him how to make them.

After Shenmu Nurarihyon passed away, the work of making peace amulets, lucky charms and the like was completely taken over by him.

These were things he made before he awakened his past life memories and obtained the system, and they really have no effect other than psychological comfort.

"How embarrassing! We didn't bring any gifts when we came to visit you."Xiao Lan said quickly. It's embarrassing that we didn't bring any gifts when we came to visit you, but you still need to accept gifts when you leave.

"It's not worth anything, just take it."

Seeing Wang Nue say this, the two of them did not continue to refuse.

"Shenmu classmate! I will definitely carry this amulet you gave me with me!!!"Sonoko said solemnly.

This is the first gift that Shenmu Nue gave her!!

Wang Nue smiled and said nothing.

This is really just an ordinary blessing of peace.

After saying goodbye to Wang Nue, Xiaolan and Sonoko left together.

After making some food, Wang Nue released a large number of shadows to find a suitable 'host'.

In Japan, burial is not actually prohibited, but because of the shortage of land resources, after people in Tokyo die, most of them are cremated and then buried in a small jar.

Direct burial requires a large area, which ordinary people cannot afford, or cannot buy at all.

Therefore, Wang Nue's target this time is not the various public offerings in Tokyo, but the major hospitals in Tokyo.

Major hospitals basically have morgues and morgues, and the morgues basically contain some corpses that have not been taken away by family members, or even unclaimed corpses.

And those corpses will become zombies controlled by Wang Nue.

In addition to hospitals, medical schools are also Wang Nue's targets.

There are generally quite a few corpses in medical schools, and they are used For teaching and experiments.

Some preserve the corpses by soaking them in a pool filled with preservatives, while others preserve them in refrigerators.

However, most of them are soaked in formalin solution, which can preserve them for a long time and is convenient to use when needed.

Beihua Central Hospital.

A group of black shadows sneaked into the hospital morgue, the black shadow turned into a human form, and randomly opened one of the morgue cabinets.

Then the black shadow unzipped the body bag, and a face covered with white frost, pale complexion, and closed eyes appeared in front of the black shadow.

The black shadow directly merged into the corpse, and the next moment, the eyes that were originally closed suddenly opened.

The same thing is happening in other hospitals in Tokyo.

In order to ensure the combat effectiveness of the zombies, Wang Nue finally decided to stuff the shadows of ten people into the body of each corpse.

Otherwise, the zombies are too weak, and if they are easily subdued by others, it would be too uncool.

Moreover, one or two ghosts are enough for a hospital, and there is no need for too many ghosts in one place.

One ghost can already make the hospital restless.


Inspector Megure brought his men to the Tokyo Depot to investigate the strange things that happened there today.

Investigating the Tokyo Depot was a task assigned by the superiors, so Inspector Megure and others knew what happened in the Tokyo Depot.

But it was precisely because of this that Inspector Megure and others felt incredible.

How could a person not have a shadow?

Shadow is just an optical phenomenon. Because objects block the propagation of light, light cannot pass through opaque objects and form a darker area, which is the shadow.

As long as there is light, there must be a shadow.

It would be fine if there is no shadow, but it is actually afraid of sunlight. Once it is exposed to sunlight, it will be reduced to ashes.

Is this a vampire?

Of course, it is incredible, but Inspector Megure and others who came to investigate did not completely believe it, but felt very heavy.

Because last night, a supernatural incident occurred in the Metropolitan Police Department.

A dead person suddenly resurrected and not only killed the murderer who killed him, but also killed more than a dozen police officers.

The most important thing is that the case was handled by their Investigation Division.

Inspector Megure is now worried that similar supernatural incidents will happen in the Tokyo Depot.

According to the case report, there are thousands of prisoners missing in the Tokyo Detention Center. If the prisoners suddenly riot, they won't be able to deal with them with just a dozen small pistols!

After arriving at the Tokyo Detention Center, Officer Megure immediately asked the warden to arrange for them to check on the"sick" prisoners.

In a dark ward,

Officer Takagi shone a flashlight at a"sick" prisoner, and the next moment, everyone present looked very unnatural.

"Really... no shadow!!"

"how so……"

Officer Takagi shone the flashlight on himself in disbelief. He had a shadow.

Then he shone it on his colleagues in the Metropolitan Police Department. They also had shadows.

Only the"sick" prisoners had no shadows!

They checked hundreds of"sick" prisoners one after another. Without exception, all of them had no shadows and were afraid of the sun.

Although the light of the flashlight would not harm them, they did not like it.

Officer Megure even wanted to try whether these"sick" prisoners would really turn into ashes after being exposed to the sun.

Of course, he only dared to think about this idea in his mind. If he did it, he would have to give up his hat.

After all, it was equivalent to murder.

Officer Megure left with his men.

They did not gain anything new from this investigation. After all, they were just criminal police, not monks or onmyojis. They had no idea where to start with this kind of supernatural event.

Twelve o'clock in the evening.

In major hospitals and medical schools, the corpses transformed into zombies by Wang Nue's shadows finally started to move after lurking for several hours.

Beihua General Hospital.

A morgue cabinet quietly opened, and a white hand stretched out from the body bag and unzipped it.

Then a young woman with a pale face and frost on her face crawled out of the body bag.

Because of the low temperature, the zombie's body was very stiff, but this did not prevent her from walking out of the morgue and coming to the elevator.

The female zombie pressed the elevator button and waited for the elevator to arrive.

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