(World cards can be used. Which world do you think is better to go to? Leave a message in the comment area.)

The two walked on the street.

Xiye took Xiaomaojiang to eat some snacks.

It was summer time, and it didn't get dark very early.

In the distance, a girl was out of tune with the clothes of the people walking.

But Xiye immediately recognized the identity of the girl.

Isn't it the nun Asia he was looking for?

At this time, Asia was holding a cat's paw, and the paw was bent, obviously broken by someone.

After Xiye glanced at Asia, he said to the Tacheng kitten who was still chewing snacks:"Xiaomaojiang, you go back first today, I have something to do."

? ?

The Tacheng kitten, who was in a good mood, suddenly stopped what he was saying and looked at Xiye with a puzzled expression.

Something! ?————Although Tacheng Kitten did not speak, her long-term relationship with Xiye still made her understand what the other party wanted to express.

"It's just a personal matter."

After briefly explaining, Xiye turned around and left quickly like a member of the returning army.

"See you tomorrow, Kitty"


Regardless of whether Xiye could hear it or not, Tacheng Kitten looked at his back and whispered.

After Xiye left, Tacheng Kitten seemed to have lost his backbone, staring blankly at the direction where Xiye left.

"This direction doesn't seem to be the way to Xiyejun's house...."

After nearly a minute, she seemed to come to her senses, quickly finished the snacks in her hand, and walked quickly in the direction Xiye had walked........

Following the direction Asia had just walked, Xiye soon came to an open area surrounded by rice fields, which was obviously the suburbs.

Across a road without vehicles, Xiye saw a girl who looked a little bewildered on the small road in the field.

On her head was a white hood with a blue cross engraved on it, and the girl's bright light golden hair could be seen from the lapels and the edge of the hood.

Her clothes were black, similar to those of a nun, which completely matched the nun named Asia Agendo in Xiye's mind.

However, now Asia Agendo is just a"witch" who was expelled from the church. A faint pity emerged in his heart.

Xiye put on a warm smile on his face and walked towards Asia closely.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

"ah...Yes......"As if she hadn't noticed Xiye's approach, Asia was a little flustered when she heard the sudden sound.

But after seeing the smile on Xiye's face, she inexplicably relaxed, smiled back, and said with a laugh:

"If possible, could you tell me how to get to the church? Although someone kindly told me before,....For many reasons, I got lost."


Xiye recalled the scenes in the original book, and couldn't help but think strangely: You were nosy along the way, so you didn't follow the route that"good-hearted person" said, right?


Looking closely at Asia's cute face, Xiye pretended to think:"If this is true, there should be only one church, but no one has been presiding over it for a long time. Are you sure where you want to go?"

Faced with Xiye's doubts, perhaps because someone had asked this question before, Asia answered without any hesitation.

"Yes, that's the church, no mistake."

"In that case, I will take you there directly, so that you don't get lost. Also, my name is Xiye, what's your name?"

Xiye looked at Asia and said this, then walked around Asia and led the way forward.

Although she knew Asia's name,....If a stranger calls out your name for the first time, anyone would be wary, right?

Considering many aspects, it is better not to be so sudden.

"Ah, my name is Asia Akit.."

Behind him, Asia was stunned for a moment, then she trotted a few steps to Xiye's side, lowered her head slightly, and said gratefully:

"Thank you very much for your help!"

Looking at the girl so close, Xiye's mouth curled up slightly. The white-haired missionary hadn't come yet, so he had to make a good impression on Asia first.

Otherwise, if he went to speak in front of her, she would definitely think he was a psychopath.

"I should be the one thanking you for meeting a beautiful girl like you."

Now they have met in person, but how can I find a suitable opportunity to explain the matter of God to him.

And the fallen angel has been dealt with by me.

She has lost her value.

What's more, the crazy white-haired missionary is a lunatic. If she loses the cooperation with the fallen angel Linali, Asia will be ruthlessly abandoned.

Possessing the"Smile of the Virgin Mary" is completely an auxiliary artifact and has no offensive power.

However, they didn't take a few steps.

The footsteps of Xiye and the others were interrupted by a sudden sound.


Looking at the source of the sound, a white and tender palm gently covered the lower abdomen covered by the nun's uniform.

Looking up, what Xiye saw was Asia's pretty face that was almost covered with red marks, and this mark quickly covered the edge of his eyes.

Looking at the familiar scene, Xiye didn't say it, and smiled lightly.

"I'm a little hungry, how about going to eat something first? Welcome to Juwang Town, this time, please let me pay the bill"

"but.....We just met for the first time...."

Although Aixia was very tempted by Xiye's invitation, she did not immediately agree.

Seeing the excitement on Aixia's face, Xiye was about to continue to dissuade her when he heard a very familiar voice from behind.......

"The 'private matter' you're talking about is chatting up a pretty nun?"............................................................................................................................................................ ps: I beg for flowers and monthly tickets

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