"The 'private matter' you're talking about is to flirt with a pretty nun?"

Xiye couldn't help but twitch his lips when he recognized the owner of the voice.

Turning around, he saw the face of the Tacheng kitten. Did he not notice the kitten following him because he was concentrating on Asia?.....Xiye secretly thought that this was a bad idea.


At this time, Asia slowly walked to Xiye's side and asked with some confusion and frustration:"Is there any trouble for me to call Xiye? If so, I can go alone for the rest of the journey, so there is no need to trouble Mr. Xiye."、

Xiye lowered his head in silence, looking at Asia's face, which had no false expression at all. He didn't know what expression to make.

"Xiaomao-chan, why don't you come with me?"

Since Xiaomao-chan was following him, he also heard the conversation just now, so Xiye didn't explain too much to her.

And Xiaomao-chan has a habit of following people!?.......

In the small ramen restaurant, Xiye, Asia, and Maomaojiang were sitting at the back.

"I heard you were going to the church."

Tacheng Kitty looked at the blonde nun opposite, her eyes widened with some tension, obviously surprised.

Didn't Himejima Akeno say that the church was abandoned?

And it was also the base of the fallen angels.

Could it be that this nun is also a fallen angel?

The golden pupils revealed a hint of scarlet, which was the surge of magic.

Kitty found that the nun in front of her, Asia, did not seem to be a fallen angel, but she was the owner of a magical artifact.

She glanced in the direction of Xiye. Could it be that this nun had some kind of charming ability?...

Or does Xiyejun have any special hobbies?.....

"I am a saint from the Gadran General Church. I was driven away for special reasons, so I came here. However, I am traveling with a missionary named Fried."

Asia briefly described her experience, but did not mention that she was driven away as a witch because of her special ability to cure demons.

After Asia finished speaking, Xiye saw a hint of weirdness in the eyes of Tacheng Xiaomao, but after listening to it, he was slightly shocked. He felt a little pity and sympathy, and he didn't know if it was related to his own life experience.

However, the saint of the Western Church, although she is the original saint, coming to Juwang Town is not a trivial matter, not to mention that this saint seems to have some powerful artifacts.

There is also a missionary among them. Others don't know, but Xiaomao-chan, who is a reincarnated demon, knows.

The missionary is a priest in the church, and an exorcist who specializes in hunting demons.

Xiaomao-chan felt that he must report the situation to Rias

"Then what are you doing in that church?"

Koneko-chan also wanted to know what was going on. After all, that was where the fallen angels gathered.

It was really worrying.

"...This word..."Facing the question from the kitten, Asia hesitated, as if considering whether to answer.

However, it seemed that the cute appearance of the kitten in Tacheng gave her confidence, and it was her nature:

"It was that missionary who said he would take me to a place where he could help more people, which is Juwang Town."

Hearing this, Tacheng Xiaomao showed helplessness.

It was obviously a trap, and that priest Friede must have some bad intentions.

But how could she not go to the church first?

Although the fallen angels have been destroyed, the priest is still there.

Xiye was very clear about all this and did not show any strange look.

Xiaomao pushed Xiye's arm on the table.

"Xiye-kun, can you tell Asia not to go to church? I always feel that the missionary is a bad guy."

This is the best solution that Mao Mao-chan has thought of. Let Asia follow Xiye first, and then she will go back and report to Rias.

Akeno-sama investigates the specific situation. It seems to be a perfect plan.

But she always feels that things are not so good.

"Really? If you don't mind, Asia may stay at my place for one night, and we can go to the church to find out the news for you."

"However, staying overnight is not free. You have to pay for the food in the morning and evening. It includes board and lodging."

In order to avoid alienation for Asia, who did not look rich, Xiye proposed a temporary contract.

Having money means being strong, and this is thanks to the money Linali gave him.

Tacheng Xiaomao followed Asia because he was shocked by his abrupt remarks.

However, Asia looked a little moved and about to cry.

As for Xiaomao, she had a black line on her head - did I push Xiye into the arms of someone else!?

"But..."Asia looked at the sincere Xiye and Tacheng Xiaomao, she was somewhat grateful, but after all, it was their first meeting.....How can such behavior be allowed?

Besides, my cooking skills are not very good.....I wonder if Xiyejun would dislike it.....

"Miss Asia, just accept it."

Tacheng Kitten saw Asia's nervousness and softened her heart.

Looking at Xiye and Kitten, Asia suddenly put her hands together.

She thought to herself: Could it be that after I was denounced as a witch, the Lord finally realized my piety and sent me salvation?

After praying, Asia had no more worries and stood up from her seat.

After taking two steps forward, she bowed to Xiye.

"Thank you for Xiye's hospitality, and please give me more advice."

After saying that, Asia stood up and looked at Xiye and the others with a silly smile. As soon as the voice fell, Xiye felt a little puzzled. Why did this sound like something from some place?........

"In that case, I will go back first."

Mao Maojiang said goodbye to Xiye and Asia.

Her current task was to report the situation to Rias and solve Asia's problem as soon as possible.

Because she felt that if she continued for a long time, her position would be replaced............................................................................................................................................................. ps: I'm begging for flowers and monthly tickets.

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