"Why do you think so! ?"

Rias was stunned for a moment.

In fact, there is a ferocious beast in the dark corner of Tacheng Koneko's heart.

That is the cat Xiao (I typed it as a cat demon before, I'm very sorry!), which stimulates the beast in the heart and becomes a lost demon.

The former lost demon Tacheng Heige is the best proof of this. That person is Tacheng Koneko's twin sister!

If she can get rid of that idea and take the initiative to get close to others, it doesn't seem so unacceptable.

It's just that Himejima Akeno is still so persistent.

In fact, both of them are children with some kind of knot in their hearts.

But think about it the other way around, aren't you the same?

"Your questioning is the origin of my idea!"

Cangnan pushed his glasses and said without hesitation.

Is that so? Then let's just say so!

Rias couldn't find a better reason, after all, she needed Cangnan's help!

"Okay! Even if you owe me a favor, I will arrange it."

"However, I am also a little curious about the person you mentioned."

After saying that, Cang Na stood up and walked towards the outside.

After Cang Na left,

Rias leaned back on the sofa and poked her temples with both hands:"A follower? He looks good!"

"However, I don't know what ideas Akeno will come up with, but Koneko-chan wants her to make some decisions. After all, she is not sure where she came from, so she will always be a little worried!"

This supernatural research department is her base, and she can also rest here.

It was late at night.

It was past three in the morning.

Xiye would basically get up to go to the bathroom at this time.

Today was no exception.

Xiye opened his eyes in a daze. He did not turn on the light, but walked towards the bathroom.

Because Xiye had lived like this in his previous life, turning on the light would cause insomnia. He finished urinating quickly.

When he walked out of the bathroom. He walked to the door with his head down and bumped into the soft wall.

He obviously did not close the door! He raised his hand and prepared to open the door.

He pressed his hand on a magnificent and elastic mountain peak and twisted it habitually. That feeling!

Xiye was stunned. No matter how stupid a young man in his twenties was in his previous life, he would not not know what this was!

Because when he was confused , Xiye was hunched over, like a walking corpse.

At this moment, he was full of energy and stood up.

Although it was dark, he could see the person in front of him very clearly.

Himejima Akeno!

That delicate face, with the evasive look still in her pupils, and the enchanting figure, covered by the school uniform.

Holding it in Xiye's hand, one can also feel the experience of extreme beauty.

Why did she come back! ?

Xiye looked like he had met a female ghost, and his figure took a few steps back.

Confronting Himejima Akeno's eyes!

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, which was completely caused by doing something wrong.

He didn't reveal his strength!

He was still thinking about when to retrieve Hyoudou Issei's God-annihilating Tool.

How come Rias came to the door so soon.

No wonder it was the matter of kidnapping Xiaomaojiang!

All of a sudden, Xiye understood the cause and effect!

It must be like this!

"Xiye-kun, where did you touch just now?"

Although it was the first time that Himejima Akeno received such an attack, her goal today was to let Tacheng Kitten understand. The person in front of her was a bad guy, who was very bad to attack the little loli.

She wanted Tacheng Kitten to see Xiye's true nature.

So, she endured the invasion just now, acted as calm as possible, and attached one hand to the door.

Try to act as if you can pick it.

However, she played her true colors, combined with the sadistic elements.

It made Xiye restless.

But how could Xiye not understand, and that kind of animal was only the lower body.

This is a signature beauty trap!

Want to make herself do something extraordinary!?

Xiye can still tell the difference between one time and countless times.

Besides, Tacheng Kitten might be hiding in that corner, secretly watching here.

"You are a human or a ghost!"

Xiye pretended to be terrified and said fearfully

"Ah la a la ~ Xiye Jun ~ Haven't you experienced it? You still say that to me~"

Feeling the fear in Xiye, Himejima Akeno changed her posture as much as possible and said provocatively.

At this moment, countless black crows passed by Xiye's forehead.

"A woman who says one thing and means another."

If I do what she says, she might open her devil wings and punish me.

Although she is not my opponent,

"How do you know my name?"

Xiye hugged his chest and asked in surprise.

"I am Mao Maochan’s elder sister, Akeno Himejima~ Xiye-kun~"

Seeing that Xiye had not yet responded as expected, in order to make Xiye accept her as soon as possible, Akeno Himejima slowly walked towards Xiye.

""Azunai, stop it! This is a men's dormitory!"

Xiye followed Akeno's footsteps and kept retreating. The whole person was forced into a corner.

Until Himejima Akeno was only 0.001 cm away from Xiye.

When Akeno was about to force a wall-dong, a petite voice suddenly appeared.

Standing on tiptoes, the palm of the hand blocked Himejima Akeno's lips that were about to forcefully fall on Xiye's forehead.

""Azunai-sister, that's enough."

The cute little cat suddenly appeared and said indifferently

""Ala, Koneko-chan, you're not going to wait any longer! You'll soon see how bad he is."

Himejima Akeno took a step back, looking at Koneko-chan who was protecting her food and said with a smile

"You can't!"

The petite little cat-chan directly inserted between the two of them, leaning on Xiye's body from behind.

The golden pupils emitted a dim fluorescence in the dark night, staring at Himejima Akeno vigilantly.

"I know~ Koneko-chan won't allow it!"

Himejima Akeno turned around in frustration and gradually disappeared into the darkness.

Outside, her face began to turn red. She had just been....

There must be something wrong.

He probably knew his identity and didn't dare to do it.

That's right!

She turned her back and didn't plan to leave. She still had to be responsible for sending Xiaomaojiang back and put an end to the situation of him staying out all night!

And today she brought Xiaomaojiang here to make him realize that the man in front of him was a bad guy.

But all this didn't seem to develop as she expected............................................................................................................................................................. ps: I beg for flowers and monthly tickets

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