"Xiye-kun, I'm sorry~"

Watching Himejima Akeno leave, Mao Mao-chan lowered her head, like a cat that had done something wrong.

She thought to herself that she shouldn't have listened to Himejima Akeno.

She came here to test whether Xiye was a good person or a bad person.

And it was such a H thing.

"It's okay, Kitty-chan."

Luckily, I don't have the habit of sleeping shirtless, otherwise I would have made a fool of myself with Himejima Akeno.

The air around here is still filled with Himejima Akeno's body fragrance, not to mention there is a lovely little loli.

Xiye can only bend his body slightly.

As for petting the cat, I can only talk about it later.

"Is this really your sister?"

Try to divert your attention, Xiye asked

"No, she is....She is a member of the Supernatural Research Club like me, so she can be considered my sister~"

Koneko-chan was like a kitten that had made a mistake, with her hands folded in front of her, and she answered with a look of grievance on her face.

"Okay, it's time to go back. This is the men's dormitory. I don't know how you got in at midnight."

I think Himejima Akeno should not have gone far, Xiye comforted her.

It was Xiye's real intention to let Mao Maojiang go back at this time.

In general, he didn't lose anything, and the girl's elasticity was still unforgettable.

"Well, Xiye-kun, I know~"

Kitty-chan took the initiative to rub against Xiye, with a docile look under her silver-white hair.

Then, she took small steps and ran out.


Xiye was a little confused.

What did it mean?

But soon he figured out what was going on.

That is, the cat mandrill has the nature of a cat, and will rub its head against the person it likes.

"What a pity."

Xiye murmured to himself with some regret.

At that time, he did not understand what she meant. The cat rubbed against the owner obediently, and the owner then stroked the cat.

That feeling is a perfect match!

But it's too late.

After collecting his little emotions, Xiye went back to bed and continued to sleep.

However, at this time, he also realized that he seemed to have been exposed to Rias Gremory.

And he was very dissatisfied with what happened between him and Koneko-chan.

This does not seem to be the most important thing for him to consider now.

The goal is still to pay attention to the tasks issued by the system below.

Improving strength is the important rule for one's survival........

Time passed, and six days had passed since Himejima Akeno's plan to destroy the relationship between Tacheng Maomao and Xiye.


Some time ago, Xiye sent his things over through the landlord where he lived before.

Now he has received it, and there is also a computer for playing games with Maomao.

This was at Maomao's strong request, and the game was already tasteless without Xiye.

Yesterday, he had been fighting with Maomao in the game until midnight.

And from what I have learned during this period of time, I found that Issei Hyoudou does exist.

And he is still in human form, and was not preempted by Rias.

It seems to be evolving slowly according to the original timeline.

Today, Xiye has a special task, which is to sign in at the famous scene.

When he woke up, it was almost dusk.

He thought to himself that it was not good, playing games could really delay important things.

After a quick wash,

Xiye set off for the fountain in the park.

It was already dark.

Soon, he arrived at the park that he had already visited.


But there are no signs of Issei Hyoudou and Yuma Amano!?

Xiye opened his task panel in confusion, but it did not show failure!

Could it be that things had changed since he arrived?

Unwilling to accept this, Xiye decided to get closer to see what was going on.

As he walked forward, a transparent obstacle blocked his way.

"Barrier!? Damn, I forgot about that."

As a fallen angel, Amano Yuma is not stupid enough to show up without being prepared for external interference.

"It seems that the only option is to use the"Astir's Codex."

He infused his thoughts into the magic book hanging around his neck.

"Open the 'Domination' theme!"

"Connect to the Royal Library's Gluttony Library!"

Following Xiye's command

《Astir's manuscript began to emit a blue light, and he flipped through it, stopping at one of the pages.

""The Word of Truth!"

A blue halo appeared on Xiye's arm.

The magic power began to flow from his body into his arm, forming a backflow with the Word of Truth.

The power in his arm gradually grew stronger, and Xiye was a little eager to try.

"This is the first time I use this power."

After saying that, Xiye began to accumulate power, with his body tilted. Bang!


When Xiye touched the barrier, it was like glass. In an instant, it broke and collapsed. Looking closely, next to the fountain, a woman with black angel wings on her back was showing an evil smile. In front of her, there was a miserable corpse that had lost its life, and the pool of blood below was still spreading around.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the mission, check in for the famous scene: Hyoudou Issei's death! Obtained the Wrathful Library, one of the seven deadly sins of the Royal Library!"

"Ding! Open: Holy Ritual!"

"Ding!"Astir's Manuscript" completion +5%!"

"Even Astir's manuscript has unlocked 5% of its power?"

Feeling the magic power in his body expanding again, Xiye muttered silently.


Amano Yuma, who was just immersed in his own achievements, stared at the man who broke his barrier in shock.

Is he a human?

But his face immediately darkened. That was the magic power emanating from Xiye.

It was even stronger than his own!

"This is not the question you should ask."

Xiye ignored the existence of Amano Yuma and walked straight to Hyoudou Issei.

He wanted to take the God-annihilating Tool as soon as possible and leave before Rias came here.

No matter if she was here or not.

And this fallen angel Amano Yuma let him continue to live. He was the one who caused the battlefield here, so of course she had to take the blame.


Keeping a distance from the mysterious human, Amano Yuma observed his strange behavior.

However, the next second.

The breath that came out, as a fallen angel and a follower of Metropolitan Azazel.

How could Amano Yuma not recognize it?

She showed a shocked look on her face.

"God-destroying tool!"............................................................................................................................................................ ps: I beg for flowers and monthly tickets

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