"Put her aside first....Stray cats are shy...Just stay for a few days." Xiye smiled at Aixia and said

"Is that so?..."Asia put away the sausage and said with a bit of regret.

"So let's go buy her cat litter and cat food today...."

Asia is still very happy about Kuroka's arrival. After all, there are not many people as kind as her.

""Okay." Xiye nodded and agreed.

Then, when Asia was about to answer her room,


"Xiyejun, is there anything else?..."The little girl blinked her eyes, not understanding why Xiye called her.

Xiye smiled and led the girl to his room.

There was Heige in the hall, and he couldn't let her know what he was going to do.

Asia followed Xiye timidly.

I didn't know why, and all kinds of thoughts came to my mind....

Why did Xiyejun ask me to come to his room?....

Could it be....

The two sat on the sofa in Xiye's room.

Xiye then said:

"So, Asia, do you want to be an angel?!"


Asia looked at Xiye in surprise. How could she not know what an angel was?

But did Xiye have a way to help her become an angel?

However, Xiye brought her to his room for this matter, and the little girl was still a little disappointed.

Compared with this matter, she was also curious about the angel....

"Yes, the angel you imagined...."


After hearing Xiye's affirmation, the little girl hesitated.

The way to become an angel is very simple. Just like the devil's followers, if you want to become an angel, you must become a servant of the superior angel!

In that case, she would have to leave Xiye......

Did she ask Xenova and Shidou Irina to be maids just to make me leave?...

Following Asia's expression, Xiye was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

"It's not what you think. I don't have the intention of pushing you to someone else....The way I said...I will be your superior. Of course, if you don't want to, I won't force you. I respect your choice."

"This... is it like this?....Scare me.."

The little girl breathed a sigh of relief. Xiye's suggestion just now made her think that she was going to lose her only place to stay.

"Will Xiye-kun be my superior?...Wouldn't it be possible for me to be with him forever?"

Asia's smiling face turned red, and then he looked at Xiye seriously and nodded.

"If it's Xiyejun, I have no opinion."

"Yeah?...Thank you very much for trusting me. I will not let you down."

Xiye smiled gently.

Little Loli Asia thought that it was a reincarnated angel, but it was not on the same level as the Seraph who was about to perform the spell on him.

Summon the magic book of the Bible

"Connect to the 'Pride' library and open the 'Domination' theme"

""Seraphim endows!"

A holy light fell on Asia's body from above like a beam of light.

Slowly, a golden wing and halo appeared from above and slowly fell down.

Endowed on Asia's body.

The wings also suddenly changed at this moment, turning into four pairs of eight wings.

The blazing white light gradually dissipated, and the figure of the girl appeared in front of Xiye again.

Asia's temperament became more holy and ethereal, but the rest was the same as before.

"Eight-winged Seraph.....!?"

Xiye based on his own situation, if he did not activate the devil factor, his magic level would also be at the highest level of demons, equivalent to eight-winged seraphim.

Could it be that this"Bible" magic book judges the level of followers based on their full strength?...

Except for the four great Seraphim in heaven, all the others are reincarnated Seraphim. The highest one has only ten wings, and there are also very few with more than eight wings.....

Asia is now a popular figure that even Michael would try to recruit.

"call....Asia, you are now an eight-winged Seraphim.....If you work hard, you will definitely achieve great success....."

"yes...Really? If I can help Xiyejun, I will work hard in the future!"

Asia said with a smile, her eyes full of seriousness.........

At the same time.

In the heavens. There are countless palaces.

In the largest palace among them.

Michael, who was sitting in his position as the Lord of the Heavens, suddenly frowned. The system in his mind suddenly became abnormal.

This system was left by the God of the Bible in ancient times, and it was something that restricted the rules of the world.

When he checked the problem, he found a major news.

That is, there was suddenly an extra Seraph in the system's records!

And it was an eight-winged Seraph! ?

When the God had passed away, there was no saying that new Seraphs were born. Could it be that the system has been self-upgraded for a long time and there was a surprise?

In order to verify his statement, he explored it again, and the system did not show a way to make Seraphs appear again.

But what about the Seraphs that suddenly appeared! ?

Michael was confused. Is the system wrong! ?

Then, he immediately summoned the other three Seraphs to discuss this issue.

This is a good omen for the future development of the heavens.

However, except for the system, which is a tool for detecting this world, knowing the existence of Asia, others did not know, and the important meeting that is now being held in the heavens......

Juwang Town. Outskirts.

A silver-haired young man looked at the center of Juwang Town not far from him, and suddenly said to the man standing on the top of the tree with a restraint and holding a long black stick:

"Monkey King, where is Heige?..."

"Heige!?..I guess she went to see her sister...But it's rare that he hasn't come back after such a long time...."

The monkey responded calmly.

"It's really not her style, let's wait and see."The silver-haired young man frowned.

Now is a critical moment, if she breaks the plan, it will be more trouble than gain.....

"But, Wally, I heard there are some good guys in this Juwang Town."

To kill time, the monkey thought of something and said to Wally

"Oh..I am quite interested in being called a good guy by you....Tell me about it." Wally turned around and looked at the monkey with a curious look.

"Do you know the Phoenix family, the troublesome 'Phoenix' demon bloodline family? There is a person who owns a divine weapon here who beat him down, but something unexpected happened....."

The monkey lies sideways, supporting his head with one hand, his eyes fixed on Wally.

"It seems that I really want to listen to it...."

"There was a brief space shock, causing the Phoenix family kid to fall into a coma, and the red-haired Lucifer Demon King suspected that you were the one who did it."

Hearing this, Wally frowned. It was indeed a bit annoying.

No wonder the Monkey King mentioned this matter.

"Hmm? So, we took the blame for that human kid."Wali said with a smile.

Trouble comes from the sky, and the blame comes at no later than that. He began to wonder who that person could be.

"Does that person know who it is?..."

"Isn't he the boyfriend of Heige's sister?...He probably hasn't come back yet, will something happen to Heige?"Meihou suddenly realized the crux of the matter and said with a little worry.

"oh...Interesting." Wally's mouth curled up.

"It's okay, just ignore her, give her a few days off, and we'll go meet someone first."

The spatial ability looks exciting, what will happen to this human and Kuroka? Since there's no sign of Kuroka yet, it must be a setback.

As for Kuroka's life safety, she's not worried, after all, that guy is her sister's boyfriend.....

"Phew, you are so casual, Hei Ge is not easy to mess with....I think that guy will suffer."

Meihou smiled. He had personally experienced the fear of being controlled by Heige's space manipulation and his headache-inducing magic!

"Then you just wait here, Arthur should be here soon"、

As he spoke, his figure disappeared from the spot and sank into Juwang Town.

"cut...The hard work is always thrown to me..."The monkey lay on the tree trunk, curled his lips and said......

In the morning, Xiye was dragged by Asia to the supermarket to buy cat food and cat litter.

As for the aura on Asia's body, after asking Xiaosheng, he got a way to cover up the aura.

This is also for Asia's safety. Now is a sensitive period, and the surroundings are full of dangerous auras. All major forces should intervene.

If Asia's identity is discovered, Asia may be in danger.

At this moment, Xiye and Asia have returned to their residence.

However, Jenova and Shido Irina are out, probably looking for the traces of the fallen angel.

"Kitten..."Asia took the cat food from Xiye with a smile on her face.

She thought that Heige would not like the small sausage, so she bought cat food this morning, so she would definitely like it.

As she said that, she held the cat food in her hand, put it in a small bowl, and put it in the cage where Heige was locked.

"Eat quickly."

Heige, who had slept for a long time, saw that the person coming was Xiye, and kept howling.

"Meow meow cat~ (Let me out quickly~ I don't want to eat this stuff...)"

"Xiyejun, look at how happy she is. She must be hungry."Asia said with a loving smile

""That should be it~" Xiye said with a twitch in his mouth.

In fact, Xiye knew that this was definitely not the case.

However, just when Heige was about to shout, his stomach gurgled.


It has become an ordinary cat, and its body functions need food to maintain....

"Meow meow meow~ (Damn it, I don’t want to eat this~ I want to eat cake~)"

It's a pity that no one can understand her.

Meow meow~

Am I going to starve to death here?....

Meow meow~

Xiye I will remember you~


Finally, in front of Xiye's astonished expression,

Heige nibbled on the cat food that Asia had put in the cage.

Meow meow~

Chicken flavor~ Unpalatable~

Xiye was full of black lines on his head, and Heige, the sister of Maomaojiang, was nibbling on cat food.

He immediately realized that this rose with thorns is now an ordinary little black cat.

However, if he let her eat cat food, would she take revenge on him after she came out~

Such abuse of the sister-in-law~

"Xiyejun~She ate it....

And she is still crying, is she crying because she is so moved~" Asia pulled Xiye's clothes....

I was so moved that I cried...How can it be...

Xiye realized that something was wrong...He quickly ran to the kitchen and took out a piece of cake.

This was the only snack left at home.

Xiaomao-chan loves snacks, and you, as her sister, should be the same~

Xiye thought so, and then put the cake into the cage.

Seeing the cake Xiye brought in, Heige glanced in Xiye's direction and cast a hateful look.

Meow meow meow~

Damn~ But eat it anyway~


Then he left the bowl of cat food and started eating the cake.

"It seems to be true, twins always have some common hobbies...."

"Xiye is smart, she likes to eat cakes.."Seeing Kuroka eating the cake, Asia smiled happily.

However, at this time

, Xenovia and Shidou Irina suddenly came back from outside the door.

They looked unhappy.

"Irina, my holy sword has been stolen. What should I do?..."

Jenova went out with the holy sword on her body, but when she came back, the holy sword on her waist was gone.

"Damn traitor, he actually stole the holy sword in this way!"

Irina was furious, but the holy sword in her hand was not lost!

But Xiye saw who the traitor they were talking about was, and roughly guessed it.

"I have killed the Lost Godfather Fried, so the only traitor in the church is Balupa...."

The priest who conducted the holy sword experiment! ps: Please subscribe! Support the author! Wounds make a living, please subscribe! Below is Asia's picture!

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