"Are you back to cook?"Xiye's eyes shifted from the cat Heige to Jenova at the door.

"Um....Xiye...Oh no, Boss." Jenova was stunned when she saw Xiye coming back.

However, she looked at Shido Irina and felt a little panicked.

Could Xiye have heard their conversation just now?...

As a holy sword master, his holy sword was stolen by someone else. Isn't this a huge joke?

"Then go ahead."

Looking at the two girls' evasive eyes, Xiye smiled.

Four plus one, five artifacts are not bad, Balupa.

Xiye was still wondering how to get the points of the magic book"Ilias's Fragment" in the exchange store.

Balupa is indeed a good target.

According to the rules of the store, one holy weapon can be exchanged for 700 points. Five holy swords, wouldn't it be possible to clear the exchange store.

What's more, the exchange store is still in its primary state, so there will definitely be more powerful equipment after the update.

The two church girls consciously went to the kitchen to make lunch for Xiye.

Asia became Heige's little maid, and Xiye sat on the sofa in the hall.

At this time, the mobile phone also vibrated.

I opened it and saw a small text message from Akeno.

"Xiyejun~ Come quickly, we found the trace of the fallen angel.."

"Fallen angel?..."

It seems that Kirkbol is here too. That's right, the four holy swords were given to the old man Balupa by Kirkbol.

Say goodbye to Asia. I won't be eating lunch at home. You are responsible for taking care of the kitten 'Heige'.

Knowing that Xiye must have something wrong, Asia didn't ask much. Since she was asked to take care of the kitten, she stayed.

Not long after Xiye walked out, a head popped out of the kitchen. His long chestnut braids were vertically attached to the door frame. He glanced at the situation in the hall and suddenly muttered in confusion:

"The boss is out! ?"

The brown pupils flashed a bright light.

Then he quickly came to Jenova and lay on her:"Jenova, Xiye ran away and didn't come home for lunch! It seems something is wrong."

"Did that Rias find Balupa's whereabouts, or the whereabouts of the fallen angel?"

Xenovia put down the spatula in her hand and asked excitedly.

She had just lost the holy sword in the morning, and now there was a little news. As a holy sword wielder, how could she not want to take it back?

"I do not know...But it should be possible."

Shido Illya picked up a kitchen knife and started cutting vegetables. As a swordsman, she was quite skilled at cutting vegetables.

Ta-da! Ta-da!

A row of vegetables were neatly placed on the mat.

"Anyway, that guy is gone, so we can sneak over there too."

Then the two of them left Xiye's residence like thieves and walked towards the school......

"We found new fallen angels in that old church, and it seems that there is a lot of traffic coming and going. Do they have any plans?..."

Himejima Akeno expressed her doubts. She was also cautious about the current situation.

"Did Cangna notify you?..."Rias sat on the sofa and asked

"I have already notified Xiyejun. I have also notified him...."Himejima Akeno said to

"That's good." Rias nodded, and then sat down on the sofa.

Outside the door,

Xiye saw a group of people standing behind him.

It was Cangna and her family.

"Xiyejun~ are you here too?..."Cang Na was slightly stunned for a moment, but he immediately understood that it was reasonable to get rid of Xiye in this situation.

After all, the appearance of the Holy Sword Master this time did not look like a good thing.


After saying that, Xiye stopped at the door and entered the meeting room with Cang Na.

"Are you here?..."

Rias glanced towards the place where the door was pushed open.

"Ala~...Xiyejun~ You're here so soon!..."

Himejima Akeno also noticed someone coming, looked over, and smiled with her hands covering her mouth.

However, when Xiye came to the meeting room, he found that there were only Rias, Himejima Akeno, and Koneko-chan there. Kiba

Yuto was gone.

Sona stood by, looking at Xiye in confusion, and asked curiously,"Xiye-kun, what's wrong?"

"Why isn't Kiba Yuto here?" Xiye frowned. Could it be that Kiba has already found that Balupa?

That means Kirkbol will soon come to Kuoh School.

Hearing Xiye's doubts, Rias frowned and said,"There was no news about Kiba this morning."

As she spoke, her face became complicated.

Even the smile on Himejima Akeno's face disappeared.

From their expressions, Xiye concluded that they didn't think Kiba had gone to find Xenova and Irina.

"Jenova and Irina seemed to have had trouble in the morning. It seemed that a traitor from the church appeared and took away Jenova's holy sword."

"..He is not looking for the Holy Sword User, so where would he go? Is he a traitor of the church?"

Rias was puzzled. She only knew that Kiba Yuto was a test subject of the church's original Holy Sword experiment. Kiba Yuto has been acting strange since yesterday. He has been out of contact with her until now.

He has severed his relationship with Rias.

"It should be that Jenova's holy sword was taken away, and the traitor of the church must be related to the holy sword experiment."

Xiye said lightly.

At this time, Cang Na also stepped forward and said:"Should we deal with the fallen angels first, or the matter of Kiba Yuto?"


A loud noise suddenly sounded in Juwang College, and the supernatural research department where Xiye was located also shook.

"You're here so soon?..."Xiye muttered to himself.

Kong in his mind suddenly said,"There is an ugly guy above the school you are studying at."

"It's a fallen angel!" The Bible God Xiaosheng also appeared in Xiye's mind.

"It seems that it is not wrong. And that guy who has lived for so long, the skinny guy is not too much to be called an ugly thing!"

The huge noise immediately alerted everyone present.

"Go out and see...!"Rias stood up and stared at the window.

Fortunately, it was the weekend and no one was at school......

On the playground of Juwang School.

Xiye and the two demon queens of the school stood beside Xiye. Behind them followed their followers.

The scene fell into silence.

In the sky, a male fallen angel with five pairs of black wings was floating in the air and watching them with interest.

Then, the male fallen angel in a gorgeous robe slowly landed on the ground. He looked at Rias and said,"It's really interesting!".....The little girl from the Gremory family is here too...."

"Huh...Are all the people from Sidi's family here?...I just wanted to arrest the two holy sword masters of the church, but you are here too.....Let's solve it together."

Although he seemed to be very polite, the playful expression on her lips completely exposed his thoughts.

"Kirkbol, the fallen angel's leader....."

Rias and Sona stared at the person in front of them with wide eyes. This feeling of despair and oppression....They were no match for this man! The moment they saw him, they understood everything.......

Rias looked at Xiye in confusion:"Aren't those two holy sword users at your home?"

Xiye also frowned. They were cooking in the kitchen when he went out.

Could it be! ?

He still has Asia and Tacheng Heige at home!

With such a powerful shell from Kirkbol, Asia can still escape if she uses all her strength, but Tacheng Heige will only die!

However, directly opposite the playground, two girls walked out of the dense bushes.

Xiye recognized the people at a glance.

It was Jenova and Shidou Irina!

And they all had sword wounds of varying sizes!

Irina, who had a weapon, was fine, but Jenova was a little embarrassed at the moment.

Immediately after they came out.

Another figure appeared.

An old man with five holy swords on his back, Barupa Galileo!

Irina carried Jenova on her back and said to the old man:"....Balupa, you, a traitor to the church, actually colluded with the fallen angels and attacked us!"

"I guess you are the one who helped the fallen angel steal the holy sword!"

The two girls stared at the old priest fiercely, their faces full of anger.

But the priest ignored them.

He just walked to Kirkbol with a smile on his face.

"Two holy sword users can't handle it?...You keep dragging your feet and I have to do it myself."

"There is no way. I met a former test subject on the road. He blocked my way and slowed me down. However, with their current condition, it should be over soon."

Barupa gave a helpless smile to Kirkbol's question.

Xiye had been watching coldly and heard Barupa say that he met a former test subject who blocked his way on the road.

Isn't this Yuto Kiba?

And Yuto Kiba has not appeared yet, the result can be imagined.

Xiye turned his head and happened to meet Rias' eyes.

Rias also understood who Barupa was talking about.

After all, he was her servant. Rias frowned at this moment. The person in front of her was a powerful man with the strength of a sub-demon king. He also held an important position among the fallen angels.

What's more, he has another identity, that is, a survivor of the ancient war.

And Irina also noticed Xiye's side.

As the saying goes, people with a common enemy are friends. Now they can only rely on Rias and Xiye to help them.

"Where is Asia?.."Xiye came up to her and suddenly asked, while Maomaojiang followed behind with a worried look on his face.

But he knew that Asia was fine now, because he and Asia were related.

He could sense Asia's current condition.

"We came out on our own and met this guy on the way to school."Irina explained.

Jenova was dying on his shoulder and looked quite injured.

"Is that so?.."Xiye breathed a sigh of relief. In this case, Heige would be fine.

Xiye looked at Xiaomaojiang guiltily. If she knew that he had locked Heige in a cage and put it in her own home, she didn't know what she would think.

Kirkbol was indeed looking at this side leisurely. Balupa suddenly took out the weapon behind him.

He walked forward, looked at Irina and curled his lips:"Hand over the holy sword in your hand obediently, and I might be able to make you die more beautifully."

"Humph! Don't even think about it!.."

Shido Irina placed Jenova aside and glared at her former godfather.

"Humph! You are nothing more than my test subject. I gave you the Holy Sword just to let you take it away from the Church. Do you really think you are a Holy Sword Master chosen by God?...Naive!"

Balupa smiled disdainfully, as if Wisteria Illya was a joke.

"How could I not be? I was born to be able to use the holy sword! I am the one chosen by God!"

How could she not be angry when her identity was slandered by Balupa, and even worse, her faith was slandered.

The 'mimic holy sword' in her hand suddenly emitted a golden light.

It turned into a long whip and lashed towards Balupa.


The long whip was held in Balupa's hand:"God, haha! Kirkbol, she said that God chose her."

Balupa smiled and turned around to look at the old man behind him, the fallen angel Kirkbol.

Then his eyes widened and his face said ferociously:"God, God is dead, how could he choose you? The reason you can use the holy sword is entirely because of this thing in my hand that makes you fit the holy sword."

As he said that, he took out a dark blue irregularly shaped fluorescent gem from his arms

"hey-hey...Your compatibility is not good enough. If you eat more of this, you will be more compatible with the Holy Sword.....Ha ha..."

Then he swallowed the deep blue gem.

Then the 'Sacred Sword of Destruction' used by Jenova in his hand emitted a strong light.

The power released was even more violent than before.


Jenova, enduring the severe pain, watched Balupa's actions, a little surprised. That's right, when she was given the holy sword, she swallowed this thing.

Is this all a scam! ?

The voice of Xiaosheng suddenly came from Xiye's mind:"Ye, can you help me clean up the mess!"

Watching all this, Xiye curled his lips:"No problem!"

Even this Xiaosheng, who is the god of the Bible, couldn't stand it and begged himself, so how could he let this old guy continue to be so arrogant! ps: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please support the data! Thank you. Below is the picture of Cang Na!

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