(The cover is ready and under review. There are surprises if you look closely.)

Xiye will do it without Xiaosheng telling him. Besides

, there are the temptations of the five holy swords behind him. Rias has never understood why the fallen angel cadre Kirkbol suddenly appeared in Juwang Town, and it seems that he has some kind of conspiracy with the holy sword.

"Kirkbol, what is your purpose in coming here without the Holy Sword of the Church?"

Rias came to Xiye's side and asked with a serious face.

Even if the man in front of her was very strong, her pride as the next heir of the Gremory family would never allow her to be timid at this moment.

"As expected, she is that man's sister.....But you are really responsible! Okay, I'll tell you."

Kirkbol looked at Rias with some surprise, and slightly curled his lips.

"My target is you. I believe that as your brother, Sirzechs will not sit idly by."

"If you dare to do this, the three forces will go to war again!...Did you get the permission from the fallen angel governor?.."

Rias asked with a cold look, but Kirkbol smiled happily.

"That's just what I wanted......I thought that if we stole the holy sword, Michael would be shaken and start a war against us....I didn't expect to send only two holy sword users. How boring! So, I think it would be more interesting if Sirzechs showed up to attack you here...."

Kirkbol's answer stunned everyone present.

And Cang Na also had a sad face. Behind him

, Shinra Tsubaki also stepped forward with a heavy expression and said in Cang Na's ear:"I have reported the situation here to Lord Leviathan through magic transmission."


Sona nodded. Although she felt helpless about her troublesome sister, the current situation was not something she could bear. However

, the current situation was very critical. Sona didn't know if she could hold on. Serafla rushed here.

""Mad man!"

Rias replied with a cold face.

This was not just to call him arrogant and wild, it was simply a manifestation of a twisted mind.

However, Rias's comment made Kirkbol laugh excitedly!

"Ha ha ha ha....Yes, I am indeed crazy! After the three-way war, I have been bored! Azazel and Shemhasa have very negative attitudes towards the war.

Not only that, Azazel also collects those boring artifacts and studies them inexplicably all day long. Such useless things cannot become the powerful weapons of this world, so how can they compare with the power in the blood!"

Then, Kirkbol stopped laughing and curled his lips in disinterest.

"I thought you would have some interesting reactions, but now it seems that I was overthinking....."

Kirkbol said, his bloodshot eyes staring at Balupa who was holding Wisteria Irina's holy sword,"Get rid of her quickly and fulfill your great will!"

Then his body floated in the air, his mouth raised:"More seasoning!"

The moment the voice fell, a huge magic circle appeared below him.

Then the extremely huge three-headed hellhound ran out of the magic circle, looking greedily at everyone.....


After receiving Kirkbol's order, the three-headed hellhounds rushed over here like arrows.

Kirkbol was sitting on top. Suddenly, a huge throne appeared. He crossed his legs and held a glass of red wine in his hand. He tasted it carefully, just like the people next to him, watching a show......

"not good...."

The three-headed dog in front of him ran towards Rias, and Rias's face was full of worry.

On the one hand, Cang lowered his voice and prepared for a fight:"Hold on, my sister Serafla is almost here."

And Shido Irina, who was not far from Xiye, groaned at this moment.

The Mimic Holy Sword in his hand slipped out of his hand and fell into Balupa's hands. He restored the Mimic Holy Sword to its original state of a long sword and said with disdain:

"You are just a test subject, not my opponent, but the things on you cannot be wasted, they can be refined."

Seeing this, Rias wanted to attack, gritting her teeth and said:"Damn! Such a despicable guy."

A pair of hands blocked her in front of her, Xiye glanced in the direction of Balupa:"The holy sword in her hand is not good for you, let me do it! You deal with the three-headed dog first, I will make a quick decision!"


Rias was stunned for a moment. At such a critical moment, could Xiye still consider such a problem?...

But she didn't have time to think about it. She nodded and looked at the three-headed dog charging at her.


Xiye disappeared from the spot, and Balupa leaped up with a blow, slashing the holy sword in his hand towards Irina's head, who was on the verge of collapse.


In the flash of lightning, a black weapon appeared in Xiye's hand.

Xiye had already turned on the magician mode.

In the picture, the silver-white long hair and the handsome face, holding a dark long sword in his right hand to resist Balupa's attack


From the general outline, Irina knew that the person in front of her was her boss Xiye, but how did he become like this?

"You look so depressed. Without God, the world won't turn."

Xiye looked straight into Irina's eyes.


Irina stood there blankly, thinking that she had disappeared from this world with God.

But suddenly, a bright light appeared in the world, illuminating her heart.


Xiye exerted force with his right arm. With the blessing of the mantra, the powerful force directly shook Balupa back a few steps!

"Forehead...There will always be stumbling blocks."Barupa's face was stern. Just now, he felt extremely happy. He got the holy sword he wanted and saw the desperate eyes of this girl who believed in God.

But he was disappointed.....

"The last person like you has already fallen to the ground."

Xiye stayed on Irina for a while, and let her understand these words, but the Bible God, Xiaosheng is indeed still alive, and is still his own book spirit.

But so what, people always have to live for themselves.

Looking at Balupa, he said jokingly:

"This may be your last words."

The dark long sword in his hand was the alchemy Xiye learned from the 'Lust' library. It can not only be transformed into a barrel weapon, but also a blade weapon.


Xiye did not hesitate at all, the sword rose and fell.

It was just a moment.

Even if it was a mortal body, it was useless even with the blessing of the holy sword.

A trace of blood fell on the long sword.

A thin red scar appeared on Balupa's neck, and blood-red liquid slowly flowed out....

Then he fell to the ground.

The radiance spell left behind an afterimage, but Balupa had already declared the end of his life.


Xenovia was also staring blankly at Xiye standing in front of Irina.

"god...Gone...Is the world not turning?..."

Such words are indeed an infringement on God, and they are disrespectful to God.

However, Xiye has a boyfriend who is a devil, so it is normal for her to say such words.

But these words, spoken at this moment, really make people think deeply.....

As for Xiye, he had already recovered all six holy swords of Balupa, and he didn't want Balupa to fuse all the holy swords into one.

Wouldn't it be a loss for him, a total waste!

"Too tough, this guy keeps splitting up!"

From the right, the magic circle in Rias's hand kept bombarding, and the blood-red energy bombs with the attribute of"destruction" kept bombarding the three-headed dog.

But the three-headed dog was damaged and bombarded into several pieces, but it quickly turned into several three-headed dogs and launched another attack.

At this time, in front of them was no longer just one three-headed dog, but countless three-headed dogs densely packed together.

"What should we do?"

The three-headed dog in front of them had been staring at them with bloodshot eyes. After being attacked by Rias and Cana's magic, its anger increased.

It stared at Rias with a covetous look.

Balupa was solved, which also caught Kirkbol's attention. He curled his lips and said,"Even humans can't solve it...."

After seeing the situation of Xiye clearly

"So he is the owner of a divine weapon?...so annoying..."

However, this did not seem to attract much of his attention. Instead, he stared at Rias with concern. His goal now was to control her before Sirzechs arrived.


Xiye looked at Irina and said lightly,"You can still move, take care of your companions...."

After saying that, he moved quickly.



A three-headed dog pounced on Xiaomaojiang's position.

The dark long sword in Xiye's hand directly cut the three-headed dog in half!

"Are you okay?"

Xiye watched Xiaomaojiang struggling to deal with the three���


Xiaomaojiang was stunned for a moment, but at the critical moment, Xiye still appeared.

"It's okay."

She still felt a little sweet in her heart, as her position in Xiye's heart was still very stable.

Cangna also showed a trace of fatigue. She had a headache dealing with the annoying constant splitting of the three-headed dog.

Seeing that Xiye had solved Balupa over there so quickly, she, as a strategic queen, asked sleepily:"Xiye,~...How to deal with this three-headed dog? It's too difficult."

"Let me do it."

Xiye knew that the three-headed dog relied on the special feature of its body splitting. As long as it was not completely killed, it would continue to split and replicate.

Rias, Himejima Akeno and others also heard Xiye's words and retreated to Xiye's side and asked

"It's totally unkillable!"

"Ala~ Xiyejun, is there any other way to solve this?...The number keeps increasing. Come on, surround the playground."

"Take a break!"

Xiye looked at everyone's embarrassed appearance and said lightly

"Alchemy! Super mortar!"

Xiye's mind was injected, and with the picture in Xiye's mind, a bright light shone in front of him.

Then a super large mortar appeared.

It had a silver-gray shell, and there was an extra lens in Xiye's right eye.

"Ah~ What is this? It looks so strange. This is the first time I see Xiye-kun using it."

Himejima Akeno stared blankly at the strange equipment that suddenly appeared.

But Cang Na showed a strange look:"Isn't this a mortar? Why is it so big?...."

"You'll know when you see it!"

Xiye responded, and suddenly looked forward.


The lens locks all the targets in front of it!

"Target locked, number 108...."



A huge beam of laser light rushed out directly. The huge reaction force, alchemy, and the super-powered mortar retreated!

The whole ground seemed to be shaking. In the astonishment of everyone, they only felt a blue light in front.

Bang, bang, bang!

It was like a sea of fire.

The roar spread throughout the entire area, reaching the sky!

"Allah~My little heart..."Himejima Akeno covered her chest and said sadistically.

However, the three-headed dog in front of her turned into nothingness in an instant.

The three-headed dog came from the gatekeeper circle of the underworld, but it was destroyed at this moment.

"This attack..."Cang Na was also quite shocked. Whether it was the way of attack or the degree of magic power, she was deeply shocked.

The strong explosion did not damage the outside. The entire Juwang School was surrounded by a barrier. This was Xiye's preparation in advance.

Otherwise, with such power, the whole town would at least be destroyed into nothingness.....

And Kuroka is still in this town.

"Hahaha~ Interesting, it's getting more and more exciting! I thought the two little girls from the Gremory and Sidi families would give her a surprise, but I didn't expect them to be killed so easily by this human kid. I was wrong!"

Kirkbol laughed happily, his emotions were not���Because his pet borrowed from the underworld was destroyed, he was angry and became more courageous.

Then his eyes fell on Xiye.

"You have successfully attracted my attention. I wonder if you can take my attack!"

As he spoke, he gathered the magic power in his hand, and a golden light gun was formed!

It was huge, more than ten meters long. It fell in an instant.

Xiye raised the corner of his mouth and smiled. ps: Please order all, please order by yourself, the picture below is a picture of a kitten, I wonder if it can pass the review!

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