"Activate the Demon King Factor!"

At this moment, a pair of wings spread out on Xiye's back.

Rias and others have seen this state. Xiye used it when he dealt with Raisa Phoenix!

"Xiye-kun, are you serious about this?"

Rias saw that Xiye's magic power had reached a terrifying level.

At first, she only watched it from Serafla's magic screen outside the virtual projection space, and had never really experienced it.

Now it seems that everything has been answered!

Xiye's strength is beyond their imagination.

With the surge of magic power on his body, the huge golden light gun coming towards him.

The mind was poured into the super mortar. With the condensation of magic power, a huge shell gathered at the muzzle of the mortar.


The beam of light was like a laser, directly colliding with the huge light gun.

The air around was repeatedly oppressed, and the heavy oppressive feeling was transmitted to the people around!

It was as if two shock waves were formed between yellow and blue, and they were deadlocked for several seconds.

The next moment.


The golden light gun shattered! The mortar rushed towards Kirkbol as if it had lost its restraints.

Kirkbol, who had been looking confident, suddenly had his pupils widened and then frowned.


Sitting on the throne, Kirkbol stood up, looking solemn. He used his magic power to create a dark protective shield that surrounded him.


A loud noise spread in the sky.

The surrounding barriers showed signs of collapse.

The blue light illuminated the entire barrier, and everyone felt a haze around them. There was a short silence.

When the light mist dissipated, they looked up.

Kirkbol was still suspended in the air. On the surface, there was no change, but from his expression, it seemed that he had suffered a great loss!


"What kind of broken artifact is this?..."

Staring at Xiye's strange equipment, Kirkbol said unhappily.

This is the first time someone has made him lose face!

It's a shame for this old guy!

What's more, he's a human being!

"Next, let me play with you!"

Kirkbol was angry, and the ten dark wings behind him shook, carrying Kirkbol into the sky, emitting a dazzling light and gathering a powerful force of light.


Xiye put away the super-energy mortar created by alchemy. The energy wings behind him drove him to fly into the air and stopped. Xiye shook his head.

"I don't mean to play with you, I just want you to leave."

"Let me leave right now!? You dare to say that, with your strength just now."

Kirkbol narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing an infinite chill.

"No one has said something like this to me for a long time. You are just the owner of a divine weapon. How can you fight against me!"

"You have to understand that the previous ones are just the condiments I gave you. The real"hard dishes" are just beginning!"

Xiye didn't say anything more to Kirkbol's words. The Black Emperor Sword"Jutica" on his neck suddenly turned into a beam of light and fell into Xiye's hand.

The dark Black Emperor Sword, the magic power was like smoke, constantly spreading outward on its blade.


When Xiye took back the strange-looking thing, he took out something that also made him afraid.

The breath was like seeing a devil, making everyone's heartbeat pound.

"What kind of weapon is this!?" Rias' heart trembled, she knew this weapon.

It had never appeared when she first met Xiye, but later Xiye began to wear this pendant.

Common sense says that a human being can only have one divine weapon, but Xiye keeps creating miracles!

Cang Na also looked at Xiye meaningfully.

Even her assistant, Shinra Tsubaki, came to her side and held her eyes.

"Xiye Jun, you look pretty good, really shocking."


Xiye and Kirkbol were both suspended in the air.

With no intention of holding back, Xiye suddenly moved while holding the Black Emperor Sword.

""Number of Secret Techniques!"

The space fluctuated, and Xiye disappeared on the spot.

But Kirkbol was stunned. When Xiye attacked Balupa before, he used his advantage in agility.

At this moment, the aura was clearly the body movement of manipulating space.


The Black Emperor Sword slashed

""Reduce the theme!"

Compared to him, Kirkbol was only a ten-winged fallen angel, a sub-demon king.

The arc of light on the blade fell directly on Kirkbol's back.

"Damn it!"

The stinging pain from behind made Kirkbol realize that the situation was not good.

Kirkbol's body, suspended in the air, trembled and almost fell to the ground.

Responding, he immediately dodged to the side.

Then a long arc of blood fell from the sky!

Splashing on the ground, forming a straight line

"Damn it!"

On the ground.

Rias' heart was also shocked. She was the eldest daughter of the Gremory family. She was familiar with the skills Xiye had just used.

Manipulating space!

Xiye could actually manipulate space!.....

This idea came into everyone's mind....

However, it happened not long ago, wasn't it that Raiser was caught in the space shock?....

This little bit of doubt made Cang Na narrow his eyes.

His eyes fell on Xi Ye and did not move.

"Manipulation space....Then it seems that Leza was also made by Xiye."

Thinking so in his heart, he nodded seriously.

With such potential, Xiye can compete for the future 'strongest human'.

It seems that I have to recruit Xiye to become my follower!

After making the decision, he glanced at Zhenluo Chunji.

In such a scene, he was looked at by Cangna.

Zhenluo Chunji's face was also flushed. As Cangna's assistant and the one who had stayed with Cangna for the longest time, how could she not know what Cangna meant.

It's all because of Lord Leviathan.....Honey Trap...

Sona Shinra Tsubaki moved over and just met Rias's eyes.

The two nodded and agreed with the matter between Xiye and Raiser.

Sona, a good sister, also indicated that she naturally no longer doubted the matter, but another question arose, should she tell her brother Sirzechs about Raiser's matter?...

Then he shook his head. No, he had to confess to Sirzechs that he and Xiye were pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend. Then Xiye might be retaliated by the Phoenix family.

This would be very disadvantageous. He must not let others know.

While everyone was still muttering in their hearts.

Kirkbol in the air narrowed his eyes. The changes in his body shocked him.

Because the magic power was dissipating, and it seemed to be very fast.

"what have you done...."

Regarding this situation, Kirkbol saw Xiye and asked directly

"I didn't do anything, but this 'hard dish' is bad for your health!"

Xiye also saw Kirkbol's condition. Now the magic power of the arrows on his body is more terrifying than he imagined.

He thought he needed another sword, but it didn't seem necessary.

He began to look forward to the power of the Black Emperor Sword 'Jutica' to reduce the theme.

He just opened up 10% more ability after returning from the world of the seven magicians.

The effect is much better than expected.


Kirkbol felt like he was at the end of his strength, and Xiye in front of him was so powerful that he felt guilty.

He looked down and saw Rias and others below.

Kirkbol guessed that although Xiye was a human, he was with the little girls of Gremory below. As long as he held the hostages, he might be able to leave.

Blood-red eyes, as black as rice grains, were fixed on Kokemon-chan.

But the next moment he was about to leave.

Xiye had already seen his purpose from Kirkbol's eyes.

Count the secret techniques!

Disappeared from the spot again.

In the flash of lightning, Kirkbol sensed a hint of danger.

The powerful magic covered the ten black wings and instantly blocked him in front of him, but it did not eliminate the sense of crisis in Kirkbol's heart!

The next second, the Black Emperor Sword completely penetrated Kirkbol's defense and pierced into his heart.


The Black Emperor Sword came out from behind Kirkbol, and then it was pulled out!

Pediatrician Kirkbol fell from mid-air, half-knelt on the ground, holding his heart tightly.


Rias and the others looked at the scene in astonishment, and it took them a long time to come back to their senses.

However, after they understood the battle between Xiye and Raisa, they were even more unable to react.

A fallen angel cadre was seriously injured in such a short time.....

It looks like he is more than just seriously injured.

Kirkbol's face was horribly dark, but more of it was disbelief and anger.

He stared at Xiye fiercely and said word by word:"Weapons that can weaken magic power...I didn't expect you to have this kind of thing!"

If you haven't experienced it, you don't know how terrible it is to have your magic power weakened. When he was hurt, he was obviously at the level of a sub-demon king, but he quickly became the strength of a top-level demon, and it was still decreasing.

When he received the last injury, no matter how hard he tried, his fate was already doomed.

"Stains....The fallen angels are really tough...."Xiye raised his eyebrows and smacked his lips in dissatisfaction.

However, his magic power had been downgraded to the middle and lower level demon level, so there was no possibility of resistance.

In addition, the wound on his body from the Black Emperor Sword was also taking his life bit by bit.

"Haha~ I didn't expect that I, Kirkbol, would fall to a human...."


The laughter of a madman caused his wound to shake violently, and he fell to the ground with a mouthful of blood spurting out.

He was no longer able to breathe.

Xiye also put away his magician mode and landed on Kirkbol's body.

A magic appeared in his hand.

It then sprinkled on Kirkbol, and then his body began to crumble, turning into dust and scattering in the sky.

Rias and the others all looked at Xiye's back with horror.

They knew that Xiye was very strong, but how could he kill Kirkbol so quickly?......

It was something they had never expected while playing around!

"Xiyejun~Is this your full strength?...?"

Rias asked Xiye blankly.

Xiye turned around and nodded with a smile.

If only these were counted, it was indeed Xiye's full strength, but the"Ilias's Fragment" magic book in the exchange shop could be exchanged, and Xiye didn't know what would happen.

But Kirkbol couldn't help but fight. If Xiye faced someone who had just reached the top of the demon king level, he might not be his opponent.

"Allah~...Xiye Jun, I don't believe it at all! Who knows how many cards you have hidden?....~"

Himejima Akeno said with a smile, but her face was filled with disbelief.

From the beginning, he had been pretending to be an ordinary person in front of her, and he treated her like that. Xiye was the one who took action in every battle, and he always crushed her. This strength was really hard to believe.....

According to Himejima Akeno's estimate...Being able to kill Kirkbol, Xiye is at least a peak sub-demon king.

"Xiyejun~It's too much..."Even Mao Mao-chan said with a bit of disapproval.

Just as Sona was about to say something, Irina appeared in front of Xiye with a pale face.

"Xiyejun~Oh no...boss...Jenova looks like she's dying...."

At this time, everyone's eyes were on Jenova's condition not far away.

There were many sword wounds and a large area of blood on the ground.

And he had fallen into a coma.

Xiye narrowed his eyes. The situation seemed very urgent. He wanted to find Asia but found that the little girl did not follow him.

Cangna also stepped forward quickly and looked at Yura Yisa:"Can you help heal her?"

At this time, Yura Yisa with dark blue medium-length hair hurriedly walked up and looked at Jenova.

Use your own healing artifact and cast it on Jenova.

However, when the emerald green healing magic was attached to Jenova, it seemed to ease a little, and Jenova looked a little better.

But the result.


A ball of blood was vomited again.

Yura Yisa had a complicated expression and said lightly:"My artifact cannot perform indiscriminate treatment, and her injuries look too......Too serious"


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