(Updates usually start in the afternoon. Chapter 82 is banned and is being revised. Those who say there are no pictures in the comments section are all eaten by the system. It’s none of my business. Innocent jip)

In the virtual projection space.

This is a flat place. Judging from the sunlight in this scene, this may be somewhere in the underworld.

The place where Xiye and Azazel are located is desolate and there are no obstacles.

In a battle like this, the so-called cover is redundant.

And Sirzechs and others are more than ten miles away.

Sirzechs used the barrier to protect everyone inside.

Isaacschel's eyes condensed.

The black wings of the twelve-winged fallen angel behind him spread open!

The pressure of the fallen angel commander was immediately unfolded!

"You guy, I'm not that stubborn old man Kirkbol...."

As he spoke, his body suddenly underwent drastic changes.

‘Forbidden Hand Transformation! '

The whole body is covered with golden armor, and even the black wings behind him have turned into armor!

This is a divine weapon that he developed himself, a powerful equipment that can destroy both the gods and the gods.

"It's been a long time since I had a good fight...."Let's get started!"

Seeing the changes in Azazel in front of him, Xiye was not moved.

The blue magic power on his body was running, receiving the command of Xiye's thoughts.

The magic book"Astir's Manuscript" hanging around his neck emitted a light!

"Connect to the 'Pride' library and start the 'Domination' theme!"

"Connect to the 'Greedy' library! Re-singing!"

"Connect to the 'Lust' library! Alchemy!"

"Connect to the 'Gluttony' library! Power Words!"

"Connect to the 'Rage' library! Sacred rituals!"

‘The devil factor is activated!’.....

All the blessings were suddenly gathered on one body. In the picture, Xiye was wrapped in a ball of blue light.

Then, the whole person's outfit suddenly changed drastically, a black windbreaker, and the silver-white hair.

The change has not yet subsided, and a pair of wings suddenly began to grow from his back.

It was a pair of wings in the form of energy.

However, unlike before, the wings this time changed from energy to physical objects.

The body was suspended in the air.

Affected by the magic book"Fragments of Elias".

Xiye's current strength has reached the level of the Demon King.

And it's not just an ordinary Demon King.

The pressure that is not weaker than that of Governor Azazel was revealed.

Like a messenger of the night


Azazel frowned a little. The sudden change of the human in front of him forced him to be extremely alert.

Among the demon king-level people present, only Serafla had seen Xiye fight once.

But he was not as fearful as he is now.

The sudden change caught Serafla off guard.

Could it be that this guy has been hiding his strength?

Her expression also caught Sirzechs's eyes. He had never seen Xiye fight.

But Serafla had seen it!

She even showed that kind of shocked look.

And now Xiye gave him a very strong feeling. If it was before, he might have suspected that Xiye had the strength to break through the level of Demon King.

But now he has surpassed the previous stage of Demon King. He has reached the level of a high-end Demon King.

In the human world, he is definitely a candidate for the"strongest human".

And he is very likely to become the final strong man.

Azazel is a little panicked at this moment.

No wonder this guy asked him how much stock he had so unscrupulously before.

Everything is a trap set by him.

He wants to steal his artifact and make him work for him!

It shows that it is a blackmail from Chi'Luoluo' (not a typo)!

And he jumped into it himself.....

""Let's get started!"

Xiye said, hiding from Azazel in front.

Azazel had long heard from Seraphlu that this guy was a human who could use multiple artifacts at the same time.

There was also a sword pendant around his neck.

It seemed that this guy was hiding some cards.

Azazel was the fallen angel commander, and he was not sure about the victory of this duel, but his temper was still there.

"Then let me see your cards...."Azazel muttered inwardly.

The battle between the two demon kings had begun!


The two sides charged forward, and the sharp blade created by alchemy in Xiye's hand collided with the forbidden divine sword of Azazel. The powerful sword arc split from both sides.

It fell on the ground and created a long gully.

"It seems that you can really use multiple artifacts at the same time...."

Azazel watched the divine weapon in his hand collide with the strange sword in Xiye's hand.


Actually, what Xiye wanted to say was that this was made by his mind.

As long as there is magic power to support it, it can be made.

However, if he wants to recycle it to the system through this, it is impossible.

Otherwise, Xiye would have become rich long ago, and he would not covet those artifacts of Azazel.....

Self-produced and self-sold in batches, isn't it good?.....

"This isn't some magical artifact...."

Xiye snorted coldly.

He pushed forward slightly, and with great force, he pushed Azazel out fiercely.

With the blessing of the Mantra, Azazel was directly pushed out dozens of meters away.

When his body stabilized.

Azazel's calm voice sounded:"Not bad power!....Even I am far from being able to match this power."

But when he finished speaking, the sharp blade in Xiye's hand suddenly disappeared.

"Alchemy! Super tracking cannon!"

In front of Xiye, a huge long-barreled cannon appeared.

The barrel was one meter in diameter.

It was suspended in front of Xiye.

With the infusion of Xiye's thoughts and magic power,

Xiye's right eye had an extra transparent lens.

"Aim. Target: Fallen Angel Metropolitan Azazel...."


The green cross in the lens was fixed on Azazel.


The huge blue energy shell in the barrel continuously drew in the energy of the surrounding space.

After the shell kept spinning, it shot out like an arrow.

"I rely on....."

Azazel was stunned by Xiye's behavior.

What the hell is that?.....

He was also confused about the development of the artifact.

However, the next second, his brows furrowed. He was afraid of the power of the energy bomb. He moved his body quickly.

As Azazel was still confident in his speed.

He dodged the cannonball that came straight at him.


After dodging, Azazel let out a breath.

But in an instant, the omen of danger made him look behind him.

The shell actually turned.

And the target was him.

"....."Azazel was confused. What the hell is this?....

Is there a magic bullet for location tracking?...

But the facts were right in front of him.

He couldn't afford to hesitate......

As Azazel dodged quickly, he was able to create a large distance between himself and the magic bullet.

Azazel finally felt relieved.


But the light blue energy bomb passed through the space and disappeared in everyone's sight.

The next second, it arrived in front of Azazel.


A huge sound.

Buried the surroundings!

Azazel was completely submerged in the blue explosion mist. There was also a blue light around him.


The people who were watching from a distance all had shocked looks on their faces. The scenes that just happened were like a science fiction movie.

It would be fine if the magic bullets fired could be tracked.

But it could even cross space and attack the enemy.

It was outrageous!

Seraflare also took a breath of cold air.

Rias's nervous expression also relaxed. She was finally relieved about the battle between Xiye and Azazel.

This man who shocked her time and time again did not seem to be the type to speak wildly. She also glanced at Xiye, took out a bag of snacks from her small warehouse, and started eating. She was very happy that Xiye could take out such a thing and use it as a snack for herself, and now he was performing like this, so she started to eat melons.

"Ala Ala~ Xiyejun is really shocking..."

Himejima Akeno also squatted down and approached Koneko-chan.

She wanted to have a piece of the pie.

However, Koneko-chan stared at her with a vigilant look:"No, I won't give you a piece of the pie."..."

"So stingy...No love..."

However, the only ones who really cared about the changes on the battlefield were the two underworld demon kings.

They wanted to see what powerful killing moves Xiye had.

In the distance.

Of course, the blue light dissipated, and Azazel looked a little embarrassed.

There was a crack in the golden armor on his body.

This is a divine weapon, a divine weapon that is not weaker than the God-killing Tool, but there is a crack.

Azazel felt a pain in his flesh.

"You are too abnormal, you can even use magic bullets that can travel through space."

Azazel no longer has the demeanor of a fallen angel commander, but rather complains like a gangster.

Xiye also smiled tactfully.

That energy bullet is infused with the space jumping ability of the number of secret arts and the powerful magic damage ability of the holy light.

It is a tracking super-powered magic bullet by alchemy.

It is multifunctional, of course not simple.

However, it was the first time that Xiye used it in this way, and he did not expect it to be so powerful!

"Forget it...."

Azazel had a scoundrel look on his face.

This piece of equipment was his most satisfying creation, but it was damaged like this.... ps: Please customize, the following is a picture of Himejima Akeno!

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