(Chapter 82 is ready to read. Go back and see the cat-eared girl.

)...What a scary guy.....Wally must have looked for you too....That guy didn't even remind me... Azazel smacked his lips and said lightly.

He didn't want to lose too badly because he was also the fallen angel commander. If he stopped now, he could save some face.....

What's more, he still has some unused equipment....

I'm not sure I can defeat this human kid.....

As for Vali's search for Xiye, he also knew about it.

"Um.."Xiye said calmly.

However, he said calmly:"As for the artifact, if you can't take it out, then write an IOU...."


Azazel's mouth twitched. This was the first time in his life that he suffered such a loss. Those were eight divine weapons....

This guy looks relentless.....IOU...

He glanced at Sirzechs in the distance, who was looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Well.. it's really bad....I became your employee for no reason...."

As he spoke, a piece of paper appeared in Azazel's hand, on which was written the eight artifacts that Azazel owed Xiye.

He walked over and took it.

After Xiye looked at the contents and confirmed that they were correct, he slowly said:

"Welcome to continue the challenge next time....But about the price...It may be on the rise...Ten divine tools... or five divine tools will do.."


Azazel felt like he was struck by lightning. These divine weapons and divine extermination tools were like cabbages and were everywhere on the street....

However, he didn't understand one thing, so he said:

"The artifacts you have are not weaker than ordinary artifacts. The low-level artifacts you get from me will be of no use to you...."

"personal hobby..."Xiye waved his hand and left.

He walked towards Sirzechs.

"personal hobby!?....It's strange that he doesn't have the same hobbies as me...."

Azazel stayed on Xiye for a while, muttering silently in his heart.

This way.

Xiye came in front of Sirzechs.

Sirzechs smiled and looked at his brother-in-law with satisfaction:"Xiye...The strength is indeed good!...Azazel actually admitted defeat in front of you..."

"...big liar.."Seraph looked unhappy, thinking back to the time when she first met him.

She felt like she was being fooled by a little girl.


Xiye spread his hands, expressing his helplessness.


Behind Xiye, Azazel covered his face, feeling uncomfortable being teased by Sirzechs.

His eyes fell on Rias, and he said with a smile:

"Sirzechs's sister?...Good vision, this guy is not an ordinary person...."

Being stared at by a fallen angel's governor, Rias looked a little helpless.

This Xiye is her dependent's boyfriend....It's just a boyfriend who works overtime.

But she can't tell the truth....Things have come to this.....

The governor of the fallen angels is here. If I tell the truth, I will make my brother Sirzechs lose face.....

"Thanks, but my vision is always good..."Rias said confidently

"Ha ha...A hero and a beauty are a perfect match." Sirzechs smiled, then looked at Xiye and said:

"Are you interested, Fallen Angel? Join us, you can choose any of our Fallen Angel beauties...."

"...."Sirzechs looked indifferent. This was a blatant attempt to poach someone from the highest ruler of the underworld!

And the person poaching was his own sister. Sirzechs' face darkened immediately:"Azazel, you don't have to worry about this."

Xiye was also stunned. Azazel would actually extend an olive branch to him.

But he was not interested in joining the Fallen Angels. Beautiful woman!? He didn't seem to have seen one in his memory.

The only one who could barely be considered one was Akeno Himejima.

"Not interested in..."Xiye said calmly.

Seeing this, Azazel still said:"If you can come, we can study my best research together."

He thought that Xiye wanted the artifact, and he must have a special hobby for artifacts like himself, stamp collecting.....

"I think you'd better pay your IOU as soon as possible...."Xiye said disdainfully

"Xiye classmate, this is the fairest thing you have said today, I forgive you."Seraphlu looked proud, looking at Azazel's frustrated look.

"...."Azazel smacked his lips and turned his head away, then frowned:"Sirzex, you are unwilling to give up, so let me talk about our problem this time."

"I want to convene a conversation between the three biblical forces.."

"About the peace treaty?.."Sirzechs's face suddenly became serious and he asked

"Yes, I have already chosen the location, it is in Juwang Town, and Seraph has also sent someone to convey the message. I have already discussed the details with Seraph."

After saying that, Azazel turned his gaze to Xiye:"Xiye....I hope you can be there too.....Haha~ It's been a long time since I've been so excited!"

Then, the Azazel disappeared on the spot.

"Three-party talks?..."Xiye muttered in his heart

"Rias...Xiye...Since Azazel said so, I have to go and prepare well."Sazekes' eyes showed solemnity.

Hearing this, Seraph said with displeasure on her face:"You won't let me go back too, right?....I haven't seen my Cang Na yet...."

However, as a demon king, she still returned to the underworld.

When everyone returned to the Supernatural Research Department,

Himejima Akeno's face was a little heavy.

This also caught Xiye's attention.

"Ding! The system issues a task: Untie the knot in Himejima Akeno's heart, and the reward is the 'jealousy' library of the seven deadly sins of the Royal Library!" ps: Please customize it, and ask for some flower data! The following is a picture of Himejima Akeno!

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