"《Astir's Manuscript》Grim Reaper's Level +5%!"

"...I have become a psychological counselor."

Rias also noticed Xiye's gaze and followed his line of sight to see Himejima Akeno, who had a heavy face.....


Rias was stunned for a moment, then her expression became complicated, and she probably understood why Himejima Akeno was like this.

"Xiyejun~You probably don't know the past of Akeno Himejima yet."

"..have no idea.."

Xiye nodded. Actually, he knew.

But since Rias seemed to want to talk, it would be okay to listen to her.

Himejima Akeno was also pulled out of her sorrow by the gazes of Xiye and Rias.


"Let's talk about it...."

Then Koneko-chan stayed beside Xiye, while Himejima Akeno and Rias sat together.

Rias was the first to speak.

"You should have seen Himejima Akeno's demonic state."

"You mean that she is different from you in that she only has half of the demon wings?..."Xiye said lightly

"Um...yes, actually she doesn't have only half of the devil's wings, the other half is actually the fallen angel's wings"

"How should I put it? Himejima Akeno is the offspring of a human and a fallen angel. After meeting me, she became my follower and reincarnated as a demon, and that’s how she became what she is now."Her face became complicated as she recalled a past event. Actually, her life experience wasn’t that good either.

But she always faced life optimistically.

Hearing this, Himejima Akeno grabbed Rias’s hand.

"Minister, let me speak for myself."

"Actually, the fallen angel governor you saw, his chief officer, Baiqiu, is my father... No, he is not worthy of being my father. My mother is just a shrine maiden from the Himejima family, one of the five major human families."

"He was seriously injured and was rescued by my mother. Later, he left me. However, when my mother and I were considered filthy by the clan, he left, causing my mother to be destroyed by the clan...."

"I have been living outside since then until I met the Minister..."

At this point, Himejima Akeno's face didn't seem sad, but more hatred towards the man who worshipped the hill.

"oh...Is that so?..."Xiye sat opposite Himejima Akeno and said softly

"Seeing Azazel reminded you of the past, or the meeting of the three major forces, when that man was coming...."


As if she was touched, Himejima Akeno was stunned for a moment.

"You want me to catch that man and confess my crime to you?..."Xiye said calmly


As soon as these words came out, both Rias and Koneko-chan showed a look of shock.

Baiqiu is the leader of the fallen angels, and he is also a fallen angel with the same strength as Azazel.

Although Rias has no doubt about Xiye's strength, what kind of situation will Xiye's actions put him in?

"Xiyejun...Thanks..."Himejima Akeno did not respond directly to her words.

Instead, she suddenly closed her eyes and suppressed her emotions.

Then she put on a smile.

"Ah~ I feel much better now that I've said this... Didn't we say that we'd go to the beach for a vacation after Xiye-kun meets Sirzechs-sama?...."

"That's fine, but when will this tripartite meeting be held?.."Xiye asked.

Rias also put away her previous emotions and said,"It should be in five days."

"...No.. I'm most afraid of water.."When Xiaomaojiang heard about going to the beach, she was reluctant.

".."Hey...kittens are actually afraid of water!"

Xiye smiled and pinched her cheeks.

Thinking about how cats hated water in their previous lives, it was surprising that cats that had cultivated themselves into spirits would also be afraid of water.

From this, we can conclude that it is a cat's nature to be afraid of water!

""Ala~ I'll go inform President Sona!"

Himejima Akeno took this opportunity to leave.

After Himejima Akeno left, Asia poked her head out of the door.

"Huh...Where did you go, Akeno?"

"Asia..Why are you here? She went to inform Cang Na that everyone should take a day off tomorrow to go on a beach trip...."

Xiye saw the girl suddenly coming and said lightly.

Rias put away her smile and touched her temple.

The problem of Himejima Akeno has always been a headache for her.

"Xiyejun~ You won't really do what you said before, right?..."

"If Akeno doesn't want to, then why bring that worship hill to her and make her suffer?.."Shifting his focus from Asia to Rias, Xiye smiled and responded.

"Phew~ It's a good thing you didn't plan to do that." Rias breathed a sigh of relief.

If Xiye was in danger, being able to defeat Azazel didn't mean he could bring back Baiqiu, who was as powerful as Azazel, from the headquarters of the fallen angels.

"However, if possible, I am ready to go to the underworld!"

Xiye pondered for a moment and said

"The underworld!?"Rias's eyes widened. The underworld, that terrifying place

"What are you doing there?.....Do you want to..."

Rias didn't say the rest.

The Hades and the Fallen Angels' headquarters were equally dangerous places, not to mention that the Hades had always been kept secret, and no one knew how many strong people there were.

But she was also curious why Xiye knew this place....

"That's right..."Xiye nodded.

At this time, Asia looked at Xiye and Rias in confusion and asked,"Mingfu, what are you doing?..."

Like Asia, Koneko-chan doesn't know much about the underworld.

Rias suddenly thought of something and asked with a sad face,"But even if we go to the underworld, we still can't revive Himejima Juri."..."

"As long as the soul is still there, there is nothing that cannot be done."

Xiye said lightly.

His"Bible" magic book can have five Seraph followers.

In addition to the two reserve names of Jenova and Shido Irina, there are still two places.

As long as Jidao Zhuli agrees, she can naturally be resurrected.

"....All right.."Rias did not ask, she knew that Xiye had his own reasons for making the decision.

Everything impossible became achievable in front of Xiye.

Then, Xiye said goodbye to Rias.

He left the school with the two girls, Mao Mao-chan and Asia. He also bought some beach supplies for tomorrow on the way.

As for the matter of asking for leave, of course it was left to Rias to solve.

However, when I arrived at Xiye's house, I encountered a problem.

That is, Mao Mao-chan did not seem to intend to leave.

Like a puppy, he stayed behind Xiye and came to the residence with Xiye.

Jenova and Shido Irina looked at Mao Mao-chan's arrival.

Some wonder:"Is Mao Mao-chan going to move in?"...Or should I continue to talk to Xiye about her past?.."

Then, the two maids were very competent and didn't say much.

Dinner was ready, and Mao Mao-chan stayed perfectly.

Xiye also acted as if it was natural.

Asia was a little puzzled. Mao Mao-chan had been acting weird since the beginning of the day.

She took the cake in her hand and went to her house to feed the cat (Heige).

Then, while no one was paying attention, Mao Mao-chan sneaked into Xiye's room.

This made Xiye laugh.

This little girl actually did something sneaky.

However, he didn't point it out, in order not to keep Mao Mao-chan waiting for too long.

Xiye went to his room very straightforwardly.

When Xiye entered his room, Mao Mao-chan's face was a little rosy.

The voice was like the sound of insects and said,"Set up a barrier..."


Xiye was stunned for a moment, then smiled and casually set up a diaphragm barrier.

"Is this okay? But I still need to take a shower first...."

Approaching, Xiye wanted to pick up Xiaomaojiang.

But she twisted her body and kept resisting. In the end, she accepted her fate and was taken to the bathroom by Xiye...........

In Asia's room, a cat with black eyes and golden pupils was eating the cake in front of her.

She had to eat because of her hunger.

Meow~ (blatant abuse...)

However, Heige was very excited at the moment, because as long as it was past 12 o'clock, the restrictions on her would be lifted.

She wanted to"greet" Xiye properly....

As for Asia, she has always been"taking good care of her" and telling her stories.

Although for Heige, this is just a kid's trick, it is enough to show that Asia is a good girl.

So her hatred is all on Xiye.

"Meow meow~ (Xiye, wait for me...)"

Time passed quickly.

The night gradually deepened.

The cat in the iron cage suddenly had a glimmer of light in its eyes.

Time is up!

Asia fell into a deep sleep on the bed.

She didn't pay attention to the situation of the iron cage in front of her.


There was a small sound, and the door of the iron cage opened.

The black cat walked out.

She didn't show her original form now.

The small black figure gradually disappeared in Asia's room...... ps: Please subscribe, please subscribe, don’t skip the subscription! Below is the picture of Hei Ge!

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