
Xiye felt that someone was breaking into the barrier he had set up.

Looking at Xiaomaojiang in his arms, he immediately put on her clothes. He also put on his own clothes.

After a while

, Xiaomaojiang was awakened by Xiye's actions.

She looked outside the door suspiciously.

A familiar smell fell into her nose.....

"elder sister..."

Xiaomaojiang's eyes widened. As a special cat, she could still distinguish her sister's scent.

However, she had never noticed it before. That was because she was always terrified at Xiye's house. Why would she deliberately explore the situation at his house?

"Black Song..."

Xiye was a little confused. She had forgotten about this because of the matter with Xiaomaojiang. She was still at home and should have recovered her strength by now.

Under the gaze of the two, the door was gently pushed open.

Heige's golden pupils revealed a trace of fluorescence in the dark night.

In front of her eyes, there were actually two heads.....

One of them was the one he wanted to take revenge on, and the other was his own sister: Tacheng Baiyin.....


Heige was slightly stunned, looking at the two people lying on the bed, and said in amazement

"Let me explain...."

Xiye was about to speak.

A magic bullet that was fused with natural energy from the black singer was thrown towards Xiye.

"The magic power is lifted!"

As Xiye raised his hand, the magic bullet disappeared into the air.

"snort...Kitty-chan is still young, and you actually attacked her....And he dared to fight back...."

Tacheng Heige glared at Xiye, and the black cat ears on his head popped out.

The cat tail at the end of his body also stretched out with a"whoosh".

It was obvious that he was in a state of extreme anger.


Xiye was a little confused. Xiaomaojiang and I were in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, right? Your sister-in-law was too extreme to say that. Couldn't we just have a long talk late at night?

Heige's golden pupils stared at Xiaomaojiang. Her magic could still detect whether her sister was the original one.

After confirming it, Heige's rage and murderous intent erupted.

"Xiye....I am going to kill you!!!!"


Damn, what does this black song mean? I suddenly went crazy

"I put on the kitten's clothes. Could it be that Heige's magic can restore the original scene, or can it show that the kitten has walked the path of adulthood! ?"

Then, Xiye thought of the second possibility.

"Hey, hey, I'm talking to Heige, why are you so angry?...This is what you and I want....How come I was the one who attacked her?.."

Xiye couldn't help but speak.

However, Xiaomaojiang's pretty face turned red, and she was a little guilty and didn't dare to look at Heige....

The little girl was still unnatural in this regard.

She was also caught by her sister....

In the past, she might have been a little cold towards Heige....

However, after Xiye's explanation, Xiaomaojiang's attitude towards her sister changed 180 degrees.

So this aspect of things is still very embarrassing for her.....

If Xiye knew this would be the result, he would not have told her about Heige, and he would have become the disadvantaged party instead.

"I want you to do it...Don't you know that the cat is not yet an adult?.....Is it unsafe to do that?....It will not only cause the body to stop growing...And there is a chance of"winning the lottery", which is several times greater than the chance of winning the lottery as an adult...."

Heige stared at Xiye with murderous intent and said coldly. She had originally wondered if she could be Xiye's opponent, but the incident with Xiaomao-chan had stimulated the soft spot in her mind. How could she think about this question?


Xiye had never thought about this problem, and he had not taken any precautions....

This increases the chances several times, and it's really going to cause trouble.....

On the side, the kitten from Tacheng puffed up his cheeks slightly, staring at Xiye with his watery golden eyes.

It seemed that he had no intention of refuting what Heige said.


I've been letting myself go these past two days, maybe I'll win the prize...But what the hell is it that you won't grow up?...

Doesn't Kitty-chan know how to talk to herself?.....

"Safety measures...It was indeed my negligence...."Xiye did not panic, but turned to look at Xiaomaojiang:"However, why didn't you mention this when you grow up?..."

"...Because of Xiyejun's special hobby...So I didn’t take it seriously...."

Xiaomao-chan stammered.

She was still a little uncomfortable being asked this kind of question.


Xiye was suddenly speechless...Is this my label?...

The Sora in his mind suddenly laughed,"Hahaha...It seems that I am not the only one who has such an opinion...Your devil girlfriend thinks so too..."


At this moment, Heige narrowed her eyes and stared at Xiye, and terrifying magic and natural energy burst out.

Her black hair fluttered, and the murderous intent that soared into the sky seemed to destroy the whole world.

Seeing this, Xiye frowned.

He said to the girl in his mind:"You have too many things to do. The person opposite is my sister-in-law. I can't do it myself, so I'll leave it to you...."

After saying that, the girl Kong was dragged out of the magic book"Astir's Manuscript" by Xiye.

Suddenly, in this not-so-big room, a blue beam of light fell on the bedside, and a girl with an evil smile on her face suddenly appeared.

"call...My master...You are so good...You actually asked me to help you deal with this kind of trouble?..."

The girl's smile fell on Xiye, and she protested.

And such a girl appeared out of nowhere.

Suddenly, Heige and Maomaojiang's eyes also moved over.

Heige's face showed an indescribable expression. ps: Please customize! Please give me some data! Below is the picture of Heige!

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