(The previous Akeno's quest reward was wrong, it was changed to the 'Jealous' library! It has been modified but it will take a short time to be reviewed)


She threw a huge ball of energy.

But when it reached the girl Sora, it suddenly stopped!

Then it turned into nothingness....

"...How strong is this?..."

Heige's face suddenly became a little embarrassed. He was a powerful demon king, but he was defeated by Xiye and this girl who suddenly appeared in front of him.....

"It seems that Xiyejun's obsession with loli is really thought-provoking....."

Xiaomaojiang whispered beside Xiye.

Although I was curious about why this girl suddenly appeared, she actually called Xiye master....

There will be no mistakes....

A fierce look shot from Heige's eyes towards Xiye.

In terms of strength, she was not as good as this girl, but even so, she would not stop.

"The safety measures won't be a reason for you to kill me.....But I'll just be careful next time."

Xiye breathed a sigh of relief and said quietly.

"Also, Xiaomao and I have made an agreement that next time we meet, we will have a good talk....There is nothing that the two sisters cannot talk about."

The reason why Xiye said this is that he really didn't intend to take action against the elder sister-in-law. He wanted to change the subject and let the gap between the two sisters be broken. Then perhaps what happened just now would be ignored....


Tacheng Heige was stunned. What would Xiye know about the things between her and Baiyin?...You must be changing the subject.

"Xiye, go to hell!"

Heige was furious and attacked again.

However, the next moment, the girl suddenly disappeared from the spot and came to Heige.

"hey-hey...I was under this guy's orders, don't blame me.."

The girl suddenly raised her hand, and a blue arc of magic light lit up.

""Magic Imprisonment!"

Then, several blue halos with curse marks surrounded Tacheng Heige.

And Heige, who was in the state of activating the power of cat and goblin, turned into an ordinary woman.

The magic power on her body was imprisoned and could not be used.


Feeling the changes in his body, Heige looked at the girl in front of him in amazement. How did she do it? He couldn't use his magic power. How could he have such ability like Xiye?

"It's much quieter now, Master....I have completed your mission....I have to take care of such a small matter...."

The girl waved her hand and made a gesture to Xiye that she had completed her mission.

Then she turned into a beam of light and returned to the mini pendant of the magic book"Astir's Manuscript" on Xiye's neck.

"Xiyejun~You are right..Sister..Sister. I have something to tell you..."

Xiaomao stood up and walked in front of Heige. It was the first time for Xiaomao to talk to Heige like this. Xiaomao was still a little hesitant when she spoke.

Did her sister forget what she told Xiye about her?...


Tacheng Heige looked at the little cat sauce that was a little different from the past, and it was hard to believe that this would be his sister.

The girl who hated and was afraid of him was gone.

The magic power had been imprisoned, and now Heige was almost the same as an ordinary human being, at most he was stronger physically.

He lowered his head, looked at Heige and frowned and said:"Did you hear what he said?...."

Tacheng Kitten lowered his head and pursed his lips nervously, not knowing how to start. He paused for a while and then said:

"Xiye told me before that you killed the Rigta family because they were conducting human experiments..."


Heige looked up at Xiye with some disbelief in her eyes.

How could he know what happened back then? In fact, she had thought about exposing the Rigeta family, but unfortunately the underworld was too dark, so she was forced to become a lost demon.

Seeing Heige's surprised look, Xiye smiled and said nothing.

The kitten from Tacheng, with his head down, began to speak again:"You abandoned me in order not to implicate me..."

"But I hated you so much at first. People around me said I was a cat-like creature that would bite its master at any time..."

Xiaomaojiang choked up a little when she said this....

However, a pair of white hands gently rubbed her head.


The expression on Kuroka's face also became gentle after hearing what Koneko-chan said....

It's the first time in many years that I feel so relieved on Kitty's head....

"That would make everyone happy, right?..."

Xiye laughed softly at this time.

However, Heige turned his head away and looked at Xiye fiercely:"Don't think that I will forgive you if you do this...."

Looking back, Heige greedily caressed Koneko-chan's silver hair, and Koneko-chan kept rubbing against her sister.......

After a warm moment,

Xiaomao Jiang hugged Xiye's arm, took a deep breath, filled with Xiye's unique scent, and watched Heige leave in front of her with satisfaction.

Xiye also touched Xiaomao's head.

"I went back, Wally left me here...."Heige smacked his lips and said unhappily.

Then he left without looking back.

Only Xiye and Xiaomaojiang were left in the room.

When he saw that his sister-in-law had left, Xiye squatted down and looked at Xiaomaojiang and said,"What did Heige say to you just now?..."

Xiye didn't deliberately eavesdrop on the two sisters' private conversations, but after Xiaomaojiang heard what Xiye said, the blush on her face made Xiye curious.

"...nothing..."When Xiye suddenly mentioned what happened just now, he responded with an evasive look.

"Don't want to say it?...."

Xiye picked up Xiaomaojiang.

Feeling Xiye's eyes, Xiaomaojiang suddenly felt bad.

"...I said..��explain.."

Hearing this, Xiye held him horizontally in his arms and whispered in her ear:

"Come quickly!".....

I will try to update 7 times today! ps: Please customize. Do you prefer daily life or fighting? I can't figure out your purpose.

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