Xiao Ya's face was pinched, and she glared back at Minna dissatisfied.

pouted and said: "It's really good to be kind, if it weren't for me, the ace wingman, you two wouldn't want to roll the sheets together in the next life!

You've hugged you, kissed you, and held your hands, shouldn't you thank me?"

Minna was in a hurry.

A pinch of her little mouth.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

The people next to him were suddenly stunned.

Hugged, kissed?

Is it developing so fast?

Minna pinched Xiaoya's mouth viciously.

This mouth is so hateful!

Xiao Ya was still unconvinced, and muttered: "It's supposed to be a department!"

Minna said angrily: "Ignore you now, wait until I finish this battle, go back and slowly clean you up!"

After saying that, she glanced coldly at the people around her, and all the trainers lowered their heads.

Minna also began to give orders again.

Xiao Ya rubbed her mouth and looked at Minna angrily.

"Do you still want to clean me up? Look at the patience you are waiting for, can you beat me! When this battle is over, I will immediately put you with some medicine and send you to Luochen bed!"

Behind the valley, a full thirty helicopter gunships slowly took off and flew towards the battle line two thousand meters away.

On the cliffs at either end, several portals opened, and large cannons and howitzers came out.

A hundred cannons and a hundred howitzers!

Two types of artillery were lined up, the howitzer in front and the cannon in the rear, and each cannon was equipped with two trainers, one for aiming and firing, and one for reloading.

The howitzer is fully loaded with anti-personnel grenades, which will cause the body and projectiles inside to scatter in all directions after exploding.

And the coalition uses 200 mm grenades, which will produce 7,000 pieces of shrapnel with great lethality after exploding, which is extremely lethal and range!

The cannon was loaded with armor-piercing shells, 150 mm special armor-piercing shells!

With a powerful impact that pierces through the dragon scales!

Even a super-high dragon Pokémon would suffer a lot of impact on their bodies if they were hit head-on by this armor-piercing projectile, although it was not enough to penetrate their hard dragon scales, but the impact would still cause trauma to their bodies.

And if you take a few more shots, you will be knocked out of the scale armor.

As for those super high-ranking Pokémon that are not dragon-type or defensive, a single shot is enough to pierce their bodies!

Two hundred cannons were aimed at the Hidden Society's base two kilometers away.

Just wait for the league champions to get out of the blast range and then you can fire a salvo.

After a few volleys, even if they can't kill those furious super Pokémon, they will be injured, and the pain will put them at a disadvantage in the rest of the battle.

In addition, the howitzer's wide range attack will cause a lot of damage to the mutant Pokémon below.

Kill two birds with one stone.

When Luo Chen approached the battlefield, he released Reggie Lock.

"Reggie Lock, use the Iron Wall. "

If nothing else, the defense power must be piled up.

Then he explained: "After entering the battlefield, first use the charging beam to attack those super high-ranking Pokémon and quasi-gods to attract their attention, and then in the battle, use the charging beam for long-range attacks, and use the destruction death light when the special attack is full, and use the absorption punch in close combat, understand?"

"Reggie, Locke. (Got it.) )

Reggie Lock's mechanical voice came out.

He is still carrying the Shell Bell, and when combined with the Suction Fist, the double bloodstealing effect can have a very high endurance.

In the next battle, he could only enter the battlefield by himself, and Luo Chen could only stay away, although he could command telepathically, but the battlefield was full of gunsmoke, and the order could not judge the situation in time.

So Luo Chen directly told him all the things to pay attention to, but it was up to him to judge whether it was a long-range bombardment or a melee attack.

After explaining, Luo Chen used his telekinesis to throw Reggie Rock into the center of the enemy army.

The next artillery bombardment on the Alliance's side will also be fought there, and there are all enemy troops around, and the Alliance can open fire indiscriminately without worrying about accidentally injuring friendly troops.

Reggie Rock slammed to the ground, shaking all the mutated Pokémon around him, and the first thing he did when he landed was to put his hands together, condensing a strong beam of thunder and lightning.

Then shoot towards those powerful Pokémon in the sky.

This move is not too powerful, and Reggie Lock's own elemental attack is not high, so it does not cause much damage.

But it's enough to grab their attention.

The league's champion trainers also received an order from Minna to get out of the entanglement with the other party, and although some chased after them, it was harmless.

And in the subsequent strafing of another charging beam from Reggie Lock, some of the Pokémon in pursuit were also attracted to him.

The dense Pokémon around level 90 surrounded Reggie Lock.

Inside Reggie Lock, he swung his fists and attacked with his suction punches while recovering from the injuries inflicted on him by the group of Pokémon.

Luo Chen, who was in the distance, saw a twitch in the corner of his eye.

In this situation, how long can Reggie Rock last?

One minute?

Two minutes?

Although physical abilities have little effect on Reggie Lock,

But these Pokémon are not all physical outputs, and the damage of elemental skills to Reggie Rock is still very significant.

Although Luo Chen was a little apprehensive in his heart, Reggie Lock's participation in the battle still greatly boosted the morale of the alliance's side.

But at the same time, it is also announcing this news, your own divine beast has joined the war, and the divine beast on the opposite side should also appear, and the next divine beast war may cause a big ripple, and it will be difficult to control the casualties at that time.

And after a large number of powerful Pokémon were attracted to Reggie Lock, Ma Yi reported the news and Reggie Lock's coordinates through the address book.

After receiving the report from the horse wing, Minna gave the order to start shelling!

At the same time, helicopter gunships were already in place, thirty helicopter gunships and two hundred calibrated cannons began to pour fire at the same time!

First, the missiles launched by the gunship hit the Pokémon group, and in the continuous huge roar, a large amount of gunpowder smoke rose up.

The group of Pokémon surrounding Reggie Rock was also scattered by the missile.

At the same time, the heavy machine guns on the helicopters were also strafing, and each helicopter had two heavy machine guns, a total of 60 heavy machine guns like fiery snakes spitting bullets like crazy.

A second later, two hundred shells streaked across the air two thousand meters long and landed precisely around Reggielock.

Boom –

In the incessant explosions, the Pokémon in the field were first pierced through the scales and skin by the armor-piercing bullets, and then the countless shrapnel that burst out pierced their bodies and flesh and blood along the wounds caused by the armor-piercing bullets!

Shells poured wave after wave, and in less than half a minute, a full 10 rounds of shelling were carried out!

Within 300 meters of Reggie Rock, blood was pouring all over the ground, and corpses were lying in the field!

The earth has sunk!

Those super high-level Pokémon were thundering in their ears and concussed by 10 rounds of shelling, and they had already been shaken by the shock, full of scars inside and out.

It's not fatal, but it's miserable and painful.

There were also bursts of painful wails in the field.

Reggie Lock, on the other hand, was not much injured, shrapnel and armor-piercing bullets hit his body, only to make a bang, and then he was shaken away.

This kind of damage is far less than the damage caused by the group of Pokémon besieging him just now.

And the remaining half of the super-high-level Pokémon that are chasing the champions are facing the siege of thousands of super-high-level Pokémon above the seventy or eighty levels of the league champions, and their ending is naturally needless to say, it is better to stay in front of Reggie Rock and be bombarded...

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