When the fire stopped, the champion trainers fell silent for a while, and then pounced on the super-high Pokémon again.

And reinforcements from the Hidden Society's side are also gradually arriving, and they are portals that open in all directions of the Alliance army, surrounding the Alliance army.

In this regard, Luo Chen just smiled dumbly.

Although there are many people on the other side, their strength is far worse than that of the alliance.

At most, it's just a little bit of delay.

Luo Chen's gaze looked at the metal building not far in front of him.

Under the bombardment of the previous missiles, the mountain collapsed, revealing the structure hidden within the mountain.

It was a pyramid-shaped building with a silver sheen.

Around this large pyramid, there are five smaller pyramids.

Two of them were blown up by missiles.

Luo Chen thought in his heart.

Faced with this situation, if I were a high-ranking member of the Secret Society, the best decision would be to take my subordinates and escape with teleportation.

But instead of running away, the members of the Hidden Society rushed here to support all the members of the Hidden Society.

What's the point?

Free giveaway?

Do they think they can win?

Luo Chen frowned, and he glanced at Reggie Lock, who was using the charging beam to sweep around.

With the frequent use of charging beams, his special attacks have gradually intensified to a very high level.

Each beam of lightning is capable of taking away a large amount of life.

At this time, everyone did not spare their hands, although it was a bit cruel to kill these Pokémon who were temporarily controlled, but war, is not the time for women's benevolence.

If you show mercy, the other party will tear you apart.

Luo Chen nodded secretly.

Reggie Rock is already approaching the strongest state, and in the face of this kind of battlefield, he can basically open the matchless.

I could go find something else to do.

His purpose is very clear, it is the headquarters building of the Secret Society!

But before leaving, he unleashed Bankiras, Fierce Bite Land Shark, Tyrannosaurus, and Super Bad Star into the fray.

After having the Fierce Bite Land Shark and the Tyrannosaurus perform the Mega Evolution, they each performed the Sword Dance or the Dragon Dance, and then let them start the Dash.

Among them, after using the iron wall and the light wall, the super bad star rushed into the mutant Pokémon group like a tank and began to release poison.

As a super high-ranking Pokémon, his defense is extremely amazing, and coupled with the bunker skill that can defend against any attack, it is enough to become an impregnable fortress.

You only need to stand in place and use the three skills of poison ling, poison and venom impact.

It didn't take long for a large number of Pokémon to be poisoned around the Super Bad Star.

And it also resisted the impact of the other side for some of the alliance troops behind him, allowing the army to output safely.

Of course, the people of the alliance are deliberately keeping their distance from the superbad star, after all, the toxin can be part of the enemy.

Naturally, there is no need to repeat their performance.

With their outstanding strength, as long as they are not entangled by the opponent's super high-ranking Pokémon, basically no one will be able to stop them.

Luo Chen himself took Pachilitz and Paper Edgeworth and felt towards the building opposite.

The reason why they didn't bring such a fierce bite land shark to the headquarters of the Secret Society was because their target was too big and it was not easy to hide their figures.

Paper Edgeworth and Pachlitz are smaller, making them difficult to spot.

Luo Chen first flew to the edge of the valley with his telekinesis, and then clinged to the foot of the mountain, gradually approaching the building in front of him with the help of the cover of the gravel next to him.

Sometimes, when some Pokémon notices it, he asks Paper Edgeworth to kill it.

However, when he passed a small building that had been destroyed by a missile, several members of the Hidden Society escaped from the building.

There were men and women, all wounded.

After they saw Luo Chen, they were stunned for a moment, and then exclaimed, "Luo Chen?"

It seems that they still have some concerns about the Divine Beast Trainers.

Luo Chen immediately used his telekinesis to control them, and then carried them into the small pyramid.

He wanted to ask about the internal structure of the Hidden Society's headquarters, so that he could avoid encounters with the members of the Hidden Society as much as possible.

Moreover, his target is the treasure house of the Secret Society, and if he can directly ask for clues to the treasure house, it will naturally be the best, saving him from running around.

Throwing a few people to the ground, Luo Chen looked around the situation inside the pyramid.

The top had collapsed, all smashed below, and many people were still wailing under the building, and the surrounding equipment and instruments were destroyed, and the broken equipment and wiring flashed electric light from time to time.

Luo Chen was not kind enough to save his enemy, so he sat directly on a stone and asked the members of the Secret Society, "Tell me, where is the treasure house of the Secret Society, and what else is important?"

Several members of the Secret Society, you look at me, I look at you, and they are all hesitating whether to tell Luo Chen.

Luo Chen chuckled: "You have also seen the situation outside, the fight is in full swing, and since the alliance has found your headquarters, the Secret Society must be in a catastrophe this time.

You don't need to keep any secrets for an organization that is about to perish, just say anything, and I can let you go. "

A middle-aged woman with cracked eyes said, "Tell you, can you save us?"

Luo Chen shook his head: "At most, I won't kill you, if I want to save you away, this belongs to collaborating with the enemy before the battle, and I still have to go to your headquarters, how can I care about you?"

The woman hesitated.

"It's like this outside, if you let me go, I won't be able to escape, if you are willing to save me, I will tell you what I know!"

Luo Chen tilted his head, looked at her with a little amusement, and said jokingly: "Are you making a mistake?"

The woman was stunned, not knowing what Luo Chen meant.

Luo Chen said slowly: "Your life is in my hands, if you tell me the news I want to know, I won't kill you, otherwise, if you can't provide any effective clues, I will kill you, you are not qualified to bargain with me, understand?"

With that, he lifted the woman up with his telekinesis and squeezed it slowly.

This woman is the first to speak, which means that her desire to survive is the strongest, and she is also the most afraid of death, starting with her.

Luo Chen said coldly: "Say it, otherwise I will slowly pinch you." "

The woman panicked.

"Don't, I don't want to die, I still have a son at home, he is not married yet, my parents still want me to support him, let me go, please let me go!"

She burst into tears.

Luo Chen sighed in his heart.

said: "Since there are old and low, why do you want to join the illegal organization? This is your own choice, so stop talking nonsense, tell me what you know, the location of the treasure house, or the distribution of the inside of the building!"

After speaking, he held his right hand weakly, and with a slight pinch, the woman's body was instantly pressed by the powerful mental force, her face turned red, and she stopped crying at the same time.

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