On the deck of the Titanic, Rowe noticed someone peeking at him.

He looked back and found that it was Elizabeth.

If it was someone else, Rowe would definitely think that the other person was attracted to him, after all, he was not bad looking.

In the crowd, he was comparable to the handsome reader.

But when he found out that it was Elizabeth who was peeking at him, he realized that he had thought too much. The relationship between Elizabeth and Will Turner had long been proven by time.

Even though Will Turner eventually became the captain of the Flying Dutchman and could only go ashore once every 10 years, Elizabeth still stayed with him and did not cheat on Will Turner.

This proved that the relationship between the two was really stronger than gold. Even Jack Sparrow failed to poach her, let alone himself.

Rowe guessed that the reason why Elizabeth peeped at him was probably because she was a little curious about why the leader of the pirates was himself. After all, his dress and temperament were totally incompatible with the pirates around him.

Anyone would be surprised, and Elizabeth would naturally be no exception.

Thinking of this, Rowe smiled at Elizabeth, but found that he seemed to have scared Elizabeth, and the other party quickly looked away.

Rowe's smile froze on his face. Am I that scary?

Not happy.

Barbossa came up and said,"We have got the last Aztec gold coin, Captain. We can set off to lift the curse."

"There's no need to set off. I've already brought the Aztec gold coins."

Rowe pointed behind him. Barbossa popped his head and took a look. Sure enough, he found a familiar box.

He walked over and opened the box. It was full of Aztec gold coins.

Barbossa looked at Rowe in shock. In order to prevent the Aztec gold coins from being stolen, he specially found a box to store the Aztec gold coins.���A mysterious place where the Aztec gold coins were hidden.

No one knew the location of the Aztec gold coins except for this group of people.

Unexpectedly, this place was found by Rowe, and even the Aztec gold coins were moved to the Titanic by him.

But he himself never discovered that this wizard was indeed more terrifying than he had imagined.

Barbossa became more and more wary of Rowe, but at the same time he was also a little happy.

The appearance of the Aztec gold coins saved him a lot of effort.

Barbossa asked someone to bring Wiltner over, took out a dagger and stabbed Wiltner's hand, causing Wiltner to grimace in pain.

Then, he stuffed the last Aztec gold coin into Wiltner's hand, pointed to the box and said

"Throw the last gold coin in."

Wiltner was confused, but when he saw the pirates around him looking at him with"kind" eyes, he obediently threw the gold coin into the treasure chest.

When the last gold coin was returned to its place, Rowe could clearly feel that the curse that had been entangled with Barbosa and his group was being withdrawn at an alarming speed.

Within just a few breaths, the power of the curse returned to the Aztec gold coin itself.

Barbosa was so excited that he couldn't control himself when he saw this, and shouted,"Bring the wine."

Several pirates with good eyesight quickly handed over a bottle of rum.

Barbosa bit open the bottle mouth and blew into the bottle mouth heroically.

The pirates looked at Barbosa eagerly, hoping that Barbosa would give them a definite answer, whether the curse was lifted or not?

"I feel it, I feel it, this is the taste of good wine."

Barbosa excitedly took the rum and drank it wildly,"After more than ten years, our curse is finally lifted."

The pirates suddenly cheered deafeningly, and ran towards the dining room in the cabin like wild dogs that had escaped from the classroom.

In the past ten years, they have not eaten any flavorful food.

Now that the curse has been finally lifted, everyone naturally wants to taste the taste of being alive.

On the contrary, Elizabeth and Wilt were confused and had no idea what was going on.

Why did these guys suddenly run away?

What's wrong with them?

These people suddenly ran away, what should they do?

Elizabeth and Wilt looked at each other, and then they both took a fancy to Rowe.

But Rowe didn't have time to pay attention to them, and left with the Aztec gold coins.

He wanted to build an undead army before, and the curse on the Aztec gold coins was just right, but the problem was that there were too few Aztec gold coins, only more than 800.

So Rowe turned around to transform the curse of the Aztec gold coins.

After returning to his room, Rowe took out some of the gold coins and made up 3,000 gold coins.

Then he cast a spell and put The curse on the Aztec gold coin separated a part and infected the remaining gold coins.

In this way, the ordinary gold coins that Rowe took out were transformed into cursed gold coins at a very fast speed.

About an hour later, Rowe had obtained 3,000 cursed gold coins, which was enough to form an undead army.

Rowe collected the 3,000 cursed gold coins and came to the dining room in the cabin.

At this time, the pirates had already held a banquet in the cabin, holding all kinds of delicacies, and each one looked like a starving ghost reincarnated.

Considering that they had not tasted the taste of food for more than ten years, it was not surprising that they were so popular.

Rowe found a pirate who was eating, took out a cursed gold coin and threw it into the pirate's hand.

After confirming that the other party was infected by the curse, Rowe took out a sword and stabbed it into the pirate's chest. The pirate couldn't help but screamed and grimaced in pain.

Then, Rowe pulled out the long sword again, and the pirate screamed in pain, but he didn't die or bleed.

Rowe asked,"How does it feel?"

The pirate said with a wronged look on his face:"It hurts."

Luo Wei continued:"Can you taste the food now?"

The pirate took a sip of wine and said carefully:"The taste is very light, but I can taste the food."

Luo Wei said,"Oh," and took the cursed gold coin back and lifted the curse for the pirate.

After 800 cursed gold coins were expanded to 3,000 cursed gold coins, the curse power of the gold coins became a little weaker.

The cursed person still has an immortal body, but can feel pain and even taste the food.

This is the previous���The people who were cursed by the cursed gold coin before had no feeling at all, neither pain nor the taste of food.

But now they have feeling.

The reason is probably because the power of the curse on the gold coin has been weakened.

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