Rowe thought this was reasonable. After all, eight hundred cursed gold coins were expanded to three thousand cursed gold coins at once. It was natural that the power of the curse would be dispersed.

This reminded Rowe of something. Could it be that mysticism also followed the law of conservation of energy?

Or maybe this was just a special case.

In any case, Rowe was quite satisfied with this transformation. Although the power of the curse was weakened, the immortal body was still there, which was the most important thing.

With the immortal body, his undead army could shine in various worlds.

An undead army of three thousand people was enough to defeat ten or even dozens of times the number of enemies.

In any world, it was a powerful army. Rowe was looking forward to this army bringing him surprises on the battlefield.

But before that, he had to consider the candidates for the undead army.

Forget about Barbossa's pirates. They were not qualified to join his undead army.

Rowe needed a group of fearless warriors. If he met such people, Rowe would not hesitate to incorporate them into his undead army.

Time passed, and it was the next day. After some adjustments at the port of Port Royal, the Titanic set sail again.

Not long after the Titanic left the port, Murdoch, one of the Titanic's officers, came to tell Rowe that they had found a strange sailing ship ahead.

Ever since he knew that the Titanic had arrived in the Age of Discovery in the 17th century, Murdoch took the initiative to surrender to Rowe.

He knew very well that it would be difficult for his group to survive in this era, so he hoped that Rowe could shelter the crew on the Titanic.

In exchange, he was willing to lead his men to join Rowe's pirate group and serve as Rowe's subordinates.

Rowe had a good impression of Murdoch, so he accepted his surrender.

Murdoch also surrendered with the first mate Wilder and the captain Smith.

They all hoped to survive in this era under Rowe's protection.

Rowe naturally accepted the surrender of this group of people.

At this time, when he heard Murdoch say that they had found a strange sailing ship, Rowe immediately became interested.

"Let's go and have a look."

Then, everyone came to the deck of the Titanic, stood on the edge of the ship's side and looked out, and they saw a strange ship.

It was a sailing ship that was very suitable for this era. The reason why this ship was strange was that the ship kept sinking while sailing.

According to this situation, when the ship arrives at Port Royal, it will sink completely.

In addition, Lowe also found that there was only one person on the ship. This person wore a tricorn hat, thick smoky makeup, and stood on the mast of the ship to flutter in the wind. He was as arrogant as he could be.

When Lowe saw the man, he couldn't help but burst out laughing, and then said to Murdoch:"Go and call Barbossa to me, and tell him that his old friend is here."

Murdoch nodded and walked away without looking back.

After a while, he brought Barbossa back to the deck.

Barbossa took out a telescope and looked forward for a few times. When he saw the arrogant man standing on the mast to flutter in the wind, he was stunned.

"Jack Sparrow."

He murmured the name in a low voice, his face changing involuntarily. Didn't he already strand this bastard on a deserted island?

There was no food on that deserted island, how did he survive?

Why didn't this guy die?

Could he be immortal?

Barbossa looked at Jack Sparrow who was getting closer and closer, full of confusion. He had never seen anyone harder to kill than this guy.

No matter what kind of desperate situation, this guy always had a way to escape. Could he be the legendary lover of the goddess of luck?

Otherwise it didn't make sense.

At this moment, Barbossa suddenly heard Rowe's voice ringing in his ears.

"How was it? Were you surprised to see an old friend?"

Barboza nodded,"I am indeed surprised. I haven't seen him for a long time. I didn't expect to be reunited with my old friend in Port Royal today."

"But my relationship with him is not as harmonious as you think, Captain."

"I think we should just keep our own safety."

He could see that Jack Sparrow's ship was about to sink, and he wished that the ship would sink faster so that the bastard would drown.

Rowe shook his head and said,"I think we should call him up, I just need him to help me with something."

Although Barbossa was reluctant, his captain had already given the order, and no matter how reluctant he was, Barbossa had to obey.

So he found a few people, threw down a rope, and yelled at Jack Sparrow who was about to sink.

""Hey, Jack, come up quickly, you bastard."

At first, when Jack Sparrow saw the Titanic, he couldn't help but open his mouth in surprise.

He could swear to the goddess of the sea that he had never seen such a big ship.

Just when he was thinking about how to board the ship, get close to the captain of the ship, and take the ship for himself.

A familiar voice suddenly came from the deck of the ship.

Hector Barbossa.

Even if this guy turned to ashes, Captain Jack could recognize him.

But what Jack Sparrow didn't expect was that he would actually see Barbossa on this ship.

Could he be the captain of this ship?

My goddess of the sea, why did such a good thing fall on Barbossa's head?

Jack Sparrow expressed quite a lot of He was dissatisfied and thought that the goddess of the sea was too mean to him.

Then he swiftly grabbed the rope that fell from the sky and began to climb up. He had to see with his own eyes whether this ship was Barbossa's ship.

If it was, he did not suggest taking the ship from Barbossa.

If not, he did not mind taking the ship from a stranger.

Anyway, he had already set his eyes on this ship, and he had to get it no matter what.

With this ship, he could roam the entire Caribbean Sea at will.

As a pirate, he had a series of exquisite robbery plans, which was reasonable.

When Jack Sparrow stood on the deck of the Titanic, he opened his arms to Barbossa without hesitation.

"Long time no see, my old friend."

No matter who saw this gesture, they would think that the two were relatives and friends.

Not the relationship between captain and first mate, betrayer and betrayer, exile and exile.

Seeing Jack Sparrow's hypocritical attitude, Barbossa got goose bumps all over his body.

This guy is really disgusting.

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