Successful Interview! Truth: Later! I raise you

Because subconsciously, they think Ganqiao is a friend.

So the mobile pegasus has no defense at all.

And the result is!

Was kicked!

Caught off guard, the huge body flew upside down!

When it was finally about to fall to the ground.

Very witty and automatically turned into a motorcycle form!

Gan Qiao silently walked to the side of the mobile Pegasus, just about to raise her foot and kick it twice.

Then I remembered…

It seems that the real owner of this guy is not himself.


He could only sigh, and gave up the idea of ​​”teaching” Pegasus Mobile.

Then he stretched out his hand and grabbed a handle on the mobile space horse.


How cleverly he pulled out the entire handle!

On the handle, there is an extremely sharp blade!

turn out to be!

This handle is not only a part of the motorcycle.

It is also one of Kamen Rider Faiz’s exclusive weapons!

Faiz sharp blade! ! !

Holding the long sword, Ganqiao didn’t bother with the mobile pegasus.

Step by step, he walked towards Kiba Yuji and the owl Orfienuo.

At this time, because of the “indiscriminate bombing” of the mobile pegasus!

Both Yuji Kiba and the owl Ophelia were in severe pain from being shot.

They were all seriously injured!

The battle between the two naturally came to a halt.

The owl Orfienuo stood up staggeringly, looked at Yuji Kiba beside him, and then at Kamen Rider Faiz who was walking slowly!

His eyes were extremely gloomy!

Damn it!

Next, it’s going to be difficult!

With one-to-two, he is not sure.

And Kiba Yuji’s mood is actually similar to his.


Even more complicated!


In his opinion, because of what happened last time!

Kamen Rider Faiz should be on his side.

But I didn’t expect…

The target of the Pegasus attack just now was not only the owl Orfi Enoch..

It also includes him! ! !


Show no mercy, with the stance of killing them all! ! !

This made Kiba Yuji very sad.

Could it be…

Is it because I misunderstood?

This Kamen Rider Faiz didn’t come to help him.


Yuji Kiba rang out when Ganqiao and Kaitaro first appeared!

What I heard:

【this time! I won’t let you run away again! 】


It should be the first time Kamen Rider Faiz and the owl Orfienno have met.

As for myself, this was the second time I met him.


It was true that he and another Kamen Rider were let go last time.

At that time!

If Yuji Kiba remembers correctly.

This Kamen Rider Faiz, if it wasn’t for that dark knight to stop him.

He wanted to continue attacking himself and Haitang! ! !


It’s all right! ! !

Kiba Yuji couldn’t help but smiled wryly.


Saved an enemy by yourself? ? ?

Shaking his head, he stood up.

He looked at the owl Orfienuo and Ganqiao who had come not far from him.

For a while, some people didn’t know whether to continue fighting or not.

If you fight…

Who are you fighting with?

Yuji Kiba and the owl Ophelia did not dare to move at will.

But clever!

But it’s different!

I spotted the target—Offienuo the owl!

Gripping Faiz’s sharp blade tightly, he slashed at him.

The owl Offienuo’s reaction was not slow, and he quickly dodged out of the way.

Also quickly started to fight back with steel claws!

Qian Qiao just wanted to make a move.


But suddenly there was a sharp pain! ! !

Turning his head, he saw the “culprit”!

Qianqiao’s eyes widened uncontrollably!

It’s him! ! !

The one I thought was good, Mao Fei Enuo! ! !

I was so shocked that I forgot that the owl Orfienuo’s attack was still going on!


The chest was also attacked by steel claws.

At the same time as the sparks were flying, there was a clever scream!


Qian Qiao’s figure retreated abruptly, and she looked at Maofi Enuo with vigilance and disbelief!


“Why is this happening?!”

He didn’t understand, himself and this Maiofi Enoch.

Shouldn’t they be from the same camp?

the first time……

Tasted the taste of betrayal!

Not far away, Kaitaro’s face was pale and his fists were clenched.

“Ah Qiao!”

“Damn it!”

“The words of that guy Su Mo are really unbelievable!”

Well done, Orfienuo, but in the end…

Stabbing in the back at a critical moment? ? ?

And the owl Ophelia, saw the changes on the scene.

I’m also a little confused.

Regarding Yuji Kiba’s sudden attack on Qiaoqiao, he said that he was also very confused.


If you attack him, it means…

You and him are also enemies?

Why did you stop me when I almost killed him just now? ? ?

The owl Orfienuo suddenly felt, Yuji Kiba!

Could it be a neuropathy…

One second, he was helpful and clever, but the next second!

Just attack people suddenly…

Yuji Kiba was holding the Horse Demon Sword, and he was also in a complicated mood.

Have no idea……

At this moment, both he and the owl Ophelia were injured.

But this Kamen Rider Faiz is in almost perfect condition!

And he also has hostility towards himself as Orfi Enoch.

Kiba Yuji was afraid that after the owl Orfienuo was killed.

He will also be killed by this Kamen Rider.


Instead of sitting still, he chose to make a move!

“Damn it!”

“If that’s the case, then you all go to die!!!”

Gan Qiao roared angrily.

He wasn’t angry because he was betrayed.

But because of Kiba Yuji…

Not only did he deceive himself! !

He even deceived Su Mo! ! !

After the words fell, he was full of anger and killed Kiba Yuji.

Kiba Yuji also quickly raised the horse magic sword to resist.

at the same time!

The owl Orfienuo was not idle either.

The figure flickered! !

Killing Qianqiao! ! !


“I really succeeded~”

“Ahahaha! I’m so happy!!!”

Outside the T-CLUB, Mari Sonoda was all smiles, shouting excitedly.

Being able to succeed in the interview, the truth is the joy from the bottom of my heart.

after all!

This also means that she is officially moving towards her dream of being a great hairdresser.

“All right, all right, you’ve said it hundreds of times.”

“As for being so happy?”

Su Mo patted Zhen Zhen’s little head angrily.

“Nonsense! Not hundreds of times, only two or three times.”

Before the words finished, Truth put her hands on her hips again.

Raising his chin, he said to Su Mo with pride:

“By the way, Su Mo! I will also have a job in the future, and I can make a lot of money!”

“In the future! I will support you!!!”


Kneeling thanks list:[I don’t even know the user’s name] [Zhitian Gang Xiaohuihui] [Qiao Zhuang’s Flower Fairy Elf King] [The Thief of the Sky, Smuggle Everything_^] [Don’t Say Autumn] [Underworld – Vicious] 【Xiaofeng Remnant Night】

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