Spellcasting is interrupted by verbal skills! I support you

【after! I raise you! ! ! 】

Hearing this, Su Mo did not show the grateful and tearful expression that Truth imagined, but his face was a little weird.

“What’s wrong? Is there any problem?”

Truth smiled and asked with dangerous eyes.

“Ahem, I just want to say…”

“Relying on your work as a hairdresser alone, you may not be able to support it!”

“After all… besides me, there is Yuka~”

Su Mo said in a reasonable and very unbeatable tone.

Jie Huaqiao, who was standing beside Su Mo, blushed.

“Mr. Mo…”

But the truth is completely dumbfounded.


What’s the meaning?

I not only want to support you…

Do you want to keep your other women in a special way? ? ?

“Stupid Su Mo! Don’t think that I won’t bite you because I’m in a good mood now!”

Truth gritted her teeth and said.

Very angry! !

Very angry! ! !

Passers-by heard this and couldn’t help giving Su Mo a thumbs up.

Niubi, brother!

It’s so tough to eat soft rice!

Su Mo smiled and pinched Truth’s cute face.

“Just kidding~”

“Why are you willing to let you support me?”

“As a boy, of course I should take care of you!”

【you? 】

Truth tilted her head angrily.

She snorted softly.

“It’s not rare!”

Although he said so on the lips, he was still very happy in his heart.

It’s as sweet as eating honey.

I thought Su Mo would say some more “nice” things.

who knows……

“Isn’t it rare?”

“Forget it, I’ll just raise Yuhua alone in the future.”

“Anyway, Jiehua eats less, so it’s easy to raise!”

As Su Mo said, he stretched out his hand and gently touched Jiehua’s head.

“Flowers don’t need to be raised by Mo Jun~”

“I can find a job.”

Jie Hua enjoyed Su Mo’s touch.

Said softly.

She doesn’t want to be a good-looking person but can’t do it… Ahh!

It’s a pretty but useless vase.

“That won’t work. I can’t bear to let you go to work.”

Su Mo shook his head, then raised his eyebrows at the truth and said:

“Look at how obedient he is?”

Truth stomped her feet angrily.

“Damn it!”

“I don’t eat much!!!”

“Stupid Su Mo!”

“You’re done!”

“You’re really done this time!!!”

As she spoke, she wanted to open her mouth and bite.

But at this moment!

Su Mo’s expression changed.

“Don’t make trouble, Orfienuo has appeared.”

“Hmph! How could it be such a coincidence? Suffer death!!!”



The truth was blocked by Su Mo’s hand.

Can’t get close!

The spellcasting was interrupted by the verbal skills! ! !

When the truth will come again.

But I found that it was beside Su Mo.

A curtain of aurora appeared.


“No, are you serious?”

Truth was a little surprised. She was just playing around with Su Mo every day.

“I can’t help it. It’s really weird. I have to go.”

“Hey, you guys go back to the laundry first.”

“Yuka, take care of the idiot Truth.”

After the words fell, Su Mo’s figure flickered.

It disappeared in place together with the aurora curtain.

“Hey, hey! Who needs to be taken care of?”

“Damn it! You run so fast!”

Truth was very dissatisfied with Su Mo’s last sentence.

She said that she seemed to be a child who needed someone to take care of her.

Shaking her head, she looked at Jiehua in front of her.

Some people don’t know what to say.

The same is true for Yuhua, even she is more nervous and at a loss than the truth.

With both hands behind his back, he was a little shy.


It was the first time getting along alone.

Su Mo was there before, no matter what.

The atmosphere is very active.

But now…

Because of the status of a rival in love.

Neither of the two women knew what to say.

fell silent.

It was very embarrassing.

For a long time…

It was Truth who spoke first and broke the weird atmosphere.

“That…that idiot Su Mo just said nonsense.”

“I don’t need your care.”

When Jie Hua heard the words, her beautiful eyes dimmed.

She pursed her lips and wanted to say something.

But in the end, he lowered his head slightly and nodded silently.

Sure enough!

Truth still cannot accept her…

But at this moment!

“However, if you need help in the future, you can talk to me.”

“I will do my best to take care of you!”

Jiehua’s eyes lit up, and she raised her head to look at the truth in surprise.

I see!

At this time, Truth tried her best to raise her chest and head up, pretending to be a big sister.

Remove Yuhua’s [rival in love] status.

Truth still sympathizes with her.

In addition, she understands, this guy Su Mo.He didn’t intend to abandon either of himself and Yuhua.

In the future, they will definitely see each other without looking up.

When getting along with each other, it’s always been so silent and awkward.

But not very good.

So, as Su Mo’s [Zhenggong-Self-proclaimed]!

Truth decided to establish a good relationship with Yuhua.

Hear the words of truth.

Yuhua was a little moved, and a layer of mist appeared in her beautiful eyes.

He nodded heavily and said:

“Yes, me too!”

She understood the meaning of Su Mo’s last words when he left.

take care of?

It should be protection.

After all, the truth is just an ordinary person.

Without Su Mo, only she can protect the truth.

After getting a response, Truth breathed a sigh of relief.

Asked tentatively:

“Then… shall we go back?”

Yuhua still nodded gently and obediently.

“it is good.”

Seeing Yuhua like this, Truth smiled.

Take the initiative to hold Yuhua’s little hand.

While walking towards the laundry shop.

On the one hand, he opened his mouth and said:

“Jiehua, you can’t do this all the time.”

“I will be bullied by that idiot Su Mo in the future.”

“We must learn to say no! Like me, resist!”

“You can’t listen to him everything!”

“But… I don’t hate Mo Jun’s bullying…”

“??? Yuhua! If you’re like this, I won’t be able to talk anymore!!!”

Yuhua smiled, and suddenly thought of something.

asked softly:

“By the way, the truth is that you are Mo Jun’s childhood sweetheart.”

“You should know a lot about Mo Jun’s childhood, right?”

“Can you talk to me?”

Hearing the truth, he seemed to think of something funny.

A lovely smile appeared on her rosy face.

“Hahahaha! Of course no problem!”

“I’ll tell you all about his dark history when he was a child!!!”

Yuhua was taken aback.

Ah this…

She just wanted to hear about the fun things about Mo Jun when he was a child.

But I didn’t say it had to be black history…


As for Mo Jun’s dark history, she really wants to hear about it…

at the same time!



Kneeling list: [Cronus] [Human Emperor Fuxi] [Gu King who loves cocoa nougat] [Zhou Qin who loves eel fried noodles] [No more snacks] [Snow Mountain Temple’s Chen Yue] [Cool, Chutou] [Yin Yetong] [Mother Yuan of Guangling Pavilion] (3.26)

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