Misunderstanding resolved! All three join forces! Dimensional kick! Crimson Drill

【this time! I won’t let you run away again! 】

Coincidentally, this was said to the owl Orfienoch.

The attack of the mobile Pegasus was not the original intention of being clever.


This Maiofi Enoch…

Is it a misunderstanding?

In order to protect himself, why did he attack me with the owl Orfienuo?

Then, I thought he was actually the bad Orfienuo who deceived Su Mo.

that’s righthe shot…


The misunderstanding is getting deeper and deeper?

Thinking of this, Ganqiao also opened her mouth to explain.

“I didn’t say that to you. I saw it once yesterday…”

“Mobile Pegasus’ attack was purely a mistake…”

“In the beginning, I didn’t intend to attack you.”


Said to Kiba Yuji in a serious tone.


After listening to Ganqiao’s explanation, Kiba Yuji was also stunned.

He really didn’t expect that this was actually a misunderstanding.

Although there is a possibility that Kamen Rider Faiz is lying.


I looked at that person and let myself go for once.

And from him, I can feel the guy who is inexplicably familiar and has a crush…

Kamen Rider Faiz and him are friends.

Then myself…

Willing to trust Faiz once! ! !

One is honest and honest Yuji Kiba.

The other one is the ingenuity of not being good at words.

They are not people who like and are good at lying.


Su Mo chose to believe their words.

Looking at Yuji Kiba, he said slowly:

“I probably already understand the situation.”

“This is just a misunderstanding.”

“Faiz didn’t intend to destroy you, so we are not enemies.”

“I…I understand!”

Kiba Yuji took a deep breath, nodded seriously.

Seeing this, Su Mo nodded in satisfaction.

She smiled playfully and said:

“Then now, the enemy is very clear.”

The voice has not yet fallen!

Gan Qiao and Kiba Yuji! !

And the melon-eating crowd not far away – Kaitaro! ! !

All subconsciously!

He set his sights on the owl Orfienuo who seemed to be wearing a gas mask.

“Hey, hey! You can’t do this…”

Being stared at by everyone, the owl Ophelia retreated again and again.

There was a lot of panic in my heart.


It was 2v2 just now.

Why is this a special 1V3? ! !

The odds of winning 2v2 are very low.

Not to mention 1v3!

The owl Orfienoch wants to run away!


Facing the three of Su Mo, how could he escape?

Yuji Kiba flickered, and stood behind the owl Orfienuo.

Directly block his escape route!

Gan Qiao also surrounded her.

And Su Mo looked at the horse magic sword in Kiba Yuji’s hand.

He looked at the Faiz sharp blade in Qianqiao’s hand again.

After thinking about it, he took off the card box next to the drive.

【Ride Booker Sword Mode! 】

(Controlling the Kabox Sword!!)

(Long sword mode!!!)

On both sides of the card box, a hilt and a sharp blade appeared.

Su Mo held the hilt of the sword, while gently stroking the cold light shining on the blade.

At the same time, she walked with arrogant and casual steps that her relatives did not recognize.

Slowly walking towards the owl Orfienoch.

“Here, use this [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2?. 0′. 58″5. ;6 West is better. ”

Surrounded by three sides, the owl Orpheeno was very angry.

“Damn it!”

“You bastards!!!”

“Go away!!!”

Roaring continued, but it was useless.

Su Mo and the others will not let this guy go.

Nor will he be afraid just because of his few words.

“Stop barking, because I am very loving.”


“You have a good time!”

“When you’re down there, don’t forget to thank me~”

Su Mo smiled playfully, and at some point a card appeared in his hand.

Just toss it at will!

The card quickly enters the card slot of the drive!

[Final Attack Ride! ] (Final Attack Control!)

[De-De-De-Dark Decade! ! ] (Emperor-Emperor-Emperor-Dark Emperor Cavalry!!)

[Dimension Slash! ! ! ] (Dimensional Slash!!!)

Huge energy poured into the control card box sword.

A strange dark purple flame lingered around the sword body! ! !

Between Su Mo and the body of the owl Orfienuo.

Ten card-shaped light walls also appeared! ! !

Seeing this, Kiba Yuji and Ganqiao knew about it.

Su Mo used his nirvana as soon as he made a move!

The two looked at each other and found that they had the same idea as themselves!

“Go together!!!”

Afterwards, the two of them immediately released their nirvana!

Ganqiao slowly squatted down and installed the Faiz cursor on his right foot.

A bright red photon blood appeared on the right foot.

Immediately afterwards!

Take a leap!

While turning over in the air and making a flying kick posture.

A red light burst out from an energy body like an electric drill! ! !

Locked on the owl Orfienuo!

Kiba Yuji gathered all his strength and attacked directly as fast as lightning!

The target of the attack was somewhat surprising.

It is not the heart and head of the owl Orfienoch.


The hands of the owl Orfienoch! ! !

only oneA cold light flashed!

The hands of the owl Orfienuo were directly chopped off!

It fell on the ground and turned into dust and disappeared!


The owl Orfienuo screamed again and again, which frightened him even more.

It was the next attack by Su Mo and Gan Qiao.

He wanted to run, but he was locked on by two Kamen Rider special moves.

The body couldn’t move at all.


He could only watch Su Mo and Gan Qiao attacking him with horror on his face.

[Crimson Smash! ! ! ] (Crimson Electric Drill!!!)

[Dimension Slash! ! ! ] (Dimensional Slash!!!)

Qian Qiao flew and kicked through the body of the owl Orfienuo together with the electric drill-like energy body.

In the end, Su Mo passed through card-shaped light walls, from top to bottom! ! !

A terrible wound that could not heal and was burning with purple flames was cut in the middle of the owl’s body! ! !

It made the owl Orfienuo’s body split into two halves! ! !


Accompanied by miserable screams, around his body.

Two kinds of emblems, a dark purple card and a red ∅, appeared.

At last! ! !

Boom! ! !

The body of the owl Orfienuo exploded, and the explosion ended.

A pile of dust appeared on the ground.

at the same time!

In Su Mo’s mind.

A series of system prompts sounded.


Kneeling thanks list: [Cronus (Cronus)] [Human Emperor Fuxi] [Bei Xiaoxuan gg] [Gu King who loves cocoa nougat] [Xiaofeng Canye] [Li Huai of Qiancheng] [Love The nut-eating son Ling] [Yoyin Yetong] [∞ Kong Mingjie ∞] [Lao Beng 2077] [Underworld General – Heinous] (3.27)

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