Bond upgrade! Truth: “DANGER!!!!”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for fighting together with Maofi Enuo-Kiba Yuji and Kamen Rider Faiz-Kanqiao, and killing the owl Offie Enuo!!!”

“Ding! Lord of Enoch’s quest progress +1! The current progress is 1/30!!!”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving the rewards as follows:

1 Bond with Kiba Yuji!

2 Because the host, Qianqiao, and Kiba Yuji all have bonds, the power of the bonds has been upgraded! When the three fight together, they can obtain a death-preventing effect and defend against death damage once! ! ! ”

Anti-death effect?

Good guy!

Although there is only one chance for the three of them together.


Su Mo still feels pretty good.

After all, avoid death! ! !

It’s equivalent to a life.

Su Mo smiled with satisfaction.

With a thought, a curtain of aurora appeared beside him.

She waved her hand to Qianqiao, but didn’t say much.

and walked in.

Next second!

They disappeared in place together with the aurora curtain.

The battle here is over, and it’s all a group of men again.

How can there be flowers and truth for fun?

So he left decisively.


Yuji Kiba was dumbfounded. He just wanted to thank the dark knight who helped him twice, but in the end…

They just ran away…

They didn’t even give him a chance to speak.

Kamen Rider Faiz, who stayed behind, canceled his transformation.

Exposing his human-handy form.

But he just nodded indifferently.

Then he turned around and walked away.


Coincidentally, that cold face made Kiba Yuji a little afraid to talk to him.


I can only watch Ganqiao leave here with that human-Kitaro.

Kiba Yuji also released the transformation state, and then sighed helplessly.

He also wanted to thank you very much.

Even became friends with them…

However, the current situation is not bad.

At least I know that the dark knight is friends with the young man named Qianqiao.

As long as he can find a decent place to live, he should be able to find the human form of the dark knight.


“There seems to be a bond between us that is no less than that of ordinary friends…”

Kiba Yuji looked at the back of Ganqiao and Kaitaro leaving.

The corners of his mouth curled up, revealing a happy smile from the bottom of his heart.

at the same time!

There was a sound of footsteps.

“It turns out…that bastard did it…”

This familiar voice…

Kiba Yuji turned his head and looked at the person coming.

It really was him!

Kaitang Naoya! ! !

It’s also Aofei Enuo, and the time of fighting here is not short.

It’s hard for Haitangzhi not to notice it.

Since Su Mo appeared, he has been observing silently.

Although I didn’t see the process of the owl Orfienuo starting from human form, talking with Kiba Yuji and transforming with my own eyes.


Just listen to the sound!

Kaitang Nao already understood the human identity of the owl Orpheino…

The teacher he shared with Kuroda Kazuhiko.

After that accident.

Hai Tangzhi also thought about the identities of many suspects.

But he……

only did not goThink about it, your own teacher.

will be the culprit! ! !

Because the teacher went to attack his students or something.

It’s really incredible and unbelievable.


The funny thing is.

The most unlikely person is the murderer.

Shaking his head, he came back to his senses.

Kaitang Naoya looked at Kiba Yuji in front of him.

He said in a low voice and earnestly:


He saw how Kiba Yuji attacked the owl Orfienuo.

I also understand…

Why did Yuji Kiba cut off two hands specifically.

This is helping him…

Revenge! ! !

this moment.

Kiba Yuji’s smile became even more intense.

“You’re welcome!”

“after all……”

“We are companions!”


Hearing this, Haitang also laughed.

But the laughter is very weird!

Very inconsistent with the current style of painting!

“Jie Jie Jie~”

“you’re right!”

“We are companions!!!”

On a street.

The two beautiful girls were holding hands.

Whispering with a smile like a flower.

“Eh?!! Really?”

“When Mo Jun was three years old, did he still pee on his pants?”


The girl with long black hair and a slightly tall figure was surprised.

The voice couldn’t help but raise a little bit.

The cute short-haired girl next to her laughed.


“Can I still lie to you?”

“Not only that, when he was five years old, that idiot Su Mo…”

“Eh? Why do you suddenly feel cold?”

The short-haired girl originally wanted to continue sharing the [secret] with the girl beside her in high spirits.


A chill quickly spread from the Tianling Gai to the soles of the feet.

Like falling into an ice cellar! ! !

The smile on the face of the short-haired girl stopped abruptly!

A woman’s sixth sense made the short-haired girl aware of what was behind her.

It seems that there is something terrible like a flood.

Subconsciously turned his head and looked over.

The long-haired girl beside her also turned her head.


I saw a familiar figure behind them.

She has a peerless face and fair skin.

His temperament is dusty, just like a handsome boy walking out of a cartoon.

It’s just…

The two beautiful girls did not feel happy when they saw him.

Instead, Qiqi took a deep breath.

A scarlet [Danger] word appeared on their heads! ! !

“Su…Su Mo…”

“when did you come?”

Mari Sonoda pretended to be calm and asked.

I want to test Su Mo to see if he hasn’t heard the [secret] just now.

Jiehua bit her lip, also looking scared.

With a dark face, Su Mo replied angrily:

“What do you think?”

“Okay you! Stupid truth! You are finished!”

“You managed to piss me off!!”

“You are going to die today!!!”

Truth felt a chill in her heart.

But still pouted slightly, not retreating but advancing.

Decided to be tough on Su Mo!

“Hmph! Let me tell you the truth!”

“I not only told you about the three-year-old pissing your pants, I also told you…”

“If you have the ability, then…”

The truth is not finished yet.

Then I heard:

“Hen-shin!” (Transformation!)

“Shocked!!! Stupid Su Mo, are you serious?!”

The truth is panicked, she can still fight the human Su Mo.

The transformed Su Mo, she’s tough…

Jiehua couldn’t bear it, and couldn’t help but speak out to persuade Su Mo.

“Mr. Mo…”

However! ! !


Kneeling thanks list: [Yin Yetong] [Zhatian Gang~Ye Fan] [Xiaofeng Remnant Ye] [Hell] [Zero Qi] [∞ Kong Mingjie Master ∞] [Qing Feng] [Cronus (Cronus)] 【Magic leader Zhou Qiong】【龠軏】【Cool, Chutou】

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