Yuhua: Mo Jun! My body is already healed

“Xiao Jiehua, you can’t escape!”

“Blame! Blame yourself for hearing something you shouldn’t have heard!”


After a few minutes.

Su Mo looked at Truth, who was clutching his butt, and Jiehua, who was clasping his arms.

The corners of his mouth curled up, revealing a slightly smug smile.

“How about it?”

“Are you convinced?”

Hearing this, her pretty face flushed, and the truth of water mist appeared in her beautiful eyes.

Immediately retorted with a hint of crying:

“Not convinced!”

“not so good!!!”

“Stupid Su Mo! Is that all you need? You can’t do it either!!!”

After finishing speaking, he couldn’t help rubbing his sore buttocks.

She never thought of it!

This guy Su Mo will punish her in this way.

Still on the way.

Although there is no one around.

But still very shy!


It really hurts! ! !

From small to large!

When did the truth suffer such injustice? ? ?

For so many years, he was spanked by Su Mo.

Another dozen…

That’s all!

has always been soft and weak, mainly Su Moknot flowers.

This time I also chose to stand on the side of the truth.

no way……

Who made Su Mo this time!

It is really……

“Mr. Mo…you…you are too much!”

Yuhua felt pain and a strange feeling in her chest from time to time.

The blush on the delicate and pretty face became more intense.

This time he…

Very hard…

Well, compared to the dissatisfaction of being bullied.

Yuhua is a little more shy.

Hearing the truth, she glanced at Jiehua without any trace.

Then he snorted coldly, looked at Su Mo and gritted his teeth.

Damn it!

Why treat them differently? ! !

To her is spanking…

To Yuhua is…

that is……

Even if it’s the truth!

It’s a little hard to tell!

Su Mo didn’t care about the two women’s blame.

I even recalled the feeling just now.


how to say.

One is softer than the other.

When they were punished (rewarded) just now.

Naturally, Su Mo didn’t transform, after all, he transformed.

It’s not good if you use too much force.


With the armor on his body, he didn’t feel anything.

not good……

This is very bad…

Shaking his head, he cleared out the wrong thoughts in his mind.

Under the shy and annoyed eyes of the two women, they clapped their hands.

said softly:

“Okay, let’s stop making trouble.”

“It’s getting late, I’ll take you back.”

After the voice fell, it seemed that something had come to mind.

Added another sentence with a smirk.

“If you are disobedient, I will punish you again~”

Immediately afterwards, I thought about it.

The aurora curtain was used.

In front of Su Mo and the two women.

A light curtain appeared!

And heard his words.

Truth and Jiehua Qiqi’s expressions changed.


Again? ? ?

Truth snorted coldly, and gave Su Mo a hard look.

Without further ado, he walked directly into the Aurora Curtain.

She didn’t want to go through what happened just now again.

It is really……

too terrifying! ! !

Seeing this, Yuhua hurriedly followed.

When he was about to enter the aurora curtain.

Seemingly thinking of something, she whispered to Su Mo with a shy face:

“Mo… Mo Jun…”

“My body…has recovered…”

Before the words fell, Jiehua hurriedly entered the light curtain

Su Mo with a strange face was left behind.


“What did she mean by that just now?”

“I know every word, but why are they connected together so that I can’t understand them?”

Su Mo shook his head and chuckled, and walked into the aurora curtain.

On the other side, Yuki Kiba ruled the house.

“Haitang, I have one thing to ask you.”


Kaitang Naoya, who was sitting on the stool and silently looking out the window, suddenly heard Kiba Yuji’s voice, and subconsciously turned around.


I saw Kiba Yuji standing in front of him with a guitar in his hand.

That guitar was brought by Kaitang Naoya from home.

His own!

“I want to hear you play the guitar, just a short paragraph.”

Kai Tangzhi also looked at the guitar and fell silent.

Just when Kiba Yuji thought he was going to solve it.

Kaitang Naoya suddenly raised his head and said with a playful smile:

“Well~ it’s really troublesome.”

“However, for the sake of us being companions, let’s take advantage of you this time.”

The voice fell!

Kaitang also took over the guitar.

Taking a deep breath, he put his palm on the strings of the guitar.


She closed her eyes and played slowly.

The pieces played are: the first of the four divertigraphies is elegant and slow…

I don’t know how long it has been.

When Kiba Yuji was listening quietly.

The singing stopped suddenly.

Kiba Yuji looked at Kaido Naoya.

Only then did I find out.

His right hand kept shaking.

His face also turned pale.


The aftermath of that car accident made it impossible for him to continue playing with his palm.

Hai Tang Zhi also pretended to be calm, smiled and said:

“Let’s go here.”

Stand up and look out the window.

“From childhood to adulthood, my dream is to become the most powerful and dazzling guitarist.”

“Before, I was always moving towards this dream.”

“Even after that incident, I still can’t put down the guitar…”

“But now…”

“I can finally let go.”

Kaitang Naoya thought of the fan junior named Kazuhiko Kuroda in his mind.

Can’t help but smile.


“I have already found someone who can play instead of me…”

After finishing the words, he actually threw the guitar in his hand out of the window!

See you!

Kiba Yuji widened his eyes and shouted in surprise:


Obviously, he did not expect that Hai Tangzhi would make such a move.

personally gave up his mostLove the guitar! ! !

The guitar fell to the ground with a bang.

It fell apart…

Fortunately, there was no one around.

Otherwise, Kaitang Naoya and Kiba Yuji would definitely not be able to stand being blamed.

after all……

Parabolic throwing at high altitude is not a good behavior.

“Life is limited.”

“What do you think about real life?”

“More wisdom…”

“The real life is about to begin!”

A middle-aged man in a black suit stood at the door of Zhinao Group.

I saw the Brain Group’s advertisement playing on the TV at the door.

She smiled playfully.

“Go up!”

at the same time!

SmartLady unexpectedly walked out of the company on her own initiative.



Kneeling thanks list: [Qingyun straight up] [Gu King who loves cocoa nougat] [Can’t buy snacks anymore] [Human Emperor Fuxi] [User

】【Tang Xiaozheng】【Don’t Talk about Autumn】【Tang Ruofeng who loves Beijing Crispy Candy】【Meng Yi Xingchen】(3.28)

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