: Murakami Kyo’er! Lonely man and widowed man! you can’t do it

At night, in Kikuchi Laundry.

There were some strange shouts again.

It made the neighbors living next door frown.

Especially those who are about to do something wrong.

Even more angry.

“Oh my God!”

“Su Mo! Su Mo!!!”

This is the voice of truth.

At this time, in Su Mo’s room.

Not only Su Mo, but also another person.

Nagata Yuka!

Hear the shouts and footsteps of truth.

Su Mo and Jie Hua panicked for no reason.

Then Su Mo decisively used the aurora curtain to send Yuhua back to her own room.

The moment the light curtain disappeared.

Su Mo’s door was also forcibly broken open.

There is no doubt that it is the stupid truth!


Truth held the phone in one hand, and turned on the light in the other.

I saw Su Mo sitting on the bed with his upper body naked.

Immediately ran all the way over.

Just as I was about to say something, I noticed something.

Sniffing beside Su Mo, he frowned slightly.

The cute face was full of suspicion.

Something is wrong!

Very wrong! ! !

In Su Mo’s room, she smelled a very nice fragrance!


Somewhat familiar! ! !

“What are you doing?”

“I have something to say, and ran to my room in the middle of the night, just staring at me.”

“It’s like a neuropathy.”

Su Mo couldn’t stand the strange gaze of the truth, so he pretended to be calm.

said very dissatisfied.


“As your childhood sweetheart! See what’s wrong?”

“It’s not that I haven’t seen it!”

Truth snorted coquettishly, and said carelessly.

After that, I didn’t bother with the scent anymore.

Maybe it’s the perfume Su Mo sprayed to purify the air.

Of course!

Mainly because she has more important things to do now.

So we can only put aside the strange smell or something.

After a pause, he revealed a lovely excited smile.

And said to Su Mo:

“just now!”

“The secretary with heavy makeup called me! He said that the president Murakami wants to see us tomorrow!!!”


Murakami is finally willing to come down from the sky?

Su Mo frowned, and nodded calmly.

“Okay, I see.”

“I’ll go with you tomorrow.”

Truth was a little surprised to see Su Mo’s reaction so flat.

“what the hell?”

“Why do you look indifferent?”

“We first came to Dong [source; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2?. 0′. 58″5. ;6 Jingcheng, don’t you just want to know about your father? Now that there is finally some progress, we should be happy! ”

Su Mo rolled his eyes.

“Being disturbed while sleeping, I can’t be happy at all!”

Just now……

He was about to have a friendly exchange with Yuhua who had recovered.


Ruined by this guy, Truth.

In addition, Murakami Kyoji will invite them to the Intellectual Brain Group.

It was expected.

It’s no wonder he had a good reaction.


“It seems to be…”

“I’m sorry~”

Truth’s face turned bitter, Su Mo was right.

I was disturbed while I was sleeping.

The mood is indeed not very good.

“Is that…is it swollen?”

“what happened?”

At this moment, Kaitaro and Ganqiao, who heard the voice of truth and thought that something big had happened, also came to the door of Su Mo’s room.

After them, Jiehua also slowly walked over.

Pretty face doesn’t know why.

There is also a bit of charming blush.

“Oh, right!”

“The secretary seems to have said that Faiz’s transforming equipment should also be brought there. According to her…it seems that she wants to take back this set of preparations…”

When the truth said this, she pursed her lips.

She looked at Qianqiao with some embarrassment.

Dong [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″5.; 6 Xidu has already been given to others, and I want to come back again.

Somewhat inappropriate…

Even if the truth has a thick skin, it’s a bit embarrassing.


When Qianqiao and the others understood exactly what happened.

Qianqiao did not hesitate, and decisively returned all the equipment of Kamen Rider Faiz to Su Mo and Zhenzhen. . 0′. 58″5.;6 The West is back in their hands.

Qianqiao was not angry or dissatisfied because of it.

for him.

Becoming Kamen Rider Faiz, although it is also very important.


Nothing is more important than having a good friend like Su Mo!

Even in addition to this, he can no longer transform into Kamen Rider Faiz.

As long as it can help Su Mo.

That’s enough.


Faiz’s transformation equipment originally belonged to Su Mo and the others.

It’s a coincidence, it’s only for temporary use.

For skillful decisiveness.

Everyone expressed their surprise.

Keitaro felt a little sorry for being so clever.

Kamen Rider Faiz!

What a pity that this extraordinary power is gone?

But he also understands that at this time.

In fact, it is most appropriate to take the initiative to take the initiative.


Su Mo and Truth will look a little embarrassed.

Su Mo, on the other hand, smiled and gave Qianqiao a thumbs up.


If you can hand over the power of the Kamen Rider, you can hand it over.

Should I say that he really deserves to be Master Qiao?

“By the way, what shall we do next?”

“How do I continue living?”

Kaido Naoya has given up on his guitar dream.

Lying on the sofa bored like a free fish.

Looking at the white ceiling in confusion.

The question was naturally asked to Kiba Yuji.

After all, it’s in this house.

Only the two of them.


Alone and widowed, living in the same room…

Yuji Kiba, who was sitting on the bed, heard the words.

Without hesitation, he spoke directly and said:

“I think, to protect human beings!”


Hearing this, Haitang was stunned for a moment.

With question marks all over his face, he looked in Kiba Yuji’s direction.

He originally thought that, as Orfi Enoch, he would not attack humans.

That’s strange enough.

Unexpectedly, Yuji Kiba wanted to protect human beings!

To protect human beings…

That means fighting with other Orfienuos.

For the sake of human beings, doing things that are not beneficial but also dangerous.

Haitangzhi, who doesn’t have a good impression of humans because of the teacher’s affairs, is also unwilling.

“Aufieno attacks humans in order to increase the number of its kind.”

“Many people who were attacked were innocent and kind people, just like you.”

“I can’t agree with this killing way of life.”

“So, I want to protect humans as a human being!”

Kiba Yuji explained.

Hai Tangzhi also curled his lips.


“Stop pretending to be righteous, this kind of thankless thing…”

“Only fools do it!”

“If I had to choose, I’d rather attack humans!”

When Kiba Yuji heard the words, he laughed honestly.

“You can’t do it…”


Kneeling thanks list: [A Salted Fish God] [Nine Heavens Invincible Ancient God Demon Dragon Emperor] [Lost ♚] [Dahong who loves warm soup and mutton] [I’m so handsome] [Qing Feng] [Private を文を通り抜けるの]【 ∞Empty Underworld Master ∞]【User

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