You can rest easy! strange thief

“Say it as if you know me very well!”

“You look so infuriating!”

Hai Tangzhi also said impatiently.

“Anyway! I don’t care about protecting human beings!”

After finishing the words, she left the house angrily.

With a bang, the door was closed.

Seeing this, Kiba Yuji chuckled and shook his head.

There is one sentence that he hasn’t said yet.

Even Hai Tangzhi really has the idea of ​​attacking innocent human beings.

Yuji Kiba will definitely stop Kaido Naoya before he takes action! ! !

In Kikuchi Laundry.

“There are two more dresses, right?”

“I have taken all the clothes and will wash them for you as soon as possible!”

Kaitaro smiled, and handed the list in his hand to the guest in front of him.

“Okay, sorry to trouble you!”

The guest took the order and nodded.

Just when she was about to leave here.

Suddenly thought of something.

Then he spoke to Kaitaro and said:

“That’s right! Keitaro, let me tell you.”

“A thief broke into our house yesterday!”

“Eh? Thief?!”

Keitaro couldn’t help but raise his voice when he heard the words.

The people in Su Mo who were staying in the living room also gathered their gazes.

Perhaps human beings naturally like to join in the fun.

I heard a thief appeared in someone’s house.

Everyone is interested.

“Auntie, did your family lose any property?”

Sonoda Mari leaned over and asked curiously.

This guest is a short-haired woman who looks to be in her thirties or forties.

I don’t know why, since the laundry shop openedDoor.

The guests who came were all women.

The female guest shook her head, she said softly:

“The thief… didn’t steal any property, even the money that was clearly placed on the table, that guy didn’t take it either.”


Upon hearing this, everyone at the scene became even more interested.

A thief who doesn’t steal money? ? ?

If you don’t steal money…

Could it be…


The flower picker? ? ?

Gan Qiao and Qi Taro subconsciously glanced at the two daughters Yu Hua and Zhen Zhen who were standing beside Su Mo.

Yuhua smiled softly, as if she didn’t care about the appearance of a flower picker who might sneak into her room in the middle of the night.

But the truth is a bit scary.

He quickly hugged Su Mo beside him.

“What are you doing?”

Su Mo asked angrily.

As he spoke, he pushed Zhen Zhen’s little head with his hands.

“I’m afraid!”

“I need you to protect me!”

Truth said confidently, her head kept moving forward.

I want to get closer to Su Mo.

“Don’t worry, the thief has no eyesight to follow you?”

Hearing Su Mo’s words, he thought about the truth.

That’s right!

There are two Kamen Riders, Su Mo and Gan Qiao.

Which thief would dare to make trouble in the laundry?


“After all, whether it’s appearance, temperament, or figure, you are not very good. You are far behind Jiehua. If thieves come, they must first focus on Jiehua.”

“So, you can rest assured.”


? ?

? ? ?

Truth froze for a moment, then came to her senses.

Looking at Su Mo’s handsome but hateful face.

Can’t help gnashing his teeth.

“Stupid Su Mo! What do you mean?!”

“You mean I look safe, right?!”

Su Mo raised his eyebrows, madly challenging the bottom line of truth.

“Ask even if you know it? It’s a foolish truth!”


The truth broke out!

“Bastard! See if I don’t bite you to death!!!”

Seeing Su Mo and Truth who suddenly started fighting again.

Whether it’s Kaitaro, or Ganqiao and Yuhua.

They all said that they are used to it.

The female guest shook her head amusedly.

“It’s not what you think.”

“That thief not only doesn’t steal money, but… he’s not a flower picker.”

“He only steals food…”

Hearing these words, Truth, who was biting Su Mo’s palm, let go of her mouth.

He looked at the female guest with a face full of disbelief.

“Only stealing food? Really or not?”

“Is…is it necessary?”

Taking advantage of the truth, his attention was attracted by the guest’s words.

Su Mo rubbed his drool-covered palm on Zhen Zhen’s clothes with a little disgust.

Then he also looked at the female guest with great interest.

A thief who only steals food?

In his already somewhat vague memory of his previous life.

It seems that there are people with similar identity settings.

“Although it’s really unbelievable to say it.”

“But…what I said is true.”

“The thief only stole a little food from the refrigerator, and… also helped me with the housework, he should also know that he stole [source; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? .0′. 58″ 5. ; Lu Xi is wrong, so you want to do housework to express your apology, right? ”

“So, I actually didn’t intend to call the police and arrest him.”

“This is a cute and kind thief.”

Speaking of which, the female guest showed a kind smile.

And truth and others.

But he was dumbfounded.

Only stealing food… A thief who also helps the owner of the house with housework?

Good guy, I’ve lived for so many years.

It was the first time they had heard of such a weird thief.

After the female guest left.

Keitaro suddenly shouted with a smile on his face:

“Yoxi! I’ve already decided who I’m going to help next!!!”

Qian Qiao heard the words, the corner of her mouth twitched.

“You don’t want to catch that thief, do you?”

Kaitaro’s eyes lit up, and he looked at Qianqiao with some surprise and excitement.

“Eh? Qiao, you and I really get along very well!”

“You guessed what I was thinking right away!”

Ganqiao’s head was full of black lines, while Zhenzhen and Yuhua laughed.


It’s strange if you can’t guess it, okay? ! !

“I don’t want to get along with you.”

“Besides, we’re not from the police department for things like catching thieves, so why should we meddle in other people’s business? Let’s stop the meeting.”

Ganqiao said in a cold tone.

“But… don’t you think that thief is very interesting?”

“To be precise, it’s not arresting. I want to meet that strange thief. He shouldn’t be a bad guy. Maybe we can help him?”

Keitaro said slowly.

He stole food, but he would apologize to the owner of the house in his own way.

This is enough to show that the nature of the thief is not bad.

The reason why he was able to steal food must be because of some troubles.

Therefore, Kaitaro wanted to do his best to help such an interesting and strange thief who obviously encountered some troubles.

………Kneeling thank you list: [Zhatian Gang~Ye Fan] [Human Emperor Fuxi] [Gu King who loves cocoa nougat] [Can’t buy any more snacks] [Decade the Passing Demon King] [Don’t Say Autumn] [Xiao Feng] Remnant Night] [Tang Ruofeng who loves Beijing Crispy Candy] [Morning Evil] [龠軏] [Yoyin Yetong] [Underworld – Heinous] (3.29)

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