Su Mo: My Girlfriend-Jie Hua! break into women’s locker room

Intellectual Brain Group, the gate.

A female staff member whose position is obviously not low is standing here.

Looking at the three people walking slowly, there was a flash of amazement in their eyes.

Then he opened his mouth and asked respectfully:

“Hello, it’s Mr. Su Mo and Miss Truth, right?”

Su Mo nodded slightly, and Truth, who was carrying a backpack, also nodded.

The staff knew that they were the ones they were waiting for.


He looked at another beautiful girl standing beside Su Mo.

“Who is this?”

According to the order above, there are obviously only two people who are right.

A man and a woman.

But now…

Why is there another girl?

And it seems that the relationship with this boy named Su Mo is not simple.


The girl’s hand was tightly wrapped around Su Mo’s arm.

Even more intimate with Su Mo than Sonoda Mari.

Yuhua just wanted to respond.

Then Su Mo took the lead.

“My girlfriend, Yuhua.”


? ?

? ? ?

Hearing this.

Everyone at the scene had different reactions.

Yuhua felt sweet in her heart, and lowered her head slightly.

A blush appeared on her delicate and pretty face.

Truth gritted her teeth and stared at Su Mo angrily.


then what do I do? ? ?

The corner of the staff member’s mouth twitched wildly.

Before coming here, she had received information about Su Mo and Zhen Zhen.

The former president of Intellectual Brain Group-Hanagata!

Adopted two of the orphans.

They grew up together and were childhood sweethearts.

The relationship is also very good. They have been living in the same house in Kyushu City before.

The degree of intimacy is similar to brother and sister, but also similar to lovers.

Originally, this staff member thought that Su Mo and Zhenzhen were lovers.

did not expect……

This girl named Jiehua is Su Mo’s girlfriend…

Although there are many doubts, however.

The staff understands, let’s ask further.

But it’s impolite.


It’s not something that I can know.

I can only sigh in my heart:

“Your circle is really chaotic!”

Immediately afterwards, he put away his gossiping thoughts and showed a professional smile.

Said to the three of Su Mo:

“Okay, then please come with me, three of you~”

With that said, he turned around and began to lead the way.

Taking advantage of the time when the staff turned around, Truth immediately stepped on Su Mo’s foot.

Then he snorted coldly and followed.


“This idiot!”

Because the body is strengthened, so the foot of truth.

It didn’t cause any pain to Su Mo.

But even so!

Su Mo was also very dissatisfied.

As Kamen Rider Teki’s…legs!

Can anyone step on it casually?

“See how I punish her when I go back.”

“If you don’t give her some color, she doesn’t know who is in charge of this family!”

Su Mo glanced at a certain part of the truth in front of him that twisted with his footsteps.

After deciding to go back, let Truth have a good experience of his family’s throne!

Hearing this, Jie Huaqiao blushed even more.

She does know the so-called “punishment” in Su Mo’s mouth.

what exactly is it.

The staff member didn’t bring Su Mo and the others to see Murakami Xia’er immediately.

Instead, he came to the locker room.

I need to change clothes first.

“This is the women’s locker room.” The staff member pointed to the room on his left.

Then he looked at the room on his right.

“This is the men’s locker room.”

“The clothes are already in the room.”

The staff said with a smile.

On the way here, she contacted other staff members.

Prepared an extra set of women’s clothing.


There is no shortage of clothes due to the appearance of knots.


Truth nodded and took a deep breath.

Then she opened the women’s dressing room and walked in.

Jiehua looked at Su Mo, and saw him nodding to herself.

I also followed the truth and walked in.

Soon, the door closed.

The staff still smiled, stretched out their hands and said to Su Mo towards the men’s locker room:

“Then, Mr. Su Mo, this way please?”

Without any unnecessary nonsense, Su Mo walked into his dressing room.

Seeing this, the staff breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, just bring them to the president’s office, her task.

It can be completed satisfactorily.

I have to say, even if it’s just a mission to receive guests.

It also made this staff member very nervous.

No way, Su Mo and Truth.

The identity is not simple, and it is also very valued by the president.

If they are not received well.

Hers might be at work tomorrow.He would be fired directly because he entered the company with his left foot first.

But just when the staff thought everything would go smoothly.

“Accident” appeared!

I see!

Su Mo had already entered the men’s locker room.

He came out again, still holding the black suit he should have changed into.


“Mr. Su Mo, are you dissatisfied with this suit?”

The staff froze for a moment, then asked softly.

If yes, she can change a few sets.


Su Mo shook his head lightly, and followed suit.

didn’t say much.

Straight into the women’s dressing room next to her.


The door was closed again.


? ?

? ? ?

The staff were dumbfounded, you are a boy.

Entering the girls’ locker room…

Ah this…

But think about the relationship between Su Mo, Zhenzhen and Jiehua.

A childhood sweetheart who grew up together.

One is a girlfriend…

What should be seen, what should not be seen.

You should have seen it long ago.


He went in, and there seemed to be no problem.

The staff stood there with strange faces.

Somewhat at a loss.

Soon, from the women’s locker room.

A series of screams sounded.

“Ah! Stupid Su Mo! What are you doing here?!”

“Mo… Mo Jun…”

“Don’t look! Don’t look!!!”

“Pervert! Obscenity!! Get out quickly!!!”



The voice inside seems to be getting more and more strange…

The staff stood where they were, although they knew that eavesdropping was bad.


Both ears still stood up uncontrollably.

At the same time, his face became more and more strange.

After a long time, the door of the women’s dressing room.

Only then was it opened again.

The first one to come out was Su Mo in a black suit.

I have to say, Su Mo’s appearance, figure, and temperament.

It’s really perfect.

No matter what you wear, it looks very suitable.


Kneeling thank you list: [Xiaofeng Remnant Night] [Mengyi Xingchen] [Xinghua Jingye] [Don’t Say Autumn 㔓] [Yin Yetong] [Tang Ruofeng who loves Beijing Crispy Candy] [User

】【Underworld General-Very Vicious】【ℳ๓龙ঞ: ᝰꫛꫀꪝ】【Tao name: Ritian】【Pikapi passing by】

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