Gentle Scum – Su Mo! President of Intellectual Brain Group-Kyoko Murakami

The temperament is noble and elegant.

Paired with a handsome yet masculine face.

He looked very gentlemanly.

There was a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

It also added a bit of a naughty and ruffian feeling.

If there is another gold-rimmed glasses.

Then he’s quite a gentle scum.

Very handsome and charming.


At this time, it is more attractive to the staff.

But it was the two women who came out behind Su Mo.

I see!

Sonoda Mari has short shoulder-length hair and a cute baby face.

At this time, she was wearing a light blue dress similar to a cheongsam.

She wore a pearl necklace around her neck, and diamond-encrusted crystal high-heeled shoes on her feet.

Ling has always been an unfeminine truth.

She has so much female-specific allure.

Nagata Yuka behind her was wearing a pure white dress.

Although there are no pearl necklaces, crystal high-heeled shoes and other decorations.

But because of this, she looks more pure and pleasant.

Exudes a youthful breath.

Long black hair and long, slender and well-proportioned legs under the dress.

is also very eye-catching.

Both women also have a common feature.

That is, his face was flushed.

When I came out.

She looked at Su Mo reproachfully with her beautiful eyes.

Although I was very curious about being in the locker room just now.

What exactly happened between the two women and Su Mo?


The staff understand that there are some things.

It’s not something I can know.

Therefore, he gave a fake cough.

Then he opened his mouth and said:

“Excuse me, you three. Next, I will take everyone to see President Murakami.”

“Please continue to follow me~”

After the voice fell, the staff turned around and walked towards the elevator.

Su Mo ignored the reproachful gazes of the two women, and followed with his usual expression.

As he walked, he subconsciously raised his hand and put it in front of his nose to smell it.

Seeing Su Mo’s action.

The blush on the faces of Zhenzhen and Yuhua became more intense.

“Damn it! You bastard Su Mo!!!”

“Mr. Mo is too much…”

Wait until everyone has arrived in the elevator.

The staff pressed the top floor of the elevator.


Everyone could clearly feel that the elevator was starting to go up!


20! !

30! ! !


It wasn’t until the thirty-fifth floor that the elevator stopped.

Immediately afterwards, the elevator door opened automatically.

The staff walked out.

The three of Su Mo followed closely behind.

What came into view was a long corridor.

At the end is the president’s office.

Not long after, everyone arrived at the door of the office.The staff first reached out and knocked on the door.

Then I heard the response from the person inside:

“come in.”

Only then did the staff member open the door, and smiled at the three of Su Mo and said:

“Please come in~”

Su Mo nodded lightly and started walking.

walked in.

The two girls, Truth and Yuhua, followed closely behind.

After all three entered, the staff slowly closed the office door.


He heard the door behind him being closed.

Truth panicked inexplicably.

I’m about to meet the mysterious President Murakami.

It’s impossible to say I’m not nervous.

After taking two quick steps and taking Su Mo’s arm, I feel more at ease.

Yuhua didn’t show a reaction of fear.

after all……

Now she is no longer an ordinary human being.

Even if there is a problem that she can’t solve, there will still be Su Mo!

In the room, except for the three of Su Mo.

There was only one middle-aged man sitting on a chair and slowly drinking coffee.


It is the current president of Zhinao Group!

Kyoko Murakami! ! !

Xia’er Murakami put down her coffee cup and looked at the three of Su Mo who were walking towards her.

Even he couldn’t help being a little surprised at this moment.

Whether it’s Su Mo or Truth and Yuhua.

Among the people he has met in his life, his appearance is enough to rank in the top ten.

Especially Su Mo.

It is no exaggeration to rank first.

Glancing at the backpack in Truth’s hand.

The corners of Murakami Kyo’er’s lips turned up and she smiled.

“Go up.”

Go up?

What’s the meaning?

with doubts.

Zhenzhen, Su Mo, and Jiehua sat on the strange chair opposite to Xiaer Murakami.

As soon as the three sat down, Kyo’er Murakami took the initiative to introduce herself.

“Hello, I am the new president of this company!”

“Kyo’er Murakami.”

“So, why on earth did I accompany you to catch the thief?”

Gan Qiao looked at the house in front of her expressionlessly, and said in a cold tone.


“Su Mo and the others are going to meet the president of Zhinao Group. How boring is it for you to stay in the store by yourself? You have no other friends besides us, and you have no money, and it is impossible to go out to play.”

“Catch that strange thief with me, how interesting is it?”

Keitaro responded with a smile.

The three of Su Mo were not there.

He didn’t want to come here alone.


Lonely and widowed, he was pulled over by coincidence.

Apart from Su Mo and the others… have no friends?

Don’t have any money yet? ? ?

Ganqiao looked at Kaitaro who was knocking on the door in front of him.

Clenching his fists, he had the urge to beat this guy violently.

Although what Keitaro said is true!

But it was precisely because of this that Qian Qiao was even more dissatisfied.

“Bang bang bang!”

“Hello, is anyone home?”

Although Keitaro felt that there was an inexplicable chill behind him.

But he didn’t pay attention, but shouted into the house.


The door opened, and it came into view.

It was the female customer who appeared at the laundry not long ago.

“It’s you!”

The female guest saw that it was Kai Taro and Gan Qiao.

He couldn’t help showing a kind smile.

Immediately afterwards, the invitation said:

“Quick, don’t stand outside, come in.”

Kaitaro immediately walked in with a smile.

Seeing this, Qian Qiao sighed helplessly.

Loosening her clenched fists, she also walked in.

In his heart, he secretly said:

“Next time, we must find a chance to beat this guy up.”

“Eh? The thief stole it, or leftovers?”

After entering the house, we chatted for a while.

Keitaro heard something surprising from the female guest.

He originally thought that what the thief stole [source; source group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″ 5 in.; 6 West.

It should be canned meat, bread, milk and the like.

But I didn’t expect that.

People only steal leftovers!

The female guest smiled and nodded.

“I only found out about this after I came back.”

“I told many neighbors next door about the thief entering the house.”

“In the end, they were not surprised at all. Instead, they said that their home was also stolen by this thief.”

“However, every time he steals, it’s just leftovers. He never touches fresh ingredients. Moreover, every time he finishes stealing, he will definitely clean up the family.”

“Because of this, those neighbors who were stolen by him didn’t intend to call the police to arrest him. Instead, they all hoped that that guy would come a few more times.”

Hearing this, the corner of Ganqiao’s mouth twitched.

Are you treating that thief as a cheap cleaner?


Kneeling thanks list: [∞King Nether World Master ∞][Bei Xiaoxuan gg][Supreme Bookworm][Cronus (Cronus)]【. . . . . I don’t know]【The Gu King who loves cocoa nougat】【Can’t buy any more snacks】【Natural】【Human Emperor Fuxi】【. . . 】(3.30)

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