That thing [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″5.;6 West! She should be used to it

On the table in front of Murakami Xia’er and Su Mo.

full of all kinds of mountains and seastaste.

Very rich.

Coupled with the colorful lights and the gorgeous costumes on the three of Su Mo.

It looks like a high society.

Xia’er Murakami smiled, and asked Su Mo and the others:

“How about it?”

“It’s not bad to enjoy the feeling of being a young master and princess once in a while, right?”

“You have a deep relationship with my respected former president.”

“In order to entertain you, I have spent a lot of thought.”

Everyone heard the words.

Su Mo’s complexion was as usual, and he smiled lightly.

It seems that he doesn’t care about the so-called “young master” treatment.

Yuhua also has no special ideas.

One is that she has nothing to do with that President Hanagi.

Being able to sit here is completely a blessing.

two is!

As long as he can stay with Su Mo, even if he is living the life of a beggar.

Yuhua will not have any complaints.

As for the truth, she pouted slightly.

She doesn’t like this kind of aristocratic style.

Even, there is some disgust.

I feel that this kind of life is very fake.

Very troublesome!

She doesn’t want to live this kind of life forever.

She is still unrestrained, and a free life makes her happier.

Therefore, I don’t want to continue talking about this kind of topic with Kyo’er Murakami.

asked directly:

“That… May I ask where my father is now?”

Kyo’er Murakami frowned slightly.

“Well…how should I put it?”

“Actually, President Huagata disappeared suddenly a while ago.”

“That’s why I was able to take over his position.”

“To be honest, the mission to find President Hanagata has been going on.”

“It’s just that even I don’t know where he is now.”

“What we can know is that…President Hanagata is not dead!”

Hear these words.

Truth was both disappointed and relieved.

He breathed a sigh of relief, naturally because his father did not die.

These words come from the mouth of Murakami Kyo’er, the new president of the company, which still has a certain degree of credibility, and there is no need for them to lie to her.


It’s because of the information I got from the president, Kyo’er Murakami.

It’s no different from what the lady at the front desk said before.

Except knowing that Huaxing is missing and not dead.

There is no other useful information.

Su Mo picked up his coffee cup and took a sip.

didn’t say anything.

Just listening to the conversation between Murakami Kyoji and Truth with great interest.

He knew that he couldn’t find anything valuable from Xia’er Murakami. [Source; Source’ Group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″ 5 in.; 6 West.

Even if people knew about it, they wouldn’t tell them.

So, I didn’t bother to speak.

Seeing everyone’s reactions, Murakami Kyo’er was a little surprised.

He thought, Su Mo and others.

Will ask him endlessly.

However, that’s fine too.

The corner of his mouth curled up, and he said slowly to the only somewhat disappointed truth:

“You don’t have to worry too much.”

“President Huagata wasn’t assassinated or anything, and I didn’t kill him because I wanted to take over.”

“His character has always been like this. He does everything secretly and won’t tell our subordinates. It’s possible to travel far away on a whim.”

Speaking of this, Murakami Xia’er paused.

It was left for Truth and others to digest it.

Then, he continued to speak:

“By the way, that Dong [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2?. 0′. 58″5. ; Luxi, have you brought it here? ”

That thing [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″ 5 in.; 6 West…

Hearing this, Truth subconsciously looked at the backpack in her hand.

“Well, I brought it.”

He took an iron box out of his backpack.

Put it on the table.

Kyo’er Murakami couldn’t wait to open the table.


The stuff inside [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″ 5 in.; 6 West, into view.

Kamen Rider Faiz’s drive, cell phone, camera, cursor, etc.

It’s all here.

Kyoji Murakami reached out and stroked the Faiz driver.

Feel the powerful energy contained in it.

Murakami Kyo’er smiled, it’s the real thing.

Withdrawing his hand, he looked at the three of Su Mo.


“Can you return this set of Kamen Rider Faiz equipment to us?”

“I know you are using this set of equipment to fight Orfienoch. This is indeed the correct way to use Faiz’s equipment.”

Truth looked at Su Mo beside him who had no doubts.

Can’t help but sigh.

Su Mo has no problem, but she has!

“Can you talk about Kamen Rider and Orfienuo in detail?”

“What the hell is going on here?”

From the time of obtaining the Faiz equipment.

The truth is full of various doubts.

Kamen Rider, who made it?

When did Orfienuo first appear?

Hanakata sent her the Faiz equipment, and why?

There are many, many questions that she doesn’t know.

I want someone to be able to answer her.

But Huaxing disappeared.

This guy Su Mo, againHe has always talked about “the secret of heaven must not be leaked”.

Thinking of this, Truth glared at Su Mo angrily.

Perceived the strange vision of truth.

Su Mo frowned. This woman is crazy, right?

Why are you staring at me?

Could it be that she is still thinking about what happened in the locker room just now?

Probably not…

I just read it once, hit a certain part a few times… that’s all!


It’s not the first.

She should get used to it, so she won’t hold grudges until now.

Su Mo shook his head, not thinking about these messy things.

Continue to taste the coffee.

Kyo’er Murakami raised her legs and explained:

“Ofienuo, this strange-looking monster with special abilities.”

“Actually, we don’t know where it started.”

“But Kamen Rider Faiz is a countermeasure developed by us in order to fight against this supernatural monster. This set of Faiz must be prepared by President Huagata for fear that you will be attacked by Orpheus, so he sent it to you as a talisman of.”

“This is naturally a good thing…”


Speaking of this, Murakami Kyo’er’s tone became a little more serious.

The eyes that looked at Su Mo and the others became much sharper.

“This set of Faiz equipment can play a more powerful role if you give it to us.”

“It is used to protect more humans who are attacked by the Orpheeno monster!!!”


When Murakami Kyo’er was talking about getting excited, a sudden laugh interrupted him.

Frowning, he looked at the source of the sound – that handsome young man.

Su Mo! ! !

I noticed Murakami Kyo’er’s gaze.

Su Mo pursed his lips and waved his hands quickly.

“Don’t worry about me, you continue!”

Although that’s what I said.

But the smile on his face did not disappear.


The smile became brighter.


Kneeling thanks list: [Kazama will not be in a daze] [Love Black Silk] [Tang Ruofeng who loves to eat Beijing Crispy Candy] [Yin Yetong] [Qing Yu╭(╯ε╰)╮] [Ming Jiang – Vicious] [Do not say秋㔓】【Human Emperor Fuxi】【kabuto…】【Cronus】【Yunshan wants to raise a cat】

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