No matter what your choice is, I will support you

【Use the power of Kamen Rider Faiz to protect humans? 】

This kind of words, if it comes from other people.

Su Mo couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

But the problem is, it’s a bit too funny to say it from the mouth of Murakami Kyoer, who can be regarded as half of the leader of the Orfi Enochs.

The reason why Orpheenos attack innocent humans is to increase their companions.

She has a lot to do with Murakami Kyo’er.

Looking at the bright and charming smile on Su Mo’s face.

Truth and Yuhua were very puzzled, they didn’t understand why he was smiling so happily.

Kyo’er Murakami was also puzzled, could it be that this guy…

Do you know what?

But it shouldn’t, according to the data.

Su Mo is just one of the orphans Huaxing adopted.

The slightly special place is on the perfect appearance.

Kamen Rider, Orfienuo and so on.

He should not know any important information.


When others were talking, they suddenly laughed.

It’s really impolite! ! !

Make a move!

Murakami Kyo’er thought this in her heart, but she remained calm on the surface.

Su Mo didn’t pay too much attention to the “impolite”.

Instead, he looked at the truth.

Right now, it’s more important to get the Faiz equipment first.

Other things can be put aside first.

Continuing what he just said:


“This Faiz equipment is not your father’s personal property.”

“This is the secret weapon of our entire brain group!”

“So… I can invite you!”

“Give it back to us?”

Murakami Kyo’er smiled, keeping her eyes on the truth.

They didn’t care about Su Mo and Jie Hua.

Because, in the information he got.

Huaxing sent Faiz’s equipment to Truth.

Truth is the master of Faiz’s equipment, as long as she agrees.

This set of equipment can be owned by the Intellectual Brain Group.

The opinions of Su Mo and Jiehua are not important.

Heard the words!

Truth pursed her lips, feeling a little embarrassed.

Just hand over the transformation equipment of Kamen Rider Faiz.

To be honest, she didn’t want to.

One is, this time, I didn’t get any useful information at all, and I have to hand over Kamen Rider Faiz’s equipment, which is really a bit of a loss.

Second, no one wants to give this extraordinary power to others, right?


If it’s really what Murakami Kyoji said.

Faiz equipment is not a flower-shaped personal item.

That should indeed be returned to Murakami Xia’er and Zhinao Group! ! !

Seeing the truth, she was a little hesitant, and Murakami Kyoji continued:

“I don’t think your father will object.”

“After all, this is to protect more people!”

“If you stayIn the east [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″5.;6 In terms of the capital city, with the protection of our Intellectual Brain Group, it is also a little safer than you with the Faiz equipment by yourself?”

“You know, although you can gain great power by transforming into Faiz, but…”


“There is also the risk of losing the battle and being killed by the Orfienoch monsters, isn’t it?”

Hearing these words, Truth subconsciously nodded.

What Murakami Kyo’er said is indeed very reasonable.

Next, if they stay in the east [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58 “5.; 6 words in the capital.

With the protection of the Intellectual Brain Group, they don’t have to fight Aofei Enuo directly.

It is much safer than before.

The truth has not been forgotten.

Most of the Orfienuos who came before did not intend to attack them.

But to snatch Faiz’s transformation equipment.

It can be said that there is no Faiz equipment.

She, Su Mo and the others may not necessarily encounter monsters like Orfienuo.



Subconsciously looked at Su Mo beside him.

This kind of decision-making matter, she is alone, and she is still a little uncertain.

I want to see what Su Mo thinks.

However, Su Mo noticed her gaze.

Just a faint smile.

“You can do whatever you want.”

“Don’t worry, no matter what your choice is, I will support you.”

It doesn’t matter whether Truth chooses to hand over the Faiz equipment or not.

Su Mo doesn’t even care too much.

If they don’t hand it over, let alone Murakami Xia’er, in order to hide her identity as Ophelia, there is a high probability that she will not directly attack them.

Even if he really does it right now, Su Mo has no fear.

Even now, he still can’t beat Murakami Kyoer.

Kyoko Murakami also couldn’t do anything to a Kamen Rider Teki who wanted to leave!

And hand it over, let others use Faiz equipment.

Then the solution is even simpler.

Just ask the new Faiz directly.

Don’t give it?

Then call him! ! !

【No matter what your choice is, I will support you. 】

The corners of Truth’s mouth curled up, revealing a cute and sweet smile.

Since that’s the case, then she has nothing to hesitate.

Taking a deep breath, she said to Kyo’er Murakami in front of her:

“I see!”

When Murakami Xia’er heard this, the smile on her face became even more intense.

“Go up!”

In the end, Truth still chose to hand over the Faiz equipment.

In her opinion, hand over the Faiz equipment.

It is indeed safer and more appropriate.

Holding the Faiz equipment in the iron box, he smiled and looked at the three of Su Mo who walked into the elevator, and waved his hands, making a “goodbye” gesture.

No matter how you look at it, they look easy to get along with.

And when the elevator doors closed.

Kyoji Murakami showed a playful smile.

“After all, they are just children.”

Faiz’s equipment is much easier than he imagined.

I thought they would be the truth when they handed over the Faiz equipment.

What are the conditions?


not at all.

Just about to turn around and go back to his office.


A footstep sounded.

A senior executive of Zhinao Group came over.


“I think…you need to arrange bodyguards for you.”

“Oh? Bodyguard, why?”

“In the group, there are still people who are dissatisfied with your appointment as president…”

“I’m afraid they will use some tough methods, that is to say, you may be in danger at any time now!!!”

The current Intellectual Brain Group is not completely following Murakami Kyoer’s lead.

Hearing this, Murakami Xia’er didn’t have the slightest fear.

With a cold snort, he said two words in an indifferent tone:

“Get down!”


Kneeling thank you list: [The Thief of the Sky, Smuggling Everything_^] [The Gu King Who Loves Cocoa Nougat] [∞ Kong Mingjie Master ∞] [Melon Eater No. 520] [No More Snacks] [Qing Feng] 】【Xiaofeng Remnant Night】【Wenren Chimeng】【Tearful Tan Zhengzong】(3.31)

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