Sister’s Blowing Kiss~Yuji Kiba’s Dislike

At this time, on the first floor of the internal hall of Zhinao Group.

Yuji Kiba was standing here.

Just about to get on the elevator to go to the president’s office owned by Murakami Kyoji again.


But he was stopped by a figure with heavy make-up.


“Brother Yongzhi~”

“Come here today, what’s the matter?”

“Could it be… Missing my sister?”

There is no doubt that it is the secretary of Blue Sao Bao’s president – SmartLady.

Today, she is still wearing a blue tight-fitting short dress.

On the originally pretty face, there was some disgusting heavy makeup.

Her tone of voice was as delicate as ever.

Who can stand it after seeing this?

Anyway, Yuji Kiba couldn’t stand it anymore. Seeing her appear, he subconsciously took a few steps back.

Then he quickly opened his mouth and said:

“You said it before, right?”

“As long as you see President Murakami, you willCan understand everything. ”

“The president had something to do a few days ago, I understand.”

“But today, I heard that President Kyoko Murakami has returned.”

“So! Can you let me meet President Murakami?”

His request is not too much.

Kyo’er Murakami also came back today.

I thought SmartLady would agree.


“Woooooo~ What a coincidence~”

“Today’s appointment with the president is already full.”

Tsk, I want to meet the president.

Is that all?

However, he wasn’t here a few days ago, and there were so many people looking for him, so it didn’t seem surprising.

But if that’s the case, when will I be able to meet Murakami Xia’er?

Thinking of this, Kiba Yuji couldn’t help but sighed in disappointment.

Seeing this, SmartLady showed a distressed expression.

“My brother Yongzhi, don’t be so sad~”

“How about this, sister, let me blow you a kiss to make it up to you?”

Ok? ? ?

The corner of Kiba Yuji’s mouth twitched, and he quickly shook his head.

“No…no need!”

At the same time, he took a few steps back again.

He looked at SmartLady warily.

His whole body was full of resistance.

seems to be saying:

“Don’t come here!!!”

“Well~ you’re welcome~”

SmartLady thought that Yuji Kiba was being embarrassed.

She thought she was charming and smiled.

Then he took a step forward and prepared to approach Kiba Yuji.

But at this moment!


The elevator door opened.

Three figures came out of it.

The attention of SmartLady and Yuji Kiba.

Subconsciously attracted to the past.

One man and two women!

And these three people happened to be known to both Yuji Kiba and SmartLady.

It is Su Mo, Truth and Jiehua!

“Eh? It’s you!!!”

When Kiba Yuji saw the three of Su Mo, his eyes lit up.

He felt that Su Mo and the others were like his saviors.

It would appear every time he was in trouble.

For the first time, after being knocked out, if Su Mo and the others hadn’t appeared, I don’t know what would have happened.

And now, just when he encountered the crisis of blowing kisses from SmartLady, the three of Su Mo also appeared again.

If you really get blown a kiss by SmartLady.

Yuji Kiba felt that he might even be able to vomit out the food he ate yesterday.

“Oh, what a coincidence, isn’t it?”

Su Mo didn’t expect that he would meet Kiba Yuji.

A little surprised.

Truth and Yuhua looked at each other, and they couldn’t help but smile.


I remembered what happened before.

At this time, Yuji Kiba was not in the mood to care about why the three of Su Mo appeared here.

Quickly took two steps forward and held Su Mo’s hand.

“I didn’t have time to thank you all last time.”

“Since we can meet again this time, why don’t I treat you to dinner?”

“At this time, it’s just time for lunch.”

Kiba Yuji looked at Su Mo expectantly.

I want to invite the three of Su Mo to dinner. I am serious.

There is another reason.

But he wanted to leave here, and he didn’t want to be tortured by SmartLady any longer.


I noticed Kiba Yuji’s look of “If you don’t agree, I will die for you”.

Su Mo looked at the SmartLady beside him, and seemed to understand something.

She nodded amusedly.

“Since this is the case, then we will reluctantly agree.”

Hearing this, Kiba Yuji was very grateful.

He really is a good person!

I saved my life again!

“Then let’s go!”

As he spoke, he wanted to grab Su Mo’s hand and leave the scene.

Su Mo felt a little helpless, you…

Can you let go of your hand first! ! !

Although it is well known that the Kamen Rider is Jifan.

I am also a member of Kamen Rider.

But I really don’t have that special hobby! ! !

Watching the backs of Kiba Yuji and Su Mo leaving.

Truth and Jiehua were stunned for a moment, how do they feel…

Do they seem to be running away?

When I came back to my senses, I saw Su Mo and Kiba Yuji getting farther and farther away.

Quickly followed up.


Only SmartLady was left on the scene.

“Woo woo woo~”

“How can you do this?”

“Am I being rejected? Crying~”

SmartLady raised two small fists and put them in front of her eyes.

Pretending to be crying pitifully.


The acting skills are not very good…

In a restaurant.

“Last time, thank you so much!”

Kiba Yuji looked at the three of Su Mo sitting opposite and said.

The table in front of him was covered with all kinds of delicious food.

Before SmartLady not only gave Kiba Yuji a house.

A lot of money was also given.

After experiencing a death, Yuji Kiba also understood a truth.

When you are alive, you eat when you need to eat, and drink when you need to drink.

Otherwise, no matter how much money you earn in the end, you won’t be able to spend it.go.

Isn’t it also very painful?

In addition, this time, the three Su Mo, who are equivalent to lifesavers, are invited to dinner.

Then naturally, you can’t be too stingy.


Good things about this restaurant [source; source group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″5.; 6 West, basically all of them were ordered by Kiba Yuji.

The abundance on this table.

It’s no less than what the three of Su Mo saw in Murakami Xia’er’s office just now.

“Then…then we will not be polite!”

“I’m going to start!!!”

Truth swallowed, when she was in Murakami Xia’er’s office just now.

She has been concentrating on talking to Kyoji Murakami.

Didn’t eat anything at all [source; source group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″ 5 in.; 6 West.

Seeing all these exquisite and rich foods now, how can I stand up?

After the words fell, he began to feast on it.

The small mouth that he ate quickly was covered with residues of various foods.

Upon seeing…


Kneeling thank you list: [Xiao Feng Remnant Night] [Sakura Umbrella] [Mugging] [Ji Rufeng of Jianchi] [Pingcheng University] [Huang Zhongtian who loves crispy chicken drumsticks] [∞Sky Underworld Lord ∞] [Kronos ( Cronus)] [Drawing the Sword – Emperor of Heaven] [Bei Xiaoxuan gg]

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