Became the Traitor’s Mobile Pegasus Again! is it female


“If you can’t fight, you must run!!!”

Hai Tangzhi is not a fool, since he can’t beat him.

Then run away.

As soon as he thought of this, he had to sit on the seat of the mobile pegasus.


at this time!

Su Mo behind him suddenly snapped his fingers.


Immediately afterwards, under the incredulous eyes of Kaitang Naoya, Ganqiao and the others.

The mobile pegasus immediately began to transform.

The motorcycle form disappeared.


It’s a battle mode for a robot three or four meters tall! ! !

Not to the apparent master in front of him – Kamen Rider Faiz.

An opportunity to sit on myself.

Hai Tangzhi also looked at Faiz’s phone on his waist.

I looked at the Pegasus in front of me again…

Right now, he has some doubts about whether those members of the Intellectual Brain Group are lying to him.

Can this special equipment be called Kamen Rider Faiz’s exclusive equipment? ? ?

In front of Kamen Rider Faiz, to obey other people’s orders?


The man didn’t say a word.

Just snapped your fingers, and you know what it means? ? ?


Great traitor! ! !

Haitang Zhi also wanted to cry but had no tears, he would never have thought of it anyway.

Mobile Pegasus actually betrayed him!

Seeing this scene.

Qianqiao’s mood is also extremely complicated.

Looking at Kaitang Naoya’s gaze, he couldn’t help being much gentler.

This guy……

He is also a poor person…

They are sick and sympathetic to each other! ! !

Truth and Jiehua looked at Su Mo in surprise.


Mobile Pegasus should belong to this new Kamen Rider Faiz.

But it turns out…

But still listen to Su Mo’s words.


It seems that something is wrong.

Truth blinked her eyes, if she remembered correctly.

She is the first owner of Pegasus Mobile, right? ! !

In fact, even Su Mo himself didn’t think of it.

He can command Pegasus without Faiz’s equipment.

Just now, when Kaitang Zhiya was about to run away.

In his mind, a slight mechanical voice suddenly appeared.


In the machine, there is a feeling of immaturity and honesty.

Like a young and honest child.

According to the system’s explanation, this is a trace of wisdom produced by the mobile Pegasus.

With the help of the system.

That’s why conscious communication can occur!

As for why in a 555 world with backward technology, there will be intelligent and unscientific mobile Pegasus…

Su Mo said, Orfienuo, Kamen Rider, time travel and system.

These things [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″5.; The appearance of 6 Xi is already very unscientific.

Therefore, he didn’t pay too much attention to it.

Anyway, it’s not a bad thing to be able to talk directly to the mobile Pegasus!


In this case, there will be a feeling that Kamen Rider Faiz is green…

Cough cough!

Su Mo shook his head and stopped thinking about these messy things.

Taking two steps forward, he looked at Kaitang Naoya who was in a daze.

smiled lightly and said:

“Are you still struggling?”


I can’t beat it again and again.

Wanting to escape, the so-called exclusive mount obeyed other people’s orders.

Is this still a fart?

Kaitang Zhi also seemed to lose all his strength in an instant.

Sitting paralyzed on the ground, he said in an extremely disappointed tone:

“No more fights, no more fights, it’s so boring!”

After finishing speaking, he took Faiz’s phone out of the drive by himself.

Immediately afterwards!

Kamen Rider Faiz’s armor disappears automatically.

Kaitang Naoya’s human appearance was exposed.

“Here! It’s really boring!”

Haitang Zhi also sent the Faiz mobile phone and Faiz drive, as well as the Faiz cursor, etc. [Resource; source group]: 9?8;0;2? . 0′. 58″ 5 in.; 6 West.

All of them were thrown to Qianqiao.

Yes, well done!

Hai Tangzhi could also see it.

Su Mo possesses the power of the Dark Emperor Cavalry, so there is no need for Faiz to changeequipped.

And the reason why he still wants Faiz equipment.

It must be for the previous Faiz’s shapeshifter-how clever!

Hai Tangzhi also looked at Qianqiao’s gaze, and couldn’t help feeling a little envious.

It’s really enviable that he has a friend like Su Mo…



I seem to have one too.

In Kaido Naoya’s mind, the face of Kiba Yuji suddenly appeared.

【We… are companions! 】

Hai Tangzhi also shook his head hastily.


Why did I suddenly think of a man?

And ah!

That guy looks very weak.

How could it be my uncle’s friend?

Thinking of this, Hai Tangzhi didn’t say anything to Su Mo and the others.

Then he stood up, muttering inaudible words.

She swaggered and left here.

Now that Faiz is equipped, Su Mo and others will naturally not stop Kaitang Naoya from leaving.

Looking at his back, Keitaro breathed a sigh of relief.

“Although that strange thief was not caught…”

Kaitaro looked at the Faiz equipment in Qianqiao’s hand, and said with a smile:

“But fortunately, our Kamen Rider Faiz is back!”

Qianqiao didn’t expect…

This is less than a day.

The Faiz equipment returned to his hands.

Although he said in front of Kaitaro that he would feel relaxed if he didn’t transform into Faiz.

can get rid of a lot of troubles.

But sure enough…

I am still very happy to be able to transform into Faiz again.


Because of being able to fight side by side with him, right?

Gan Qiao thought of this, and looked at Su Mo who had been transformed.

The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and she smiled.


Hearing this, Su Mo waved his hands casually.

“What are you being polite about?”

“We are friends.”

Hearing this, the smile became even bigger.

“Hmm! We…are friends!”

The truth came to the mobile Pegasus who had turned into a motorcycle again.

I watched it for a while, and then…


He also snapped his fingers like Su Mo did.

She wanted to try if she could also order this guy.

if you can.

That’s really great.


Facing the actions of truth, Mobile Pegasus turned a blind eye.

There was no reaction at all.

“Damn it!”

“You bastard, obviously I was the first to contact you…”

Seeing that Maneuvering Pegasus ignored him, Truth pouted dissatisfiedly.

Suddenly thought of something.

Truth bent down, looking suspiciously at Pegasus Mobile.

“So listen to Su Mo…”

“Could it be that…you are a female?”


? ?

? ? ?

Hearing the truth, don’t talk about the reaction of the mobile pegasus.

Su Mo and the others were speechless for a while.


It’s just a car!

Is there a distinction between male and female? ? ?


Kneeling thank you list: [Don’t Say Autumn] [Little Song of Chinese Soft-shelled Turtle] [Cronus (Cronus)] [Can’t Buy Snacks Anymore] [Xiao Feng Can Ye] [Yo Ye Tong] [Should I read or not? 】【Morning Evil】【Kamen Rider Transformation】(4.3)

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