Kamen Rider Faiz’s Terrible One-Day Experience

It doesn’t matter whether the mobile Pegasus is a male or a female at the beginning of the study.

Su Mo said to everyone:

“You guys go back first, I still have some things to do.”

Immediately afterwards, he walked in the direction where the thief Ao Fei Enuo escaped.


When everyone saw this, they were a little puzzled.

I don’t understand what Su Mo is going to do.

Kaitaro, Ganqiao and the others did not follow.

Su Mo should have some private matters to deal with, right?

Jie Hua pursed her lips, then quickly followed Su Mo.

“Mr. Mo! Let me accompany you.”

Su Mo did not refuse Jiehua’s request.

With a slight forehead, she agreed.

Seeing the truth, she pouted slightly.

She also wanted to go with Su Mo.

It’s just that, because I ate too much.

It made my stomach very uncomfortable, and I will officially start work tomorrow.

Truth needs to go back to the laundry as soon as possible to rest.

I can’t go wandering with Su Mo anymore.


Truth’s beautiful eyes stared at the backs of Su Mo and Jie Hua.

Very curious.

Su Mo, what exactly is he going to do?

Could it be a secret date with Yuhua?

Actually, Su Mo’s thoughts.

It’s very simple, go meet that thief Orfi Enoch.

This guy is considered Kamen Rider 555.

Compared with the unlucky and kind-hearted Orfi Enoch.

If he continues to let it go, he will most likely continue to follow the original trajectory of fate, being forced to attack innocent humans and fall into the endless abyss.

Can’t turn back!

Su Mo is not a great saint like Kaitaro.

But it’s also not a cold-blooded executioner.

For a poor and funny guy like the snail Orfi Enoch.

Su Mo still wanted to help him.

Just when Su Mo thought so, a cold system prompt soundedIt sounded in his mind.

“Ding! The thought of the host was detected, and a hidden task was triggered – the undead snail Orpheus! Get the task reward in advance – the exclusive snail blackening card! Please host the snail Orpheus so that it will not be killed by the intelligence Killed by Brain Group and Kamen Rider!”


You can get hidden missions for mission rewards in advance.

Su Mo paused, a little surprised.

[Name: Exclusive Snail Blackening Card! 】

[How to use: Designate the target – the snail Ophelia, to turn it all black, greatly improve its combat effectiveness, and be 100% loyal to the host! There is no possibility of betrayal! 】

Compared with the blackening card obtained before, it was used on Yu Hua.

This one is a bit special.

is a designated target.

There is no way for other people to use it.

However, Su Mo was not disappointed.

After all, he was also thinking about how to help the snail Ofienuo.

Now the blackening card comes out.

The answer is obvious.

Subdue him directly!

Let him follow her.

In this way, those Orfienuo and other Kamen Riders from the Intellectual Brain Group.

Then he couldn’t attack him.


What puzzled Su Mo was.

He should have defeated Naoya Kaido, the quest progress of the master of Ofi Enoch.

But it didn’t increase.

It was a question of fighting with that guy Kaitang Naoya once before the mission appeared.

Or was it just a simple fist punch just now, which is not a real fight?

“Mr. Mo… did something happen?”

At this time, Yuhua’s gentle voice sounded.

Su Mo came back to his senses and shook his head.

Stretching out his hand, he touched Jie Hua’s head, smiled and said:


He was just thinking…

Next time I will see Naoya Kaido again.

Do you want to be more ruthless?

The entrance of a villa.


Hai Tangzhi also rubbed his suddenly itchy nose.

“Damn it, what’s going on?”

“Someone misses me?”


This feeling is full of malice, it doesn’t seem like someone misses me…

It’s that someone is saying bad things about me!

His back felt cold and his scalp was numb!

This series of physical reactions made Haitangzhi feel that something was wrong.

I didn’t wait for him to think about it.

The people in the villa seemed to have heard his voice.

He took the initiative to open the door.

What came into view was a very… honest and honest face!

It was Yuji Kiba!

Seeing Kaido Naoya outside the door, Kiba Yuji smiled all over his face.

“Haitang! I knew you would come back.”

“I met the kind-hearted people I told you about before today, and they also told me the address of their residence. Next time, I will bring you to meet them together?”

“I believe that after you have been in contact with them, you will definitely agree with my idea of ​​wanting to protect human beings…”

“Because they are really nice people and very interesting.”

Yuji Kiba happily said a lot, but found out.

Hai Tangzhi also had a gloomy face, very unhappy.

Hastily asked:

“Haitang…what’s wrong with you?”

“Did anything happen today?”


what’s going on?

Obtain Faiz equipment – transform into Kamen Rider Faiz – debut to scare off the snail Ophelia!


The arm that was punched by the dark emperor was almost crippled.

Immediately afterwards, he was betrayed by Faiz’s exclusive mount – Pegasus.

A simple summary is…

[Kamen Rider Faiz’s terrible one-day experience! 】


Thinking about what happened not long ago.

The corner of Hai Tangzhi’s mouth twitched crazily, feeling extremely depressed.

The arm that was fisting with Su Mo was still aching.

To protect humans?

I protect Jill!

I didn’t talk nonsense with Kiba Yuji.

Pushing him away, she walked into the villa angrily.


“What happened? Can I help you?”

“No! Shut up! I don’t want to talk!”

“But… Haitang!”

“We are companions, your problem is my problem! Please tell…”

“Baga! You are so annoying!!!”

Intellectual Brain Group, a meeting room.

“Next is the relevant description of the new products of the food department next year.”

“Please take a look at the information at hand.”

A man wearing glasses stood on the podium, just about to speak.

But at this time…

“Hoo hoo~~~”

There was an undisguised, thunderous snoring sound in the meeting room.

The man on the podium frowned, and then talked with the others in the conference room.

They looked at the source of the sound together.

A snorer.

He is the current president of Brain Intelligence Group!

Kyoko Murakami! ! !

“Ahem! President! President?!”

The people beside Xia’er Murakami hurriedly called out.

He wanted to wake up the president.


Kneeling thanks list: [Don’t talk about autumn] [Heisei Gangster_The King of the Devils]【Jiangぎ屋】【WL٩(๑^o^๑)۶】【Saber’】【Human Emperor Fuxi】【Heavenly Dao Is Not the Headquarters】【Private を文を通り抜けるの】【音音霜】【Wenren Chi Meng】【What are you doing, nonsense】【Kirin Brother】【Cronus】

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