I want your head, can you?

“This little brother~ Have we met somewhere?”

“If you can tell people your real identity…”

“I can blow you a kiss~”

“Of course, if you don’t want to fly~ it’s not impossible~”

Before he finished speaking, he even blinked at Su Mo.

have to say.

It’s so windy that it makes lovers (vomit) all kinds of (vomit).

Even Su Mo felt a little overwhelmed.

Said in an extremely cold tone:

“Oh? Then if I want your head, can I?”

As soon as this word comes out!

The atmosphere at the scene instantly became tense.

In an instant, the temperature dropped to freezing point!

It’s like falling into an ice cellar, and the scalp is numb.

SmartLady’s footsteps stopped, and the smile on her face froze.

It seemed that he suspected that he had heard wrong.

Asked tentatively:

“Little brother, you just…”

“Are you talking to someone?”

Su Mo snorted coldly, too lazy to continue talking nonsense.

He directly reached out and made a fist.

Attack on SmartLady.

not good! ! !

SmartLady’s reaction was not slow, the moment Su Mo just made a move.

Then he stepped back quickly and avoided the fist by luck.

Although she is not an ordinary person, but…

Not good at fighting.

And the Kamen Rider in front of him is obviously unusual.

SmartLady doesn’t dare to take risks lightly.

He took a few steps back, his body tensed.

He looked at Su Mo warily.

At this moment, she no longer deliberately spoke in that delicate and disgusting voice.

The tone was equally cold.

“Who the hell are you?!”

Obviously, what she wanted to ask.

It’s not the name of Kamen Riders such as Emperor Qi, Faiz, etc.

Instead, I want to ask what power or human identity Su Mo belongs to.

But Su Mo didn’t intend to answer her honestly.

Not all questions can be answered correctly.

Instead, he shook his hand, ready to punch SmartLady again.

The punch just now was just a random blow.

Su Mo was not surprised to be dodged.

But next…

SmartLady must die!

SmartLady seems to have noticed this too.

Biting her lip, she glanced unwillingly at the snail Aofienuo.

With a flash of figure, he left here decisively.

She is just a little secretary.

I haven’t lived enough yet!

“Tsk, you run really fast.”

Su Mo smiled slightlyHead, didn’t care about the SmartLady who was leaving.

She set her sights on the snail Orfienuo.

I noticed Su Mo’s gaze.

The snail Orfi Enoch shuddered and swallowed frantically.

asked tremblingly:

“You… are you here to find me?”

Su Mo nodded, and followed suit.

The whole body’s aura changed suddenly, and the Kamen Rider form disappeared.

Instead, there was a peerless human appearance.

Seeing Su Mo’s true face clearly, the snail Aofienuo’s eyes widened.


“It’s you!!!”

He recognized it.

The person in front of him is the “enemy” who wanted to catch himself, one of the thieves not long ago.

Su Mo put his hands in his pockets and hooked his mouth.

“That’s right, it’s me.”

“I came to you not to kill you, nor to hand you over to the police.”

At the same time, another figure came out from behind Su Mo.

Long black hair, tall figure.

It was Yuka Nagata!

Didn’t you want to kill yourself?

Didn’t you want to catch yourself?

The snail Orfi Enoch couldn’t help but have question marks all over his head.


What else are you looking for?

Jiehua was also a little curious, she tilted her head slightly and looked at Su Mo.

On the way, she didn’t ask.

Su Mo didn’t say anything either.

“My purpose is very simple, to help you poor guy.”

Sensing the puzzlement of the two, Su Mo said softly.

help him?

help me?

Yuhua and the snail Orfienuo are not fools.

Thinking of what SmartLady said just now, I understood what Su Mo meant.

He wants to help the snail Orfienuo not be threatened by the Brain Group.

Forced to attack humans.

A smile appeared on Yuhua’s perfect face.

The gaze towards Su Mo became softer.

If that fellow Kaitaro knew what Mo Jun was thinking, he would definitely turn pale with shock.

After all, in his impression, Mo Jun…

But he has always been a bad guy with a very bad personality.

However, actually.

Mo Jun is more gentle and kind than anyone else.

Very caring.

This point, on the matter of Yuhua and the snail Orfienuo.

It can be proved.

“You mean, you want to help me?”

“Aren’t you afraid of being targeted by people from Zhinao Group?”

The snail Orfienuo wanted to confirm again that a Kamen Rider who suddenly appeared wanted to help him.

He felt incredible.

If you help him, you will be targeted by those guys from the Intellectual Brain Group.

Even if the person in front of him is a Kamen Rider.

It should be very troublesome, right?

The most important thing…

This Kamen Rider…

Why do you want to help yourself? ? ?

The snail Orfienoch asked himself, he was nothing but Orfienoch.

Apart from being stronger than ordinary people, there is nothing special about it.

Su Mo said in a flat tone:

“After what happened just now, do you think I will be afraid?”

Hearing this, the snail Ophelia was stunned.


that’s true……

In the situation just now, it is obvious that SmartLady will not leave.

will be killed by Su Mo on the spot!

Dare to kill the secretary of the president of Zhinao Group.

It is enough to prove that Su Mo is not afraid of Zhinao Group.


Because of this, the snail Orfienuo became even more puzzled.

Such a guy, why should he help himself?

Without waiting for him to ask.

Su Mo’s next words have already answered him.

“The reason why you helped me is that I feel that you are too pitiful, which makes a caring Kamen Rider like me a little bit embarrassed.”

“Besides, helping you is not unconditional.”

A caring Kamen Rider?

I see……

The snail Orfienuo nodded, although he still found it inconceivable.

But there’s no need to lie to him.

As for the conditions.

The snail Orfienuo was not disappointed.

He never believed that pies would fall from the sky.

Instead, I believe that no pains, no gains.

This is why he worked so hard that he died suddenly…

The reason for stealing the leftovers and helping others clean up.

If you want to get something, you must first pay a certain price.


Kneeling thanks list: [Tang Xiaozheng] [Don’t say autumn 㔓] [Zhatian Gang-Dawang] [User

】【Autumn Night Sky】【In a certain corner (?)】【Underworld General – Heinous】【Xiao Feng Remnant Night】

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