Blackened Snail Orfienuo! Conquer! mission completed

“Then, what is your condition?”

The snail Orfi Enoch swallowed, and asked cautiously.

I was thinking in my heart.

What do I have [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″5.; 6 West, the other party can see it.


“I want you……”


? ?

? ? ?



Hearing these three words, the expressions of the snail Aofienuo and Yuhua changed.

Very surprised.

Snail Ophelia EnochZhi subconsciously moved two steps to the side.

He didn’t expect that!

The “big man” in front of me…

She actually wanted to get his beauty! ! !

Jie Hua also looked at Su Mo with an expression of disbelief.

In her beautiful eyes, there were faint tears flickering.


The corner of Su Mo’s mouth twitched.

He naturally understood what messed things were going on in the minds of the two of them [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″ 5 in.; 6 West.

“It’s very impolite to interrupt when others are talking, okay?”

“What I want is him… Ah bah!”

Su Mo thought for a while, thinking about what to say to make it less confusing.

In the end, I was too lazy to waste my tongue.

With a thought, a card with dark purple light appeared out of thin air between his fingers.

See this card.

Jiehua’s eyes lit up, this Dong [source; source group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″ 5 in.; 6 West!

She is familiar!

I understand what Su Mo is going to do.

I quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out that he was just taking over this kind-hearted Ophelia as his younger brother.

Just say…

How could Mr. Mo be a guy with special hobbies like Kaitaro.

Yuka thought that Kaitaro was either pestering his Aqiao all day long, or chatting and laughing with his aunts and guests in their 30s and 40s.

He couldn’t help but let out a slightly disgusted “Huh~”.


Yu Hua quickly shook her head, throwing out the strange thoughts in her mind.

Keitaro: Hello, hello? Make it clear to me! What do you mean I have a special hobby? ! !

Su Mo didn’t say much, just flicked it casually.

The blackening card automatically flew to the snail Aofienuo.

The snail Orfi Enoch was taken aback.

He hasn’t agreed yet! ! !

However, there was no time to react.

The blackening card automatically turned into a dark purple light in the air.

Like lightning, it entered the body of the snail Orfienuo.

next moment!

Around the body of the snail Orfienuo, streams of black air emerged.

The aura of the whole person is rising rapidly!

Originally, his combat effectiveness evaluation was at C-!

But now, it is:


B-! !

B+! ! !


The evaluation of the combat effectiveness of the snail Orfienuo stopped at A-!

Even if he is not good at fighting.

At this time, he is no longer something ordinary people can fight against.

The blackening is over!

The black air around the body of the snail Orfienuo slowly dissipated.

The snail Orfi Enuo looked at Su Mo in front of him.

His eyes were full of gratitude and admiration.

Half kneeling on the ground, he shouted respectfully:


From now on, the order of the man in front of me.

It is the imperial decree!

Even if it means letting him die.

The snail Orfienuo didn’t hesitate.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission – Ophelia, the snail who deserves to die!”

At the same time, the other side.

In a small car, there was a driver and Kyoji Murakami who continued to fall asleep.


Several cars rushed over from the road ahead.

The car that Murakami Xia’er was in was immediately surrounded.


Looking at a dozen big men in black clothes and sunglasses who got off from the surrounding vehicles.

The driver panicked instantly, and quickly woke up Kyo’er Murakami beside him.


Murakami Kyo’er soon came to her senses.

Glancing around, he saw someone walking towards him aggressively.

Then I understood what was going on.

With a cold snort, he opened the car door.

walked out.

“Are you Murakami Kyo’er?”

Soon, a big man in sunglasses came to Murakami Xia’er.

As a result, as soon as she opened her mouth to continue to say something, Murakami Kyo’er immediately made a move.

With a punch, it hit the big man’s abdomen.

Immediately afterwards!

A tall, muscular man.

Was blown away with one punch! ! !

In the end, he fell heavily on the ground!

“how come?!!”

Seeing this, the big men around them widened their eyes.

A look of disbelief.

This Murakami Xia…

Know martial arts?

Murakami Kyo’er sneered.

“A bunch of idiots!”

“do you know?”

“I, the person I hate the most…”

“It’s just being woken up by others while sleeping.”

“So, I’m sorry.”

“Today, all of you are going to die here!”

Hearing Murakami Kyo’er’s words.

More than a dozen big men at the scene frowned.

It’s really quite arrogant.

Although I was surprised at the strength of Kyoji Murakami who was able to knock a companion into the air with a single punch just now.


No matter how strong he is!

It’s just one person.

Let’s go together, I don’t believe he can’t be killed!


One of the big guys who was closest to Murakami Kyoer shouted:

“Before you die, let you die to understand.”

“Guys like you are too immature to be the president of the Intellectual Brain Group!”

“Don’t you like to sleep?”

“Then you can’t wake up here!!!”

After finishing speaking, he waved the stick in his hand.

AsamuraXia’er smashed it hard! ! !

The speed is extremely fast!

And Murakami Kyo’er didn’t seem to be able to react.

Don’t dodge or dodge!

Just stood there stupidly.

The big man wielding the stick smiled secretly.

I thought how strong it was.

this one?


What he didn’t expect was!

The moment the stick in his hand came into contact with Murakami Kyo’er’s body!

On the stick, a brilliant blue flame suddenly ignited! ! !

The big man subconsciously let go of his hand, and was thrown to the ground by the flaming stick.

Accompanied by a “ding”.

The stick weapon was burned to ashes! ! !

“How is this possible?!!”

Everyone at the scene was shocked.

Some couldn’t believe what was happening in front of them.

But that Murakami Xia’er was not surprised.

The corners of his mouth were raised slightly, revealing an inexplicable smile.

Spreading out his arms, the whole person actually flew up!

Stand firmly in mid-air! ! !


Seeing this, everyone at the scene was completely dumbfounded.

The menacing men began to retreat subconsciously.

They panicked!

They all understand, this Murakami Xia’er!

It’s not easy, and it’s not something that I and others can handle.


Only now did he realize that he was a prey, and it was already too late.

Kyo’er Murakami said coldly:

“Get down!”

Immediately afterwards!

Between his hands, a blue energy light ball appeared out of thin air! ! !

And it is expanding rapidly!

From the size of a palm! !

It turned into a huge blue sun! ! !


Kneeling thanks list: [Human Emperor Fuxi] [Libra Ben Scale] [Yanyu East [Resources’ Group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″ 5.; 6 City] [Gu King who loves cocoa nougat] [Davari’s passing by] [Zha Tian Gang Yi Boss] [I want to kill you all] [Yo Ye Tong] (4.5 )

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