Crane Ophelia Reappears! welcome


“What a beautiful little sister~”

“Do you want to play with us?”

Su Mo and Jie Hua were walking towards the laundry shop hand in hand.


Out of nowhere, three spirited guys surrounded her.

All of them looked at Jiehua with silvery eyes.

It seems to have ignored Su Mo who obviously has an unusual relationship with Jiehua.


In reality, there really are such brainless brats.

Sure enough, art comes from life.

Su Mo stood in front of Jiehua, and glanced at the three people in front of him blankly.

“Go away, or… die!”

The eyes of the three finally moved from Jie Hua to Su Mo.

Seeing that Su Mo looks so handsome.

They were all a little surprised.

However, after hearing what Su Mo said.

The three of them were not afraid, and even laughed playfully together.

“Boy, who are you terribly threatening?”

“Are people these days talking so loudly? I’m so scared to let people die at every turn. Please, can you kill me immediately?!”

“Hey, your face is really amazing. I’m fascinated by it. Oh yes, let me introduce myself. I just like women, men…I like it too~”

“Especially a handsome man like you~”

These three spiritual guys are a threat to Su Mo.

They all scoffed.

Just kidding, these days.

There are fights.

Can kill?

Or on the street? ? ?

And ah!

They looked at Su Mo.

There is no weapon in his hand, and his body is not muscular. He is very tall and strong.

How to kill them?

Are you dreaming?

One of the three spirited guys was a guy who gave up on knotting flowers and took Su Mo as his target instead.


How disgusting!

The corner of Su Mo’s mouth twitched, he was too lazy to talk nonsense with the three people in front of him.

We must make a quick decision to eliminate the three people in front of us.

But at this moment!

Su Mo noticed that someone behind him tugged at the corner of his clothes.Obviously, it’s the knot flower!

“What’s wrong?”

Su Mo turned his head and asked.

Jiehua pursed her lips and said softly:

“Mr. Mo, let me come.”

She can handle this kind of bastard by herself.

Jiehua doesn’t want to, she needs Su Mo’s help in everything she encounters.


Let her come?

Before Su Mo responded, the eyes of the three spirited guys lit up.

What does this mean?

This pretty little sister wants to “fight” with them? ? ?

“Did you hear that? My little sister wants to come by herself!”

“You bastard, stop meddling in your own business!”

“Get out of the way!!!”

Yuhua’s charm has always been very high.

It’s just that when I was in school, I always wore worn-out school uniforms.

With loose hair, she lowered her head habitually.

Make Yuhua’s charm unable to come out.

And now!

After staying with Su Mo for so long, Jie Hua no longer had the low self-esteem she had before.

On the contrary, she was very confident and started to dress up.

The charm is completely released!

She has long, smooth black hair and an alluring face.

Fair skin and a well-proportioned figure.

Plus a pair of slender and well-proportioned white and tender long legs.

Attracting the attention of others all the time.

More importantly!

There is an inexplicable femininity about Jiehua.

Very charming!

Otherwise, these three spirited guys wouldn’t have surrounded them in such a hurry.

Even knowing the relationship between Su Mo and Jiehua may not be easy.

They didn’t care either.

after all……

Wouldn’t it be more exciting to have a married woman?

Yuhua took a step forward and looked at the three of them.

A beautiful smile appeared on her innocent face.


do not know why!

Seeing this smile, those three spirited guys.

But I felt a little shuddering.


A sound like a meat grinder sounded.

Accompanied by the weird pattern on Jiehua’s face! ! !

In the sky, white feathers also fell!

“This… what is this?”

“No, run away!!!”

“Help, she is a monster!!!”

The three mental boys finally panicked and realized something was wrong.

Qi Qi took a few steps back.

They wanted to escape, but it was too late.

When they came to surround Su Mo and the two of them.

It is already a mortal end.

Jiehua’s figure changed drastically!

The human form disappeared, and Crane Ophelia took the form of Enoch!

Appeared again! ! !

next moment!

With a big wave of Jiehua’s hand, countless white feathers instantly attacked the three of them!


“I was wrong, don’t kill me!”

“don’t want!!!”

Several consecutive screams sounded.

Then, there was no movement.

Watching the bodies of the three spiritual boys completely ashes.

Yuka exhaled, and released Orfienuo’s form.

Reverted to human form.

This is not the first time she has killed.

But the previous two times, they were demonizing Orfienuo.

And this time…

But they are real human beings! ! !

“Don’t be burdened, they deserve it.”

Su Mo stretched out his hand and gently touched Jie Hua’s head.

As a time traveler, he possesses powerful power.

In this life, of course, I want to live a chic and comfortable life.

Come as you feel comfortable.

He is not a good old man like Keitaro.

Perhaps it was Kaitaro who took care of this matter. He taught him a lesson and the other party apologized.

It’s over. After all, it’s not a crime to die just for verbal teasing.

It can be here at Su Mo.

It is already a very merciful way to die if the woman who dares to tease him is killed directly.


“Mr. Mo, I’m fine.”

“Shall we go back?”

Jie Hua smiled and hugged Su Mo’s arm.

“It’s time to go back. It’s all because of that idiot Truth.”

“Woke me up early in the morning.”

“I didn’t sleep well. I need to sleep a little longer when I get back.”

As Su Mo said, he yawned.

Immediately afterwards, he reached out and pulled.

The aurora curtain appeared in front of the two of them.

Su Mo and Jie Hua did not hesitate.

They went in together directly.

Soon, the two of them disappeared together with the aurora curtain.

After they left.

When someone passed by here, they saw a pile of white feathers and dust on the ground.

Although he was puzzled, he was just a little puzzled.

What happened here before, for those passing by.

not important.

at the same time!

The entrance of Kikuchi Laundromat.

“Yoxi, this store has existed for such a long time.”

Hai Tangzhi also looked at the four characters of “a century-old store” on the plaque of the laundry shop.

Can’t help being surprised.

In the east [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″5.;6 He has never heard of the capital city for so long.

“Huh! This is it!”

“Let’s go in quickly!”

Kiba Yuji took a deep breath, and he was about to enter the store with Kaido Naoya.

At this time, the people in the store seemed to see them.

Opening the door, she shouted enthusiastically:



Kneeling thanks list: [I do notRegret, Love You]【Cronus】【User

】【Can’t buy any more snacks】【Gu King who loves cocoa nougat】【Yunshan wants to raise a cat】【Human Emperor Fuxi】【Zhatian Gang… Xingtian】(4.7)

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