: It’s You? ! ! Yuji Kiba arrives

What caught my eye were two young men.

“Nani! It’s you guys?!”

“How could it be you!!!”

Wait until Kaido Naoya, Kiba Yuji and the two people facing each other clearly see each other’s faces.

They all couldn’t help but exclaimed!

Hai Tangzhi was also very shocked, he didn’t expect it.

In this Kikuchi laundry shop, I actually saw the “Disobedient-Snail Orfienuo” that I wanted to eliminate last night! ! !

When the Intellectual Brain Group handed over the clearing task to him, the photos of the snail Ofienuo in human form and monster form were also handed over to him.

Therefore, the human form of the snail Orfienuo can be recognized.

Also, Keitaro is here too.


It shouldn’t be the three good people that Yongzhi said! !

Did you stay with that guy from the Dark Emperor Cavalry?

And Kiba Yuji was also very surprised.

He came here to find Su Mo and the others.

In the end, I saw Kaitaro who often appeared with Qianqiao!

Doesn’t this mean…

Skillful, Dark Emperor Cavalry.

And Su Mo and others, do they live together? ? ?

There is such a coincidence…


In this way, it will be very easy to find the human form of the Dark Emperor Cavalry.

And Keitaro and the snail Orfi Enoch…ahh!

should be:

Tsuruta Hideyoshi is right.

This is the real name of the snail Orfienuo.

(Suggestion from a reader-passing brother Diqi)

Keitaro was also surprised.

They didn’t expect that Kaitang Naoya would come to his door again.

Sensing the suspicious gaze of Tsuruta Hideyoshi beside him, Keitaro leaned over and said something in a low voice, and then!

Tsuruta Hideyoshi looked at Kaido Naoya, his eyes widened!

Subconsciously, she took a step back.

He already understood, this guy.

So it turned out to be the person who attacked him last night.

But if you think about it carefully, it’s not right!

Now, I am already a member of Su Mo.

The guy in front of him doesn’t have the transformation equipment of Kamen Rider Faiz.

Is he afraid of shit?

Therefore, he took another two steps forward.

“What are you doing here?”

Tsuruta Hideyoshi looked at Kaido Naoya warily.


“You think I want to come? It’s not this guy who said he was looking for someone good from Su Mo.”

Hai Tangzhi also curled his lips, and said angrily.

Hearing this, Tsuruta Hideyoshi and Keitaro looked at Kiba Yuji together.

This guy……

It’s a face-to-face.

It’s just that Keitaro didn’t know why.

When I saw Yuji Kiba, I felt very familiar.

It seems that I have seen him somewhere.

“Hello, I’m here to find Su Mo, Zhenzhen, and Jiehua. They said that if you want to find them, you can just come here.”

Kiba Yuji took a deep breath and said softly.


Do you know Su Mo and the others?

It seems that they shouldn’t be enemies.

That being the case, Kaitaro showed a sunny smile.

“Su Mo and the others live here, but they are out temporarily.”

“I might be back in a while, don’t stand outside, come in?”

After Keitaro finished speaking, he made a gesture of invitation to the laundry.

Keitaro had no objection, and Kiba Yuji knew his master again.

Tsuruta Hideyoshi didn’t have much to say.

opened his mouth and said:

“Please come in!”

Kiba Yuji nodded and walked into the laundry.

Haitang Zhi also followed naturally.

Soon, Yuji Kiba and the two were in the laundry.

I also saw Qianqiao!

As soon as they met, Ganqiao and Haitangzhi also looked at each other.

It seems that there are electric currents colliding violently in the air!

The atmosphere is very strange.

Current Faiz equipment user VS previous Faiz equipment user.

Seeing this, Kiba Yuji shook his head and laughed.

Obviously he brought Haitang Zhiye to meet people and make friends.


Why does it feel like Kaitang Zhiya knows everyone here?

Although Ganqiao and Tsuruta Hideyoshi are not happy seeing Kaitang straight.

Hai Tangzhi also saw that the two of them were equally upset.


Perhaps because of Su Mo’s face, the three of them didn’t really fight.

It’s just that the sight collides from time to time, and there will be a cold snort and so on.

Do some small movements.

On the other hand, Keitaro and Kiba Yuji were sitting on the sofa, communicating with each other in a friendly manner.

Keitaro introduced Ganqiao and Tsuruta Hideyoshi to Kiba Yuji.

Yuji Kiba explained his purpose for coming.

By listening to their exchanges.

Kaitang also understood why Tsuruta Hideyoshi appeared here.

It turned out that he became a wage earner in a laundry shop!

In fact, when last night.

When Su Mo and Yuhua showed up at the laundry with Tsuruta Hideyoshi.

Kaitaro was very surprised. He didn’t expect Su Mo and the others to go out for this thief, Ophelia, and what’s even more surprising!

Su Mo subdued him and wanted this guy to live in the laundry.At that time, Keitaro refused.

Although he is very interested in this kind and funny thief Orfi Enoch.


Living together or something…

It’s too dangerous, after all, it’s an Orfi Enoch! ! !

But when he saw Su Mo raised his fist with a smile.

Keitaro understood.

Su Mo was not discussing with him.


Notice and order! ! !

Fortunately, this Tsuruta Hideyoshi is easy to talk to.

He can do whatever he is asked to do, as an employee.

He is very qualified!

So, Keitaro is concerned about his stay.

Generally speaking, it is quite welcome.

Qianqiao is also very satisfied with this.

Because he found out that when Tsuruta Hideyoshi came, this guy Keitaro.

Finally, I stopped pestering myself! ! !

After listening to Yuji Kiba’s “After being knocked unconscious in the underground garage, he was rescued by the three of Su Mo”, Keitaro nodded suddenly.

“So that’s how you know them.”

Afterwards, he looked at Yuji Kiba as if he believed that Su Mo was a good person.

I couldn’t help but opened my mouth and said:

“It’s true that Su Mo helped you, but…”

“I think it should be suggested by Truth and Miss Yuhua.”

“Otherwise, Su Mo wouldn’t be so kind.”

“Let me tell you, that guy Su Mo has a very bad personality and is selfish! In my life, I have never seen someone who is more…”

Kaitaro kept saying bad things about Su Mo.

But what he didn’t realize was…

Say one more sentence every time!

Ganqiao, Tsuruta Hideyoshi, and Kiba Yuji looked at him more and more strangely, faintly, and somewhat murderously…


Finally, Keitaro noticed something was wrong.

Why is it getting colder and colder?

After recovering, he found Yuji Kiba in front of him.

He was looking gloomy, staring at himself coldly.



Kneeling thanks list: [Yu Yige] [Gu King who loves cocoa nougat] [Can’t buy snacks anymore] [Don’t talk about autumn] [“God Controls the World”] [Boss Zhu who loves rose seed ginger] [Yuan’s Preface] [Human Emperor Fuxi] [Wenren Chi Meng] [Yin Yetong]

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