Here I Come! It was to find the Dark Emperor Rider! Is it really wrong?

“Mr. Keitaro, although Su Mo and I have only met twice, he is definitely not as selfish as you said, and he is a person with a bad personality.”

“I hope you will stop saying such slanderous words, otherwise!”

“Don’t blame me for being rude!!!”

Kiba Yuji said in an extremely serious tone.

He never believed that Su Mo was the kind of person that Kaitaro said.

“No, I didn’t lie!”

Keitaro was dumbfounded by such an insult.

Why does this guy in front of him trust Su Mo so much? ? ?

And what he didn’t expect was that.

Old friend – clever work.

New friend – Tsuruta Hideyoshi!

They also spoke together.

“Kitaro, don’t you think it’s very disgusting for you to speak ill of others behind your back?!”

“Although you are the store manager, but…”

“If you slander the master, I can’t pretend that I didn’t hear it~”


? ?

? ? ?

He was beaten up by the three of them in succession.

Keitaro was a little suspicious of life.

Could it be…

Is it really my fault? ? ?

Hai Tangzhi on the side also covered his mouth, trying not to laugh out loud.

Interesting, very interesting! ! !

Coincidentally, he didn’t care about the autistic Keitaro.

Looking at Yuji Kiba, he offered to extend his hand.

A rare smile appeared on his handsome face.

“Since you are Su Mo’s friend, then you are also my friend.”

“Let me introduce myself formally. I’m a clever guy!”

Kiba Yuji also smiled.

It still feels so simple and honest.


“I’m Yuji Kiba!!”

“We will definitely become good friends too!!!”

After the voice fell, he also stretched out his hand.

As soon as the two hands were held together, the door of the laundry opened.

Squeak——! ! !

Hearing the movement, everyone in the laundry looked at the door one after another.

It caught my eye.

They are a man and a woman with extremely good looks and a perfect match.

It was Su Mo and Jiehua who sent Zhenzhen to work.

“Eh? You’re here.”

I saw Kiba Yuji and Kaido Naoya in the house.

Su Mo frowned, a little surprised.

Kiba Yuji hurriedly stood up, and said with a smile on his face:

“Well! I want to see where Su Mo and you live.”

“And I also want Haitang to become friends with you.”

Before he finished speaking, he pointed to Kaitang Naoya beside him.

“This is my good companion, Kaitang Naoya!”

Immediately afterwards, he took two steps towards the door and turned around.

Naoya Kaitang also introduced:

“Haitang! He is the Mr. Su Mo I often tell you about!”

“This is Ms. Yuhua, how are you? Are they all pretty?”

“There is also Miss Truth, who should have gone to work. She is also very cute.”

After Yuji Kiba finished his introduction, he suddenly noticed something was wrong.

Howhow do you feel…

Whether it’s Su Mo and the others, or Haitang Zhiya.

Didn’t you feel any surprise or excitement when you saw the other party?


Looking at Su Mo, a guy he loves and hates.

Hai Tang also snorted lightly, and didn’t say much.


Tsuruta Hideyoshi was also very happy when Su Mo came back.

Walking over quickly, he shouted respectfully.

And hearing Tsuruta Hideyoshi’s address to Su Mo, Kiba Yuji’s expression became strange.

He didn’t know that Hideyoshi Tsuruta was an Ophelia.

In Kiba Yuji’s eyes, Tsuruta Hideyoshi is a male human being.

But such a person stared at another good-looking man with fiery eyes, and called “Master” or something like that with a serious face.


Even Kiba Yuji felt that this scene was very weird.

Su Mo was also helpless.

Sighing, he said to Tsuruta Hideyoshi:

“Didn’t I say? Don’t call me master.”

“Just call me son or young master.”

It’s really weird for a man to call him master or something.

If it was a beautiful girl, such as Yuhua, it would be more or less the same.

“Yes! I see, young master!”

Tsuruta Hideyoshi didn’t refute, and honestly changed his name.


Yuji Kiba knew that in some real big families.

The relationship between the servant and the master has been maintained.

Many servants have been trained since childhood and are very loyal.

Coupled with Su Mo’s noble demeanor, Kiba Yuji has reason to suspect that Su Mo is a son of a rich family who came out of a big family to practice.

However, if that’s the case.

Su Mo, this friend, should be even more intimate.

It’s not because Su Mo may have the background of a big family behind him.

It’s because, being in a big family at the top of human society, you can still have such a noble character of being so elegant, easy-going, and helpful.

It becomes even more commendable.

After all, even Yuji Kiba, the former rich second generation, was nothing more than a countryman in the eyes of many young masters from top families.

When Su Mo came, no matter it was Ganqiao or Kiba Yusuke, they were in charge.

They all came to chat around Su Mo, chatting and laughing very lively.

As for Kaitaro, he sighed helplessly.

He discovered that he was the owner of this laundry shop.

Unexpectedly, I couldn’t get in the middle of the conversation! ! !

Looking at Su Mo, who was held by the stars, Kaitaro was very envious.

He also wants the feeling that everyone around him is dominated by himself.


Thinking of what I said cleverly before.


“You don’t think you’re talking bad about people behind their backs…”

“Is it very disgusting?!”

Keitaro smiled bitterly, I think, I was really wrong.

Su Mo shouldn’t be treated with prejudice all the time.

at this time!

He suddenly heard Kiba Yuji ask:

“By the way, there is actually one more thing I need to do this time.”

“It’s that dark knight, the Kamen Rider Imperial Knight! I want to meet him!”

As soon as these words came out, the entire laundry shop suddenly fell silent.

Keitaro blinked, Kiba Yuji…

You probably don’t know that the Dark Emperor Rider is Su Mo, right? ? ?


“What’s wrong?”

“Is there any trouble?”

Watching the crowd suddenly fall silent, and looking at Su Mo from time to time with small eyes.

Kiba Yuji was stunned for a moment, and asked in puzzlement.

According to Kaitang Naoya, the human form of the Dark Emperor Rider is ugly, and very ugly.

In this way, Su Mo, Jie Hua, and Gan Qiao were directly excluded.

Keitaro, who has an ugly heart, is just an ordinary person.

He was also present when the Dark Emperor Cavalry was present.

So Kaitaro can’t be the Dark Emperor Rider.

And the rest of Tsuruta Hideyoshi…

The appearance can only be regarded as ordinary, not ugly, let alone extremely ugly.

In addition, if he is really Kamen Rider Dark Emperor Rider.

It’s impossible to surrender to others! ! !


Kneeling thank you list: [Xiao Feng Remnant Night] [Lovely Yae Shenzi] [Underworld General – Heinous] [Qing Feng] [Chen Xie] [Xu Family who loves ribs and potatoes] (Innocent and hot~) (3.8)

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