“Error!” (Error!) The proud Nishida Kiyotaka

The golden-yellow energy body that looked like an electric drill came to the back of the crocodile’s head in the blink of an eye. Kiyoko Nishida pierced through the enemy’s body together with the electric drill energy body in a flying kick.

While Nishida Qinggao’s feet landed on the ground, the crocodile Orfi Enoch’s body.

A blue flame spontaneously ignited, and a yellow X-shaped text appeared on his body.


Amidst the unwilling roar of the crocodile Aofienuo, his strong Aofienuo body.

It fell into a state of ashes, and quickly fell to the ground as sand.

at the same time!

In Su Mo’s mind, the system’s notification tone also sounded.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host and the bonded object-J, for defeating the crocodile Aofienuo-J together. The master of Aufienuo’s mission progress +1!”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the assist reward – when the race of the fighting monster is Ophelia, all the damage caused will be increased to eleven times!!!”

The appearance of the system notification sound surprised Su Mo a little.

He did not destroy the crocodile Orfienuo.

It wasn’t wiped out by accident.

Can I get assist rewards like this?


Thinking about how before Kaixa appeared, he and Gan Qiao severely injured the crocodile Ofienuo.

Shaking his head, he stopped thinking about these things.

Anyway, it’s not a bad thing.

But just when Su Mo and Qian Qiao released their transformation status.

The newly appeared Kamen Rider Kaixa!

But something went wrong.

I see!

After the enemy was wiped out, Qinggao Xitian was about to leave towards Su Mo and the others.

A burst of yellow current emerges from the Kaixa driver.

And quickly enveloped Nishida Qinggao’s whole body.

At the same time, a sound effect sounded.

[Error! 】(mistake!)


Xi Tian Qinggao let out a scream, and sparks shot out from his body.

“not good……”

“Sure enough… Even I am not the real owner of this belt?”

Nishida Qinggao understands that he…

I’m afraid they will fall into death just like the people who used the Kaixa belt.

Panting heavily, he took a deep look at Su Mo and the others in front of him, then turned around and left the scene quickly.

Whether Su Mo and the others are enemies or friends is still unclear.

Even if he dies, he cannot die here.

The Kaixa belt must be handed over to the teacher and the others! ! !

“Eh? If I’m not mistaken, the shape-shifter is Nishida Kiyotaka, right?”

“Why does he look like he’s running away???”

Truth frowned slightly, her cute face was full of puzzlement.

Obviously they were the ones who asked him to come, but in the end…

Now, he left without saying anything.

“Perhaps, they still don’t trust us.”

Su Mo looked normal, with his hands in his pockets.

Said in a casual tone.

“Don’t trust?”

Truth pouted slightly, was it because of the problem with Kaixa’s belt?

By the way, what happened to Qinggao Nishida just now?

Even though the transformation was successful, why is there still an [Error] sound effect?

Truth can remember very clearly, she heard this voice last time.

It was when Kaitaro failed to transform.

The last time I heard it was when she failed to transform herself…


What a terrible experience…

At this time, Keitaro asked curiously:

“Do you know the Kamen Rider just now?”

Truth nodded. This is not something to hide.

“Yes, he is the same as Quan Kai, and he is also Su Mo and I’s companion in Meteor School, although the relationship is not very good.”


It can only be said that they are ordinary friends.

Therefore, it is understandable for Nishida Qinggao to distrust himself and others.

The dust left by the ashes of Orfienoch the crocodile.

Floating with the wind, it came to a corner not far from the playground.

There is no one here.

There was only one puppy sitting on the ground, silently waiting for its owner.


The dust gathered around the puppy.

Gradually, it condensed into a tall and burly figure.

It was J, one of the Lucky Clover members!

After J was resurrected, he held Chuck in his arms.Gently caress with the palm of your hand and rub your face slightly.


“Let’s go back…”

After the words fell, J hugged Chuck and left here.

He lost a life, but his strength has also been enhanced.

On the other side, in the unknown woods.




A group of people were desperately calling Nishida Kiyotaka’s name.

His face was extremely anxious.

One of the middle-aged men who looked about forty years old shouted to everyone:

“Everyone, work harder!”

“The GPS on Nishida’s body was last located here.”

When everyone heard the words, they nodded in unison.

Then he took another step, opened his mouth and shouted to search.


A cry of exclamation attracted everyone’s attention.

“Everyone, come quickly, I found it!!!”

Everyone came to the source of the sound one after another, and saw the person they were looking for!

Kiyoko Nishida! ! !

At this time, he was wearing glasses, one of which was broken.

With a disheveled face and a corner of his mouth full of blood, it was in his hands.

Still holding Kaixa’s driver and Kaixa phone tightly.


“Cheer up!!!”

Amid the shouts of everyone, the dying Nishida Qinggao opened his eyes.

Looking at the crowd, he said in a weak voice:



“I did it… I successfully wiped out an Orfienoch!!!”

As he spoke, Nishida Kiyotaka showed a proud smile.

He is currently the one who uses the Kaixa belt, and has the longest transformation time.

The best record!

It’s just a pity…

The side effects of using the belt still cannot be eliminated.

Before everyone could say anything, Nishida Qinggao continued:

“Also… still!”

“The dog is dead…”

“In the hands of Su Mo and Zhenzhen, there are really other Kamen Rider belts.”

“And… there are two…”

Hearing this, everyone’s eyes widened.

The news they got was that Hanakata sent a belt named Faiz to Truth, but why did Kiyoko Nishida say…

Su Mo and Zhenzhen, do they have two Kamen Rider belts? ? ?

“One of them is Faiz, and the other…”

“It’s darkness…”


Kneeling thanks list: [∞Chase] [Gu King Who Loves Cocoa Nougat] [Cronus] [Yunshan Wants to Raise a Cat] [Handsome Guys Can ᵉᵒᵐ.] [Social People Say] [World’s The Destroyer decade] [Don’t say autumn 㔓] [Yoyin Yetong] [Xiaofeng Remnant Ye] [Qingfeng] [Underworld – extremely vicious] [Bei Xiaoxuan gg]

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